Chapter Twenty Six

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Only minutes later, I was stripped down to the small underwear that came with the outfit to go under the bottoms.

It was a stripper outfit (since he bought it from a entertainer store) so it came with multiple layers that were made to be taken off easily, and that they were. I seemed to just slip out of my clothes until I was lying almost completely naked underneath Louis, who was still fully clothed.

I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head, running my hands across his chest and shoulders.

"Hey there," I pulled him closer to me, feeling his body close to mine.

"Hi," he replied, rolling us over so I was on top of him. Oh I liked being thrown around. (Even if he didn't really move me very forcefully).

"Get on with it," I gave him a challenging look and rolled him over so I was straddling him.

"Looks like you've already gotten on with it.

I nodded and smiled as I unbuttoned his jeans, starting to pull them down his legs. It was a struggle since Louis decided to be dead in that moment and not help me at all.

Now that that's taken care of, I climbed back up his body and pulled him up so he was sitting up with me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, placing soft kisses to my neck.

He ran his hands down my naked back, pushing me down until I fell back off of his lap into a laying position with him on top of me.

And it all became too real at that moment. I could feel his erection pressing against my own, and it was strange for me. I've never done this with anyone that I had feelings for. I couldn't honestly say that I had particularly enjoyed the other times that much either.

The way it feels with Louis is overwhelming and it's making me emotional because he's just being so nice to me and he hasn't called me a slut or a whore and he isn't rushing me and I just-

"Harry, love, why are you crying?" Louis asked softly, sitting up and pulling me up with him.

I looked up at him from where we sat across from each other, reaching my hands up to note that there were actually tears running down my cheeks.

"I-I hadn't noticed," I spoke lightly, looking down. How embarrassing. Really a mood killer. Way to go Harry.

"What's wrong?" He ran his hands up and down my arms. The way he was sitting his toned stomach flexed in quite a nice way. I cocked my head so I could look at it better. I let my eyes venture down to his still prominent erection. Nice. Very large.

"Harry," he spoke, cutting off my wandering.

"Nothing, N-Nothing," I moved closer to him, just wanting him to fuck me hard so I can feel emotionless about this, "Do u wanna be rough?"

"Not particularly?" He looked at me, he had to tilt his head up since I was now sitting on his lap. "Do you?"

"Not particularly," I mumbled back, hoping he would have taken it and just did it. Most guys want to be rough with me.

"Tell me why you want, what you really want,"

His words reminded me of a spice girls song and I giggled.

"What's funny? He smiled up at me.

I started humming the tune of the song in reply, falling off his lap into bed after he pushed me off in mock-offense.

I let out a small laugh once more pulling my arms up to put behind my head.

"You're so cute," he complimented, kissing the tip of my nose. He was on top of me once more. I didn't feel suffocated like I did before. It didn't seem to emotional.

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