Chapter Three

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Harry slipped through my front door around two pm the next day, the creaking of the old hinges alerting me to his entrance.

He stopped knocking a couple days ago, we both decided it was silly; if the door was unlocked, just come in.

"Hey," he found me in my bedroom, where I had decided to lay and be useless ever since my excessively long shower last night. "Listen, I'm sorry about that and I know you probably hate me for forcing you to stay in my apartment for a while last night,"

"Harry, listen," I stood from my bed, mentally cursing myself for not putting a shirt on when I knew Harry was coming over. "I don't think I could ever hate you,"

"Okay good," he let out a breathe and shook his hands out a little bit. "Are you ready to unpack in here?"

"You mean sit and watch while you do all the work?" I joked, "Of course!"

He rolled his eyes and pulled one of the boxes that had been stacked in a pile in the corner of my room to the floor in front of him, sitting down cross-legged on the floor.

"Do you have, like a dresser or something, or just the closet?" He fell onto his back and arched his spine to look at me where I laid in bed behind him.

"Dresser's not put together yet," I tried to ignore how he propped his legs up on separate boxes, making him look absolutely fuckable, "it's in the storage locker downstairs,"

"Let's go get it," he stood up, brushing off the back of his pants.

"I don't know if we have time, you have to go to work at seven and you probably won't let me help,"

"I go in at eleven tonight, actually," he corrected, grabbing my shoulders and trying to pull me to a standing position, only succeeding in smothering my face in his chest.

"I will bite you, Styles," I warned teasingly, standing up so he would stop struggling.

"If you do don't leave a mark," he shot back, "Don't want the neighbor's talking,"

"Says you, virgin," I pushed him a little as we made our way to the elevator.

"Yeah, well you're a slut," he stuck his tongue out at me.

"You don't know that," I teased back.

"You don't know what I don't know,"

My reply was cut off by the ding of the elevator opening and Harry stepping out, a smug grin across his features at having not gotten a reply.

"Where is it at?" He looked around the basement where residents were allowed to store extra shit.

"Uh, like 17 or 18 I think," I started walking towards the area, trying to remember what spot I had been assigned when I moved in.

"18," he pointed to the number and walked in front of me, "Will you help carry it up?" He started stacking the thick wooden slats.

"Uh, Harry we can make more than one trip," I widened my eyes at the pile he had collected, the entire set stacked in pieces before him, waiting for me to come help. "It's a bit heavy,"

"C'mon Lou," he set his hands on the edge of the bottom slat, lifting it slightly, "Lift with your legs not with your back," he smiled as I huffed and walked over, picking up my side of the slates.

"Shit," I huffed when the wood was rested at about chest-level, "it's unfair that your not struggling,"

"I mean, it's not easy," he spoke, his breath a little strained, "but I'd rather do it this way,"

"It's unfair that you don't look like you're straining," I corrected, backing up to the elevator and watching Harry sloppily press the button with his foot.

"When you get back up do you want a drink?" I rested against the wall in an attempt to alleviate the weight while the elevator took us back up to the fourth floor. "I really need one," I joked.

"I don't drink," Harry smiled at me from the other side of the elevator.

"That is probably why you're a virgin," I smiled at him teasingly. Harry just gave a weird kind of smile in return. Like, I don't even know how to describe it; it was just weird.

Harry let out a huff as the elevator doors opened, hoisting the pieces higher than he had them before.

I mumbled out curses as we made it to my room, Harry turning the handle and quickly kicking the door open, leading me through.

"Finally!" I let out after we had set the planks down in my room, flopping down on my bed.

"Do you have instructions?" Harry sat down on his calves in the floor, giving me the greatest view of his ass. Fuck you.

"No, lost them like, five minutes after we set the dresser up," I tried not to laugh as Harry sighed and started guessing how the pieces fit together, holding them up and looking at the connectors.

"Do you have a screwdriver?" He fell back onto the edge of the bed, right by my hip, "or some screws?"

I could screw you

"Yeah, in one of the kitchen boxes,"

"I didn't see any yesterday when we unpacked," he climbed onto the bed so he was sitting on the edge instead of arching his back so his upper body rested on the mattress; which I was okay with, but I mean, whatever...

"Might as well give up and go to sleep," I folded my arms across my chest and closed my eyes, waiting for the complaint from Harry.

There it was. A high pitched whine of my name that sounded really dirty. It made me wonder if that's how he sounds in bed. He wouldn't know; he's a little baby virgin.

"Louuuuuuu, c'mon," he scooted up and leaned over me so he was basically on top of me. "Help me out so I can help you out,"

Okay, fuck you Harry.


I'm really tired bc boys (ugh) and work and it was leg day so I had to do a million squats to keep my booty as fine as Louis' so the ending sucks bc that's what I just wrote, but whatever.

I finna updated yo. Got it out.

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