Chapter Eight

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I stumbled onto Louis' apartment after I got off work, exhausted from he surprising amount of people there for it being a Monday.

The thought of Louis not wanting me there crossed my mind, but whatever he can fight me.

He'd win said fight, but he can still fight me.

I just want him to hold me and let me sleep off this tiredness.

There was a rush that I didn't particularly appreciate; all night drunk men where throwing requests at me from their seats.

Ha, sorry. I think you've had enough.

That wasn't even the worst of it, the suggestive comments didn't stop all night.

Yeah, I know I'm attractive; shutup about it already. I don't need middle-aged fat men hitting on me when I have a Louis I could be cuddling.

Of kissing. I think I'd like to kiss him again.

I peeked into his bedroom, smiling at the sight of him; sprawled out across the blankets with his head resting on the stomach of a blonde lad.

My smile dropped and jealousy filled my mind.

Okay, I don't own Louis or anything, but hey, Bottle Blonde, he's mine. Asshole.

I was pissed off, really tired, but pissed. And jealous.

I went to walk out of the room and back over to my apartment to vent to my cat about this outrage, when I stopped and turned around for just a second to reassess the situation.

They could just be friends.

I mean, blonde guy doesn't have his arms around Louis or anything. They actually look really platonic laying there.

Looking around the room now that my eyes had adjusted to the lack of light, there was a half empty pizza box sat open on the corner of the bed and discarded Xbox controllers lay beside them.

Okay, they were just friends.

But that didn't stop me from grabbing that blonde bitch by the ankles and ripping him off the bed.

Fuck you.

Afterwards, I turned and left Louis' room; very quietly making my way out the door.

I tried to muffle my laughs as I made my way back to my own apartment, hearing their confused shouts and Louis' 'what t'hell Niall!'

My god, I've gone fucking crazy.

I don't think they saw me, but if either of them did... That would be very awkward.

I don't need Louis knowing that I'm low-key really fucking jealous about everyone who touches him.

Like, it's not fair. If someone needs to be touching him, it should be me.

Yeah, that sounded insane.

I need to go to sleep.


"Harry," a sleepy Louis poked my side repeatedly.

He didn't often invite himself over to my place, but I can't find it in me to complain with the way he's running his hands through my hair.

"Can I help you?" I smiled up at him, hoping my hair wasn't in too much disarray.

"I need your help," he slid down so he was laying next to me and hooked his chin on my shoulder.

"What time is it?" I stretched my arms above my head and let out a little squawk.

"6 I think," he pulled out his phone.

"I slept all day!?" I shot up and threw the blankets off me, only to snatch them back quickly to cover my bare legs.

I have to work soon. In an hour.

"No, uh, it's 6 in the morning..." Louis blinked at me and leaned back a little bit.

"Oh," I sniffed the air, smelling food, "Did you make something?"

"No, but I brought McDonald's," he smiled and held up a paper bag, "I've got pancakes,"

"You woke me up at 6 am to give me pancakes," I rubbed my eyes out of tiredness. If he kept me up I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. And if I can't go back to sleep in going to be really worn out at work today. And if I'm worn out I can't fend off the perverse men who like to occupy the bar.

"Yes," he handed me the bag, "But I actually wanted to sleep some more before we ate, we can heat them up later, right?" He set the bag back where it had been placed beside my bed.

And thank you lord.

"Yeah," I started, about to ask him to leave so I could put on a pair of pants when he slipped under the covers and pulled me to him.

All I had on we're little spandex yoga shorts and I honestly didn't know how he's going to react to that.

"Thanks for this," he mumbled into my back, "Niall is a terrible sleeper. He kept moving around and once he even fell off the bed,"

I had to bite my lips to keep from smiling at that. I'm proud of that one.

"He claimed some thing dragged him off but he's full of shit," he continued, rolling onto his side and pressing a kiss to the bottom of my jaw, "I think he's watched to many horror movies, that lad,"

"Oh probably," I added, reveling in the small kisses he was placing across my neck and jaw.

"M'tired," he squeezed my hand and settled into his back, "What time did you get to sleep last night?"

"Four or five," I mumbled, about to fall back asleep.

"Shit, Harry, I'm so sorry," he started to get up, "I didn't think about how long you'd been sleeping,"

I grabbed his arm and held him down, wrapping my legs around his.

"Stay," I whispered, weak with sleep. If he wanted to he could pull away and go back to his own apartment with that stupid blonde cunt.

He's the one who called me a twink. Asshole.

Louis fell back to my side and let me cuddle up to him again, placing one of his hands on my back.

"Sleep well, Harry," he spoke softly, placing one final kiss to my forehead before I drifted off.


Sorry I've been hella busy with boys. Ew. And homework. Ew. And school. Ew.


Bout to get hella turnt in this bitch.

I tried to edit this but I gave up soooo yeah.

Bye. Thanks for reading this so far.

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