chapter 21 - King of the Damned

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From 9.09 "Holy Terror", at the rendezvous spot, Angel Glee Clubber 1 and Theo threw Angel Blades into the two male Angels behind Bartholomew's assistant, killing them, making them flash with bright white light. The bodies fell. Malachi stabbed Bartholomew's assistant, killing her, making her flash with bright white light, taking it out, letting the body fall.

Castiel: (voice over from 9.09 Holy Terror) "Angels."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", in the woods, a group was sitting around a circle, holding books, presumably Bibles. Angel Glee Clubber 1 was giving a speech. An Angel arrived behind the Angel Glee Clubber, stabbing her in the back with an Angel Blade, killing her, making her scream and flash with bright white light, letting the body fall. Other Angels attacked the Humans, putting their hands to their heads, smiting them, killing them, even while they screamed, letting the bodies fall. The Angel Grace floated away, fleeing the scene.

Castiel: (voice over from 9.09 Holy Terror) "Butchering Angels."

From 9.09 "Holy Terror", in the motel room, Octavia looked at Castiel. "It's madness."

From 9.14 "Captives", in the fancy office building's office, Bartholomew punched Octavia in the face twice.

Octavia didn't make a move to fight back. "Angels fighting Angels has to stop somewhere. Might as well stop with me."

Bartholomew picked up an Angel Blade. "Don't kid yourself, Octavia. You don't want to die. Not again. Once I get too far, your instinct for... self-defense, as you call it, will take over."

"Then let it," Octavia told him.

Bartholomew drew Octavia's Angel Sword from his jacket, standing, running toward her from behind. Octavia turned to face him, catching his arm as he tried to stab her with her own sword, turning it on him, stabbing him in the stomach, killing him, making him flash with bright white light, taking the sword out, letting the body fall.

From 9.18 "Meta Fiction", in the warehouse, Octavia and Hannah were speaking.

"What happened here?" Octavia asked.

"A strange Angel arrived," Hannah told her. "He said he worked for the new God."

From 9.18 "Meta Fiction", in Metatron's office, Metatron sat at his desk, typing away.

From 9.18 "Meta Fiction", in the warehouse, Octavia looked at Hannah. "I will find Metatron, and I will make him pay."

From 9.18 "Meta Fiction", in the warehouse, two Demons kept Catty restrained to the table by her arms. The third Demon stood behind her, holding either side of her head, tilting it back against the table to restrain her. Abaddon's Demon smoke poured out of Josie's body, flowing slowly, painfully, into Catty's mouth as it forced its way into her body.

Henry: (voice over from 8.12 As Time Goes By) "Abaddon."

Ness: (voice over from 8.12 As Time Goes By) "Knight of Hell."

Josie's body fell to the ground. Abaddon took possession of Catty. Catty/Abaddon opened her completely black, Demon eyes.

From 9.20 "Bloodlines", in the abandoned warehouse, Catty/Abaddon had gathered all of her Demons in the warehouse, and there were many surrounding her. She stood in the middle of them, looking around confidently. "I told you that I would find a way to prove to you that I was worthy to be your Queen. That I would find Sabrina Winchester and bend her to my will. And I told you that I would have to start by taking Catty Winchester." She gestured over her body. "And I did just that. Crowley is not the King that you should be following. A King fights. A King conquers. A King does more than sit around reading contracts. But the King will be dead sooner than you think. And when he is dead..." She smirked devilishly. "Long live the Queen."

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