Chapter 3

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The fasten seatbelt sign comes on as we start our decent into Sydney. All I can think about right now is meeting Ness! I met Vanessa "Ness" online about 7 years ago in a Twilight chat. I have an obsessive personality, I admit. When I find something I love, I obsess over it. Like Twilight. And 5SOS. Ness and I became good friends through the chat and have kept in touch through the years, long after the chat faded away. Since she lives in Australia and I live in the US, this is the first we're getting to meet and I can't wait!

"Excited?" Rob asks me.

"Oh my gosh yes! I'm finally getting to meet Ness! After 7 years!"

"When we land, I have to head straight to the next gate to make the flight to Melbourne, but I'll call you once I get there, ok?" Rob explains for the fiftieth time.

"Got it! And I'll text when we get to Ness' place, so you have it when you land."

My phone buzzes with a text. I forgot to turn it on airplane mode.

To S
Sorry for being grouchy. I hate mornings

No shit Michael! I already knew that! The entire 5SOSfam knows how much Michael Clifford loves his sleep!

To M
I know. It's all good. ;)

Just then they ask for all cellular devices to be shut off for landing. I switch my phone to airplane mode, and put it in my bag. Here we go!!!

When the plane lands, all the passengers except 5sos get off the plane. This could get interesting, trying to get out of the airport with all the fans. I didn't think about that part. I say goodbye to Rob as I head through customs. Once I clear it, I head to baggage claim. I am blown away by the amount of fans. I quickly turn my phone off airplane mode and shoot Michael a quick text.

To M
This is insane! There's at least 100 fans down here! Hope they don't mob this time. Be careful.

To S
Thanks for the heads up. Talk to you soon for the tour!

Okay Sarah, get it together! Ness! Where's Ness?

"Nessa!" We hug each other tight and go wait for the luggage to start coming through.
"So who was on your flight to cause all this?" she asks, pointing to the barricades that security is now setting up.
"No way! Did you get to meet them?"
"You could say that. I'll tell you after we're away from this mess!"

We pick up my suitcase as it comes through and make our way out to her awaiting car. Not so bad after all, since I'm just a nobody. A nobody that was in Michaels lap this morning! I chuckle to myself and Ness asks me what I'm laughing at. When we're safe inside her car I tell her, "All these girls are here for a quick glimpse of 5SOS, and I was in Michael's lap this morning!"


I start to laugh, and I can't stop laughing. The past 16 hours has sunk in and my inner fangirl is finally being released.

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