chapter 3 - I'm No Angel

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From 4.10 "Heaven and Hell", in Catty's Dream, in the oak field, Catty sighed, turning to face Castiel. "So, you're just gonna keep visiting me in my dreams, aren't you, Clarence?"

"I don't know who that is," Castiel told her.

From 4.16 "On the Head of a Pin", in the warehouse, Catty looked at Castiel. "Yeah, well, you take things too seriously, Clarence, even the littlest of jokes."

From 5.13 "The Song Remains the Same", in the motel room, Catty looked at Castiel. "You don't understand a lot of references, Clarence. Which, by the way, is also a reference."

Castiel sighed.

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in Crowley's Monster Prison's cell block, Catty turned to face Castiel, sighing. "Thanks for the save, Clarence."

From 5.18 "Point of No Return", in Bobby's House's panic room, Catty was lying on the cot, too tired to relax, a hand still handcuffed to the bar of the bed, her other hand resting behind her head, looking at Castiel. "Oh, Clarence uses sarcasm. I thought you didn't even know what it was."

"I know what it is," Castiel told her. "How can't I? You live and breathe it." Catty smiled tiredly. "And I still don't know who Clarence is."


From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in the woods, Castiel was walking through the woods, looking up into the sky. The wind was howling around him.

Castiel: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "I'm trying to fix Heaven."

From 8.22 "Clip Show", on the street, Jane the Nephlim gripped Metatron by his throat, pushing him against the shed. She let her eyes glow grayish from within. Castiel appeared behind Jane, stabbing her throat with the Angel Blade, killing her, taking it out.

Naomi: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "Metatron isn't trying to fix anything."

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", outside the tavern, a Cupid's bow appeared in the center of Gail's hand like a tattoo.

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", in Heaven, in Naomi's Office, Naomi was lying dead at her desk, her head lying on the desk with the drill she had used on Metatron shoved into the back of her head. Castiel was strapped to the chair. Metatron used an Angel Blade to cut his neck. Castiel's glowing Grace seemed out through the cut, spilling into the vial.

Naomi: (voice over from 8.23 Sacrifice) "He's trying to break it."

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", Young Sabrina was engulfed in flame, burning, falling into a cliff face above some ocean, unable to stop as she hit against the cliff face, making much of it break at the point of impact, falling into the water below. Many other Angels fell into the ocean around the point Young Sabrina had fell.

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", on the roof of the Bunker, Octavia watched the sky. "Angels."

From 8.23 "Sacrifice", outside the church, Ness, Catty, Sam and Dean watched the Angels fall helplessly.

Catty continued to watch the sky worriedly. "They're falling."

From 9.01 "I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here", Catty and Castiel's phone call (Linwood General Hospital and a payphone outside the gas station).

"When the Angels fell, so did Sabrina," Catty told him. "She's hurt, Cas."

Castiel looked to the sky worriedly in guilt. "Sabrina's wings must have been injured in the fall. With time, they will heal. It just might take a while. Metatron... he took my Grace."

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