Chapter Thirty

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I was too scared to open my eyes when I woke up.

I could feel the cold concrete beneath me and I could hear other people in the room.

I wasn't confused at all about how I got here or what had happened. I know exactly why I was here.

Because I'm a fucking stripper. I might as well have been a prostitute it would have turned out the same way. I got involved with the wrong people.

Really I can only be mad at myself. I'm the one who walked away from Louis. He tried to get me to stay with him but I just had to walk away.

I remember reaching out to him when the man grabbed me. I remember kicking and trying to scream. I don't remember blacking out though.

Obviously I had been drugged. My body felt ten times heavier than it usually is and I couldn't focus on one thing at a time.

Someone would start talking and I wouldn't be able to focus on the rest of the sentence, my mind would drift off.

I finally opened my eyes and I didn't really like what I saw.

Through the haze I could see a few peoples feet standing a few feet away from me.

I did my best to sit up but my few attempts ended in me falling back onto the floor.

"This is how you should be Harry," I recognized it as Stevens voice, "This way you can't even think about quitting,"

I groaned and tried to sit up again, cursing Steven for drugging me.

I never knew how hard he could hold a grudge. I had worked with him for YEARS and never had I seen him be this cruel to anyone.

Without any warning I was being lifted up by my hair, I let out the loudest scream I could manage but I don't think it would be any good. They forced me into a chair and I did my best to keep my head up.

He started talking and I couldn't help but drown him out. My ears starting ringing and I felt like I was about to pass out.

I was brought back to coherency by an intense pain in my upper thigh.

"What the fuck!?" I screamed, adrenaline was keeping me awake now.

I looked down at my leg and saw an actual fucking knife stuck in my thigh.

"Are you ready to listen now, bitch?" Steven kicked my foot and pain shot up my leg.

It was pretty much all I could think about.

"What do you even want from me?" If I tried to get up now it wouldn't really do any good.

"I don't want anything to do with you," Steven answered, walking circles around me like a dickhead, "You just really pissed me off,"

"I don't get why you're fucking doing this," I bit back at him, i knew it wouldn't do anything.

"I've got to get back the money you've lost me," he answered back, "That's all you're good for whore,"

I knew where he was going with this and I definitely didn't fucking want it. I told him when he hired me that no way in hell would I be involved with this aspect of it. I don't know if he remembers I said that or if he's just doing this out of the cruelness within him.

"Steven..." I didn't even know what to say to try to deter him. If there was a way out of this I'm going to try my fucking hardest to get out of it.

I really didn't want to cry right now but I could feel it coming on. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me like that again.

He pulled the knife out of my leg without any warning and I couldn't help but scream.

Blood started pouring out of the wound and immediately I felt light headed.

I looked up at him and tried to bring my hands to my leg to cover the wound but as soon as I moved there were hands on me, pushing my hands back so I couldn't move. There was no energy left for me to fight against them.

I closed my eyes and I knew my body was shaking with the pain and I tried to ignore it the best that I could but I knew that this wasn't going to go away.

I wasn't going to wake up in my bed in a sweat and realize this was just a dream. I'm not going to be in Louis' room with my head on his chest. I'm just going to be here.

There was a faint noise and I could tell it caught Stevens attention. He started to walk away from me and the door flew open.

Men who I assume were body guards came in, one holding a kicking and screaming Louis and two other following holding a downtrodden looking Zayn and Liam.

What did I get everyone into?

(This story has been rewritten as of 10-21-17) HIIIII sorry this chapter is short. I'm kinda running out of ideas for this story lmao. I have one last idea that I'm going to use next chapter so. Yeah. :)

One more chapter then the epilogue.

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