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I finish in packing the few things I have and take a moment and talk to the moon goddess. I keep asking her questions but she isn't talking to me in no ways. Maybe she gave up on me, a week human. She is mad that I didn't stay and fight by Jake but this is me fighting, it kills me not to be next to him and see his daughter grow into a wonderful girl. I just feed Brooklynn and now I'm burping her she makes a loud burp and I smile and I hear a little girls laugh... Hope!

"Excuse her!" She laughed and ran to my bed sitting on its.

"Hope, long time no see?"

"Well you are the one that keeps running away.." She said swinging her feet.

"Touché" I said smiling at her. She laughed and.

"Mommy wanted me to tell you to stop running. It may be safe for now but It's not safe in the long run."  She said seriously. For a seven year old she sure does know how to make me feel bad. "He will never stop looking for you. Ever. He loves you." She told me smiling. 

"Thank you Hope." I told her laying Brooklynn down.

"You're not going to listen to me, are you?" She asked me sad.

"It's hard to explain hon."

"Well that's what mommy asked me to tell you" she told me jumping off my bed. "I have to go. Bye baby! By miracle!" She said and then a bright light appeared and took Hope. I looked at my baby and thought 'is this the best thing for her?' I sit on the bed and close my eyes it's been a long day. I fought my sleep trying to stay awake but it only made me even more tired and just like that I fell asleep..

"Raven!? Raven, wake up!" I hear faintly. Slowly I started to wake up.. That was odd it's like that one time I felt bad pain like it came from someone else. Is this the same thing? I open my eyes and see a very freaked out Don. I sit up and see his parents..

"I'm sorry"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine" I said. Getting up I don't see Morgan, or Brooklynn. "Where is she?" I asked panic.

"She's fine, she is with my friends mate." He told me handing me some a cup with water in it. I take it and drink it slowly, I feel the water go down my body and it calms me. "What happened?"

"I have no clue, but can you have someone see if my birth family is okay?"

"I'm right on it." Dons mom said. She took out her phone and called my birth parents.


'Hi, it's Morgan! I can't get to the phone right now so leave a message and I will get back to you! Have a blessed day. '

I sat up.

"Watch Brooklynn for me."

"Okay" said dons mother. I run down the street and look for my way back to their home. 'Where? Where is it!' I scream in my head. Moments later Don drives up.

"Get in" he tells me bi do as he said and didn't waist a minute. He drive fast down the main highway and took a few turns within five minutes we were at the house. I felt a horrible presence at the house and I think don did too. "Stay here"

"Ya right" I told him getting out and running up to the door. I began banging on it until it flew open. 'How did that happen?' On the other side I say Morgan laying on the floor with a huge dark figure hovering over her. I looked around to see my brother, sister and father out cold. "Leave them alone!" I screamed, I ran over to the dark figure and jumped threw it but I caught something. A ring? I wasn't worried about that at the moment I didn't even care about it all I cared about was this family. "M-Morgan?" I asked shaking her. Don was waking up everyone else.

"M-Miracle? What are you doing here? You could have gotten hurt.." She said holding her head. It must hurt.

"I I I'm sorry, it's just I felt horrible pain and I knew it had to be from you. I had to see if you were okay." I said helping her on to a chair.

"Well you probably saved out life's, thank you. " she said in tears. "I'm Sorry for everything, for giving you away, for acting like you weren't my own! For being the worst mother in history of mothers! You have to know we did it because we thought it was best and now you have your own baby and it doesn't have a father.."

"Hey, we can talk about this another time. Right now I'm glad I came. " I said hugging her and she hugged me. I haven't felt this love since I left Jake and I do miss him. Moments later I was attacked by hugs. "Guys" I laugh. From that moment I could imagine my life here alone with Brooklynn. We all settled in and I told them everything from the first time I met Jake to changing my name. They were shocked.

Long time no update aye? Well I'm sorry! I'm a horrible person and you guy's deserve someone who can update often, it's just school is hard and I'm trying this diet and I hardly have any energy and I have been really busy trying to start a new story. If you are reading this thanks for your support and love please vote and comment ❤️❤️❤️


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