Chapter One

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"This place? Really?" Liam asked, dropping a box of my jackets onto the floor.

"What?" I faked hurt, "I really like this place!" I do really like it. I heard really good things about the place from everyone who knew about it; the online reviews were just as great.

"I don't think the people before you loved it as much," Zayn poked at the peeling wallpaper that had been ripped.

"It has...." I searched for the word, "character,"

"Oi! There's more boxes lads!" Niall walked through the front door, his arms filled with two large boxes. "Where you guys been?"

"Judging Louis' taste in apartments," Liam answered, following Niall out to the moving truck. Zayn went with them and I decided to move the boxes already up here to make more room for the others.

"Shit," I mumbled as I tripped over part of the destroyed carpet, dropping the box I had been carrying.

"Oh wow! Are you okay?" A voice I had never heard before called through the apartment.

"Yeah I'm fine?" I turned around, seeing a very lanky boy standing in my doorway, his hands folded behind his back.

"Hi! I'm Harry! Can I come in?" He smiled the brightest smile I've seen in years, hoping for a yes.

"Are you a serial killer?" I joked, glancing over the boy's appearance. He was wearing a fucking purple sweater.

"Nope," his smile grew wider as I nodded, he immediately walked over to where I stood.

"Hi, do you need help moving?" He began picking up the items from the box I dropped, "I'm not very coordinated really, but I could ask the couple down the hall? They're both kick boxers. Really lovely people." He rambled, handing me the box after he was done.

I just stood there, kinda in awe of him. What kind of person just walks into someone apartment to help them move. No one wants to help move. I practically had to force the lads to help me, and I've known them my whole life.

"I- I, uh, made cake for you? If you want some?" He offered, trying to break my silence, "I live next door, so we could eat over there? I have new cake plates," I don't think his pristine smile could grow any bigger.

"Y-yeah, sure. Just I have some friends helping me if you want to wait on them?" He nodded at that, "I'm Louis, by the way," I remembered I hadn't introduced myself.

"I'm Harry!" He smiled happily again, taking my hand to shake.

"You already said that," I smiled at him. He looked to be about twenty, but he was so cute.

"Lou!" Each of the boys came through the open door to my apartment, their arms full with boxes, "Get your fat arse down stairs and help unload this god damn truck," Zayn spoke from the front of the group, only shutting his mouth when he peeked around the corner of the box and saw I had company.

"Hi! I'm Harry." He waved at the three boys.

"Ten minutes in and you've already got a twink!" Niall motioned wildly, "Nice going Tommo,"

I rolled my eyes as he set down the box, looking over to Harry to see his smile faded slightly.

"No, Harry, my new neighbor," I threw a shoe at Niall as I said it, "wanted to know if we wanted to come over for some cake that he made,"

"Oh, cak-" Liam started, but I cut him off.

"But! Since you lot decided to be assholes, I think I'll just have cake with Harry alone, while you guys unload the truck," I smiled at their groans of complaint as I led Harry out into the hallway so he could lead me back to his apartment.

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