Chapter Twenty One

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Cara and Kendall came over, they took Harry out for a "girls day" or whatever.

I suppose he deserves it, he hasn't been out of my apartment since last week when my douchebag father attacked him.

Harry seemed to like all the attention he's been getting lately, the girls he used to work with stopped by a couple times to chat and give him things, the lads even came by and told him they wanted to bake with him sometime.

So today, all alone for the first time in 7 days, am going to my father's club.

Is this smart? Probably not.

The club was closed, but I knew he was there. This is his favorite place to sit in his office and count money.

That's probably all he does.

I slipped through the door that was probably supposed to be locked and made my way through the main hallway.

I knew how to get through here, I've been coming through these hallways since I was four years old. Sad, I know.

"Dad," I pushed open the door to his office, seeing him as I expected to find him. Spliff in one hand, money in the other.

"What is it?" He didn't even look up, he probably wasn't surprised I was here.

"What is wrong with you?" I started, "Honestly I don't know why you would do that to such a perfect person I just can't comprehend how you could ever think it would be okay to do that to someone so beautiful."

"You mean the hooker who has been sleeping with people for money behind your back?" He set down the paper he had been holding, bringing his blunt up to his lips. The sight made my fingers itch.

"He's not a hooker," I gritted my teeth, "stop lying to me,"

"Alright," he leaned back in his chair, "he's not a hooker, but do you realize how many men he's danced on until they cream their pants? How many dicks he's rode in his lifetime? How used up this boy is? Why is he important to you at all?"

"Because I fucking love him!" I wanted to hit him. I don't often get pissed off enough to the point of violence, but I've hated my father for a while; despised him.

"You're too young to understand that," he rolled his eyes, unbothered by my tone, "Please just give up your delusions,"

"You're ridiculous, you fat fuck," I spat, getting angrier quicker than I would have liked.

"I'm not fat," he calmly replied, like I was a child throwing a tantrum that he was simply tired of.

"Oh probably due to all the meth you snort every day,"

"You don't snort meth,"

"Of course you would know,"

There was a moment of silence, a second where I thought that I had got to him.

"Here's a solution," he folded his hands on the table and leaned forward, preparing to bargain a deal, "I leave your slut alone, if you can provide me with a new dancer in the next week, that's all I will settle for,"

"Fine," I narrowed my eyes at his outstretched hand, debating on if I should actually make this deal.

We shook hands and I started backing away from his desk, not trusting him at all.

"If you can't deliver, it's his life," He raised his eyebrow as I stepped out onto the dingy  carpet of the hallway behind me.

"That wasn't part of the deal and you know it, you slime," I took a step back through the threshold of his office and two men had me by the biceps.

"That's how I operate, if you have a problem, please take it up with these two lovely gentlemen," He folded his hands smugly and leaned back as I was dragged out the door.

"Fookin bastard," I yelled down the hallway, fighting against the guys who were basically carrying me away from my father. It's not like I wanted to be here any longer than I had to be, but I could walk on my own. Assholes.

"Put me the fuck down," I struggled futilely.

The men took me out the back exit, the one that leads to the alley way that people go to when they want to snort crack out of a hooker's cleavage.

"Get lost," One of the guys growled to the prostitute who was standing at the usual spot, her long blonde hair wet from the rain falling around us.

As she scampered off, I could only remember these guys as the ones who always picked Harry up for work, the guys who beat the shit out of him.

My dad's minions.

"Must be pretty belittling to work for a douche bag like my dad," I stood my ground, immediately regretting it as the one who had been silent before landed a punch to my rib cage. "Fuck," I mumbled, trying to collect myself from where I was knocked to the ground.

"Lose the smart mouth," The guy who hit me warned, let's call him Tweedle Dee, and the other can be Tweedle Dum.

"Lose the gold chains, reminds me of all the gay college boys I used to sleep with,"

Tweedle Dee, of course, landed another hit nearly in the same spot on my ribs.

"Lord, you can hit, what about the other one?"

They looked at each other in a 'What the hell is wrong with this guy' kinda way, waiting for me to compose myself.

"Are you like one of those guys who like pain?" Tweedle Dee spoke up.

"me? No," I leaned against the brick wall behind me, knowing I had an audience, "I just needed an in,"






not edited

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