Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey there's Harry!" Liam pointed to the bar from where we had taken residence at one of the tables.

"Why is he even working in the girls section?" I frowned. I'd been bored all night. Boobs are gross.

"I don't know, but I'm not complaining," Liam answered, not taking his eyes off the stage. Pigs.

I rolled my eyes and left these losers so I could go talk to my beautiful boyfriend at the bar.

"Hey hot stuff," I slid into a bar stool and leaned across the dark surface of the island.

"Don't bother, he's been brushing people off ever since he came in," a guy next to me nudged me with his elbow.

"He's my boyfriend," I blinked.

"Yeah, he's mine too," the man scoffed and went back to his beer, taking a swig.

Harry came to our section of the bar and leaned across the bar so he could place a kiss on my cheek, "Hey Lou," he smiled and leaned back, "What can I get ya?"

"Oi, styles, I didn't know you had a boyfriend," The drunken man beside me interrupted my answer.

"Shut up, Neil," Harry rolled his eyes.

"No pay attention to me," the man, Neil, argued back.

"You can get all the attention you want in one of the private rooms," Harry answered back, making a hand motion to Neil and turning back towards me.

"Now, what can I get you," He smiled at me brightly.

"Just impress me with your bartending skills," I replied, a smile that mirrored his laying across my face.

"Alright," he cracked his knuckles and ducked down under the counter.

Harry, what the fuck are you doing?

"Do you like hard liquor or fruity-type drinks?" He popped his head over the bar, "we have this pretty cool vodka, but it's like fruity flavored and no one has drank it all night and I really want to mix a drink with it," he blinked up at me.

"Hey, whatever you recommend," I placed my hands on the bar, honestly just waiting for Harry to get back up so I could see his pretty face.

"This is champagne and vodka and an orange thing I think," he placed a glass in front of me.

"It's purple," I looked up at him, smiling at his idiocy.

"Yes it is, drink it," he pushed it towards me more and waited for me to drink it, ignoring the calls from the other side of the bar for drinks.

I hesitantly picked up the glass and placed the rim to my lips, keeping eye contact with a smiling Harry as I took a drink.

"Is it good? Is it good?" Harry bounced, leaning over the bar further so he could hear my reply over the pounding music.

"Yeah it was great," I laughed, "You act like you've never mixed a drink before,"

"Haha, yeahhhhhhh," Harry leaned back and placed his hands on the bar, "I just wanted to make sure you liked what I made,"

"Well I do like it," I looked down at the half-full drink, watching the way the liquid shimmered and swirled.

Harry gave me a wide, proud smile in return, opening his mouth to reply.

"Hey lads!" Niall walked up and placed his arm around my shoulders, I looked up just in time to see Harry's smile falter in just the slightest before he widened it into a false grin.

"Hey, buddy," I pushed him off me, waving Harry's falseness off as jealousy.

"Hey, Harry, can you get me something?"

"Uh, yeah, what can I get you?" Harry let out a awkward laugh and poked around at bottles. He looked like he didn't know what anything was.

"Can I have a common wealth?" Niall smirked and sank down into a bar stool. 

"A common wealth?" Harry's eyes widened, "Yeah, uh, you got it," he scampered away from our side of the bar, still ignoring calls for drinks.

"Where is he going?" I asked Niall, watching Harry leave the bar area completely and pull one of the dancers off the stage. Like, he literally ripped her off the pole.

Fucken savage.

Niall just scoffed behind me, grinning as he watched Harry frantically talk to the dancer with dark hair. I think she was at our house the other day actually.

"This is all bullshit," he muttered with a laugh.

"What are you talking about?" I replied back, taking another swig of Harry's cocktail. There's a lot of vodka in this glass...

"He's not even a bartender!" He motioned to the bar of angry people who didn't get their drinks, "He's lying to you,"

"He wouldn't do that," I swung my legs back and forth from where I sat on my stool, "Harry's a baby angel innocent child," I giggled.

"Are you drunk?"


I probably wasn't....

I'd only drank half of what Harry gave me.

But I always have been kind of a light weight....

(And this has mostly vodka in it)

"Okay I'm back, I'm back," Harry slipped back in front of us, "You wanted a common wealth right?"


"As it turns out the common wealth has over 71 ingredients, all of which we do not posses," Harry cocked his head like he had just won a game, a smirk resting on his features.

"Whatever, if you knew how to mix drinks at all you wouldn't have had to run off before telling me that," Niall shot back.

"I had to talk to Kendall about our breaks!" Harry replied, "Mine's in like, right now, yeah,"

I turned my head to watch a tall man with a muscular build grab Harry and drag him from out of the bar area, throwing him over his shoulder and leaving the floor completely, turning down a hallway as Harry waved at us from his position.

"Can I get you guys anything to drink?" Harry's replacement placed her hands on the bar with a smile.

"Just a fucking beer," Niall dropped his head to his hands and rolled his eyes as she pulled one out of a fridge and handed it to him.

Why couldn't they just let Harry walk to his break alone?


Hey sorry this is absolute horse shit but I'm really worried about my friend and it's been stressful with tests and such AND I STULL HAVENT DONT MY STUDY GUIDE FUCK

Ok bye thanks for reading ily.

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