Chapter Six

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"Zayn!" I pushed his body of my couch, "You're useless,"

"That's mean," he gasped when he hit the floor, still half asleep, "If you weren't such a little queer, I would beat the living fuck out of you,"

"As if, loser," I stepped over his body and into my room. Today, I think I'm just going to do nothing; just like everyday.

"Let's go clubbing," Zayn walked into my room and flopped down next to me, almost on my box of pizza.

"No, douchebag," I slapped his hand away when he tried to get a piece.

"Why are you so mean to me," he stole two pieces anyways and backed away before I could hit him, "You're nice to Harry,"

"Harry's cute and adorable and he gives me cake," I threw the one of the useless peppers they always put in the boxes at him, "Speaking of which, he wants to know if you lot would like to come over for cake,"

"He seems to make a lot of cake," Zayn raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, says he loves baking and shit," I smiled at the thought of Harry covered in flour, working ingredients into a bowl.

"He's to fit to eat a lot of cake though," Zayn points out.

"I will stab you," I sat up, "You take that back right now,"

"Chill mate, I'm straight," he held his arms in front of him defensively, "I'm just saying he's in really good shape,"

"I know he looks good," I flicked his nose as he laid beside me, "I check him out all the time,"

"Wow," Zayn rolled over so he was facing the ceiling, opting to ignore me and play on his phone.

"Liam's coming over," he spoke after a minute.

"Ryan!" I yelled, "Why would you invite him over?"

"He actually wants to go clubbing with me so we are going to get ready here to rub it in your face," he flicked my shoulder and went back to his phone, completely aware of my staring at him

"Louis?" Harry's voice filled the apartment, followed by a door slamming.

"Actually, I think I'm okay with Loam coming over," I smirked at him and yelled back, "Bedroom!"

"Hi, Louis," Harry smiled brightly as he stepped into my room, his gaze flicking to Zayn and staying there.

"Hey, Harry," I smiled back at him. He looked a lot better now, rested and maybe not as hungover.

Harry walked over and flopped down into the space between me and Zayn.

I mean, it was quite a large space, but Harry decided he was going to place himself in it, immediately curling into my side.

I smirked at him. Is little virgin Styles jealous?

"Ugh, Liam needs to hurry up," Zayn rolled his eyes at our close proximity.

"Shut your whore mouth, Ryan," I reached over Harry and flicked him.

"Who's Liam?" Harry turned in my arms so he could look at Zayn.

"My friend, we're going to a club," Zayn answered, his eyes scanning Harry's featured very obviously.

If Harry starts to be more into Zayn than me...

"Which one?" Harry replied quickly, sounding more interested than I would like for him to be.

"Something about wolves or something," Zayn waved it off.

"Wolves Den?" Harry smiled, "That's where I work,"

"What do you do, wait tables?" Zayn replied.

Wow, I love being ignored. I started playing with Harry's hair to distract myself from the jealousy I was reluctant to accept. It was cute when Harry was jealous, but I don't like it.

"Yeah," Harry nodded and leaned into my hand, his eyes closed, "Sometimes if we're busy I take over the bar,"

Zayn opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by Liam throwing himself into bed with the three of us.

"Hello," he shouted, landing between Zayn and Harry, "You're Harry right?" He reached out his hand to shake Harry's.

Typical Loam.

Harry giggled a little bit and took Liam's hand and gave it a small shake.

"Hi," Harry blinked at Liam as he waited for a reply.

They just stared at each other, and it was making me jealous. Only I'm allowed to stare at Harry and make him uncomfortable.

"Okay bye you useless hookers," I spoke up as they left, watching Harry make a face.

"You know neither of them are the one who called you a twink," I gripped his hand and gave it a small squeeze. This is actually the first time we've held hands, and he didn't pull away.

"What? Oh, I know," he pushed his head into my chest, "It was the other one, the loud one," he blinked up at me.

"Do you want me to call him so he can apologize?" I smiled at the boy who had decided to wrap his legs around mine.

"No, no! He doesn't have to apologize," he frowned and looked up at me.

I just leaned down and placed a small kiss to the corner of his mouth. Because I wanted to. I just did it.

Oh god he's not saying anything. Or doing anything. He's just staring at me.

He hates me.

My thoughts were quickly cut off by Harry pushing himself up so he could connect our lips again, gripping my neck to hold my closer.

The kiss only lasted for less than five seconds, but when Harry pulled away and went back to hiding his face in my neck; I couldn't stop smiling.

I just kissed Harry Styles, the cute little boy next door.

And he's a virgin to, wonder how tight he is-

"Lou," I looked down to see Harry craning his neck to look up at me.

"Yes, love?" I blinked down at him, trying to rid myself of the dirty thoughts.

"I- I like you," he put his head down, "Just to clarify,"

"I like you too," I smiled, he's so fucking cute, "Just to clarify,"

I could feel his smile against my chest after I had replied. Could feel it stretch across his perfect features.

And yeah, as we laid there with my hands in his hair, I was smiling too.



Sorry I met a boy and felt like being cute. Ahahhah

It seems rushed but that's just for reasons.

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