chapter 95

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Less than two weeks... I can do this. Sarah texted me when she got back to DC, and now it's time to focus on tour.

After the show, we decide to go out to the bar. It's been awhile since I let loose and I could really use it. We walk in to the club, lights flashing, the scent of alcohol tingling my nose. Oh man! It feels so good to be back! We go straight to the bar and each order a beer, and Ashton orders a round of shots. It looks like Jack Daniels is going to be my best friend tonight! Party time!

The music blares out and the drinks keep flowing down my throat into my veins. All the fear and stress of this past week dissolves away and I feel nothing but pleasure.

The beers and the shots keep coming, as well as the crowd of girls surrounding us. For as long as I can comprehend my thoughts and actions, I make sure to stay close to one of the guys and never be left alone with any of the girls. As hot as some of them are, none of them compare to Sarah. But after a few more rounds, I am seeing two of everyone, my words are a jumbled mess, and I keep ending up on the floor, laughing.

I'm sitting on the ground in the middle of the dance floor when one of the girls from the table comes up to me.

"Michael? What are you doing on the floor?" she chuckles. "Let me help you up." She grabs my hand and pulls as hard as she can, but I don't budge. Even in my massively drunk state, I know too well how paps can get the wrong picture at the right moment, possibly turning my whole life upside down. I'm not risking that. When she realizes that I'm not going to move, she frowns for a moment, but quickly changes it to a fake smile. I know these types of girls too well. They want one thing and one thing only. Fame. They want to be noticed. Before I can comprehend what she's doing, she's sitting on my lap on the floor. Oh hell no. I stand up quickly, leaving her plopped on the floor, and walk away. I'll probably get shit for doing that, but it's better than losing Sarah.

"Michael wait!" she calls out, running towards me. Why won't she just leave me alone? I continue to ignore her and look around for Ashton. If the wrong picture does get taken, I want him by my side as a witness.

I spot Ashton a few feet away and call out for him, just as this leech, I mean girl, Connie I think it was, catches up with me. She wraps her arm through mine, clinging onto my arm, making Ashton's eyes bug out of his head.

"Get off me," I tell her, trying to break free from her grasp.

"Oh, come on baby. You know this," she says, running her free hand down her body, "is better than some used and expired one." I am seeing red. I know people are saying this kind of stuff about Sarah, but never has anyone had the audacity to say it to my face. The only thing keeping my fist from her face is that she's a female. "I could rock your world!" she continues. Ashton and I both start laughing at her. If she only knew!

"Oh, Connie - "

"It's Cami"

"Connie, Cami, whatever your name is, I don't care. You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know Sarah, and you never will. She is twice the woman that you could ever even dream of being."

"She's old, Michael, it's gross. You're going to lose so many fans if you stay with her," Cami tries to sway me.

"She's the only fan I need. Any so called fans that I lose because of who I am in love with, were never real fans anyway. Wait until I marry her! Everyone's gonna go nuts!" I start laughing uncontrollably. Again.

"Okay, Mike, it's time to go. You've had way too much to drink." Ashton says, peeling Connie, Cami, whatever, off my arm and leading me into the men's room. He gets out his phone, types away on it then leads me out into the club then out the back door. Luke and Calum come up behind us and we quickly go out the back door to the SUV.

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