Chapter Sixteen

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I sat up and immediately felt a pounding in my skull.

"Fuck," I brought my hands up in a futile attempt to alleviate the ache.

After the pain died down to a manageable amount, I picked up my phone and checked the time.

Eleven a.m. Great.

And 178 texts from Harry.

I hastily unlocked my phone and opened the messages, panicked.

What if he is in the hospital? Or if someone died? Or if he got jumped? What if his cat died? What if he's breaking up with me in a long list of unnecessary messages?

H baby: sORYY

H baby: I'm so sorry fuck

H baby: I was going to tell you I promise!

H baby: Louis please fucking reply.

I scrolled to the top of the list, all the messages were basically the same, him apologizing and telling me that he was going to tell me.

What the hell?

I opened the phone app and dialed his number, hearing it only ring once before he picked up.

"Oh my god Louis, hi," he breathed across the line.

"Hey, baby, can I come over?"

"Yeah. Yeah yeah." There was shuffling ok the other side of the line, "Come right over, I'll uh, I'll see you in a minute,"

"Right, good bye lov-" before I could even get the greeting out he hung up.

He's acting strange.

As I locked my phone, I realized what was happening.

Oh my god. He cheated on me last night.

I was just too drunk to remember it this morning.

Well well well Harry, looks like you played yourself.

What if he was with whoever he's cheating on me with right now and that's why he sounded so rushed and like he was freaking out.

My head swam with the thought. The thought of Harry with someone else. It turned my vision blurry to the point I couldn't see, my head so fuzzy I didn't realize the only thing making my vision sway was my own tears.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I should be going over there right now and confronting him about this, but I feel like I want to curl up into a ball and die instead.

Harry. Beautiful radiant angelic Harry has gone and done possibly the worst thing I could think of.

Okay not really. He could probably murder some people and that'd be a little worse than this but...

Oh god I need to man up and get over this.

I blinked a couple times to make myself look presentable and shook out my hands to relieve my nerves.

"Okay, you got this," I muttered quietly to myself and made my way out the door.

I stopped right outside his door, hand poised to knock.

Observing the way the paint somehow looked brighter than all the other doors on the floor, I found the courage to twist the knob and walk through the entryway.

I half expected to see someone struggling to pull on clothes, but instead was greeted by the scene of Harry curled up on the couch, his knees pulled to his chest.

He had on a pair of socks that went half way up to his knees and an overly large sweater that covered the shorts he liked to wear around the house.

He looked so adorable I nearly forgot why I had come in the first place.

"What are you sorry for?" I started.

Harry looked up at me for the first time since I walked into the living room, tears rimming his eyes. "What do you mean?" His voice sounded rough and he looked tired. Looked like he had been up all night crying.

"Baby," I walked over and sat next to him. God, I hate to see him upset.

I wrapped my arms around him as his body wracked with another sob.

"You texted me last night and were apologizing," I whispered into his hair, "I was so fucking drunk, I don't think I remember what you're sorry for,"

He stared at me for a moment.

"Oh, uh, I accidentally gave you the wrong thing," he blinked.

"What?" A smile broke across my face, "Gave me the wrong thing?"

"Yeah, I accidentally gave you a really strong drink, and, it was, uh, bad," he let out a breathe.

"Oh," I laughed, "I thought it was something really bad," I leaned against the back of the couch in relief.

"Like what?" Harry curled up against me, seemingly over his hysterics.

"Maybe you cheated on me," I laughed at how ridiculous it sounded now.

"I would never," he shot up to look at me, "I would never never never never never-"

"Harry, Harry baby," I grabbed his hands and pulled his body to my chest, "I believe you,"

He relaxed and slumped against me, mumbling into my shirt.

"What was that baby?" I looked down at the angel resting in my arms.

"Do you want some cake?" He smiled up at me, shifting in my lap so he was straddling me.

"Uh, Harry-" I started, trying to get him to understand that what he was doing to me right now is not very innocent.

"What?" He looked up at me from his hands, probably waiting to know if I wanted cake.

"Do you- I-. Harry, what are you-" I gave up trying to form a sentence in the position we were in and tried to focus more on not getting the most awkward boner of my life right now.

It wasn't even that hot, we were barely even touching. Just the absolute lack of sexual activity from the last couple weeks had built up all this collated sexual frustration.

God fucking dammit.

"Yes I want cake," I answered him after a moment, after I was sure he wouldn't be able to feel my cock press against him.

That'd probably make him uncomfortable.

"Okay, be right back," he bounced down farther into my lap and placed a quick kiss on my cheek before hopping off and shuffling off into the kitchen.

God mother fucking dammit.


Didn't edit oops (hi), but what did you expect. I still haven't gone back and edited the first story I've written.

And that's mostly bc that story is literal trash garbage.

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