chapter 94

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God I love watching them on stage! But then again, who here doesn't?! I've always loved watching Michael perform. He definitely knows how to entertain!

About mid-way through the show, the pain starts to kick in, and as much as I hate leaving the show, I need to lay down. When Mikey glances over at me, I signal to him that I'm going backstage to sleep and he nods as he keeps playing. There's concern on his face, until I blow him a kiss, then head to the dressing room.

Once I find the dressing room, I lie down on the couch and close my eyes. Being jostled around, then stupidly dancing along with the music took its toll on me, but it was so worth it! I could never get tired of watching them perform, especially on stage.

When I start to doze off, I jolt myself upright. No way am I falling asleep alone at a venue ever again! No matter how tired I am! I force myself to stand up and walk around the room, ignoring the pain. It's better than sleeping!


When we finish the show, I head back to the dressing room to see her pacing the floor. Why is she pacing? Did something happen?

"Babydoll, you okay?" I ask, worry evident in my voice. She jumps slightly at my voice and fear flashes through her eyes for a split second. She smiles quickly to try to cover up for it, but I saw it anyway.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just really tired and sore."

"Why aren't you sleeping then?" I thought that's what she was doing back here to start with.

"Oh. Uh, yeah. I should do that, hu?" she chuckles at herself. She seems really off, I'm just not sure what's wrong. Before I get the opportunity to ask her, Luke, Calum and Ashton come barreling in, followed by Dave.

"Can we get Sarah back to the hotel? I ask him. She's unusually quiet right now and I really need to find out why. He nods and gives the other three explicit instructions to stay here until he returns, then leads us out to the car. It takes us a while to get out of the traffic, but we manage to nonetheless. Within minutes of getting in the car, she's sound asleep in my lap.

"Babydoll?" I try to wake her when we pull up to the hotel. "Wake up."

"No!" she cries "Not again!" Oh fuck!


I'm waking up in a car again. Oh shit! "No! Not again!" No no no! How did this happen again? Wasn't I just with Mikey?

"Babydoll, shhhh shhhh shhhh. I'm here. You're okay. I've got you." Michael's voice resonates through my body, easing my fears and allowing me to open my eyes.


"I'm right here babydoll. Come on, let's get you up into bed." He scoops me into his arms and climbs out of the car, carrying me the entire way to the room. As soon as we're in the room, he lays me in the bed, takes off my shoes, and changes me into my pajamas. He quickly changes into sweatpants and takes me into his arms and I hold him tight.

"Babydoll, please tell me what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything. Please?"

"I'm sorry, Mikey," I start. "I just got a little freaked out being backstage by myself. I was too scared to go to sleep." He remains quiet, not really understanding the connection, because we haven't talked about it. We've just avoided it. Now's the perfect time to talk about it, not that I want to, but I need to.


"After you left... that room... I cried myself to sleep. Damien came in and grabbed me while I was sleeping. The next thing I knew, I was waking up in a moving car. I just, I was too scared to go to sleep alone backstage. The last time I did, I was kidnapped." That's why when I woke her up in the car, she said 'not again'. Oh god, I hadn't known.

"Oh babydoll!" My tears are mixing with hers as I kiss her gently. "I'm here now. I am so sorry for leaving like I did. I didn't know what to think. I was scared. I know that's no excuse but I was. I was stupid, but I'm here now." I can't run away from shit anymore, I learned that the hard way.

"I'm not upset Mikey. You needed your space, I get that. I stayed in the room to give you that space. I'm sorry for being so naive about Damien. I never ever thought he'd go that far. I don't know why I didn't, he's threatened worse, but he's never acted on it before." I hold her in close to me, refusing to let her go and she falls asleep in minutes.

In the morning, I'm woken up in the most amazing way possible. Damn those lips... that mouth... When I let out a moan, she stops. No, wait! What are you doing?

"Its about time the rest of you wakes up!" she says in a teasing manner. As I open my eyes, I watch her gorgeous naked body straddle me and lower herself onto me. Oh damn!

"Wait babydoll," I say, making her freeze up. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to hurt you." She visibly relaxes at my words. Did she seriously think I wouldn't want to have sex with her for any other reason?

"I'm more than sure Mikey." She resumes what she was doing and damn it feels so good! She goes very slowly, making sure she doesn't hurt herself too much, and as much as I want her to move faster, I keep my mouth shut, not counting the moans of pure pleasure that escape from my throat. We've never gone THIS slowly, and as torturous as it is, it's fucking amazing too. It's like I'm watching in slow motion, seeing every little detail of her body, feeling every single touch, amplifying every surge of electricity that shoots through my body when my full length is inside her. My emotions are out of control right now and my heart is about to burst from loving her so much. I never knew a love like this existed, moretheless that I'd get to experience it. I know I'm whipped, I'd do anything for her, and I love it, because I know that she feels the same way!

I cautiously reach my hands to her boobs, squeezing and kneading them gently until her head tips backwards, a moan escaping her beautiful pink lips and she picks up her pace. I can tell she's close, so I place my thumb on her knob, rubbing it as she continues to ride me, bringing her closer and closer until she reaches her high, contracting around me tightly, covering me in her wetness. It feels so good that I reach my own high shortly after, and it's so powerful that I could snap her in half.

"Woah! That was just... woah." No other words can describe it.


She climbs carefully off of me, groaning slightly at the loss of contact, and we lie there in silence, holding onto each other for dear life, neither of us wanting to let go.

After 20 minutes, she lets out a sigh and releases her grip on me. "I have to shower and get ready to go babe," she says. She sounds so sad, and while I feel the same, I never want to hear sadness in her voice.

"At least it's only two weeks, now!" I am trying to cheer her up, and the slight smile on her face tells me it's working.


After we shower, we pack our bags and get ready for me to go to the airport.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay babydoll? I could get you a nurse, or a guard, or..."

'BABE! STOP!" I yell at him, laughing at the same time. "I'll be fine. I'm feeling better, I have my doc, Damien's in custody, being extridited, James and I can handle that stuff. And babe, I promise you that if he gets out, I'll get some security ok?" He nods with a smile and pulls me in for a kiss. A few minutes into the kiss, there's pounding at the door. We don't even have to ask, the giggles give away our visitors. Mikey groans as I pull away laughing. "I need to say goodbye to them too."

"Oh fine..." he whines as he goes to let his band mates inside.

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