chapter 51

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I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to waking up to my own voice blasting in my ear, but waking up with Sarah in my arms is heaven.

After getting the kids to school, we go pick up the lens for Grace. Sarah allows me to split it with her so it's from both of us. I guess it's better than nothing, right?

The rest of the week flies by and everything is in place for her birthday. We agreed to let her friend Karen spend the night and it will definitely be interesting. Apparently Karen is the emotional kind of fan that just cries, and I'm her favorite of the band. I'm used to it all, but Sarah gets so embarrassed.

We're sitting on the couch when Karen's car pulls in the driveway. Sarah gets up and meets them at the door. I can't see them, but I can hear Sarah talking to Karen.

"Hi mama!" the voice calls out.

"Hi Karen! I'm so glad you could come over! Before you come in though, I need to warn you. You cannot tell a soul about any of this, and please please please, keep the fangirling to a minimum."

"Okkkaaayyy? I'm confused but I'll try." A few seconds later, they come around the corner and Karen starts to cry and fan herself.

"Michael, this is Grace's best friend Karen," Sarah takes my hand in hers as we let Karen collect herself.

"Hi Karen," I say.

"Uh, hi Mikey. Ohmygod." She's funny but it's much better than Mary's screaming.

"Uh, can I hug you?" she asks. I smile and let go of Sarah's hand, opening my arms. Karen wraps her arms around me tight then backs away, wiping the tears away. I wrap my arm around Sarah's waist and Grace pulls Karen away to her room.

We sit back on the couch then, and Sarah curls back up into my arms.

"Ahhhh! That's so not fair!" we hear Karen yell from Grace's room.

"Grace just told her about us," Sarah giggles. I pull her in tighter to my side, her head resting on my chest. We sit comfortably watching TV until Mason comes in complaining that he's hungry. This kid eats as much as I do.

"Okay, Mason," she says. "I'll get dinner figured out." He heads back to his room and she looks at me with love in her eyes. I press my lips to hers and then hear a gasp from the stairs. We pull away to see Karen staring at us.

"Oh my god mom, so when the Jet Black Heart video came out and we were talking about marrying Mikey, you were serious?!" I start to choke on air and Karen's hand instantly covers her mouth, Sarah turning beet red.

"OhmygodImsorryItalktoomuchbye," Karen says in a very short breath and goes back to Grace's room.

"Uh, that was just fangirling stuff. Ignore her, please?" Sarah says, practically begging. After the initial shock of Karen's words, I'm finding it kind of funny, really. But at the same time, it makes me start to think about our future. I leave in a month for tour and it's going to be a long tour this year.

Once we figure out what everyone wants for dinner, we go out to pick it all up. She lets me pay without argument this time, thanking me instead.

We take dinner home and Karen has finally gotten past the fangirl stage, so the six of us enjoy a really nice, fun dinner. Grace gives Sarah and I both a big hug when she opens the lens and then we have cake and Sarah and I go to bed.


I'm woken up to someone pounding on the front door. I throw on Mikey's shirt from yesterday and a pair of sweatpants and go see who's banging my door down. Mikey's behind me in just some low hanging sweatpants as I open the door.

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