Chapter Twelve

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I tried to calm down my breathing as I looked in the mirror.

Niall was right. I am a piece of shit for lying to Louis.

But when he said it, I just slapped him.

Then he tried to hit me back, so I kneed him in the balls.

Not the best response, I'll admit, but what was I supposed to do? No one is going to lay a hand on me. That was a promise. And I'm not going to break it.

Now I'm in Louis' bathroom, trying not to hyperventilate because apparently I'm lying to my boyfriend and I'm a fucking stripper and Niall knows because Steven made me take fucking center pole last night.

God dammit.

If I could just be a mediocre dancer and just stay on the side show rooms, this would never happen. But no. Everyone just has to love me. And there's a stupid birthday party tonight, so I'l be working center again tonight.


And tomorrow's drag night.

I swear to fucking god if Steven makes me take center again on drag night, I'll kill him.

I'm not wearing makeup. No way.

Okay... Maybe.

"Harry?" There was a knock at the door, "are you alright?"

God, I'm manipulative as fuck.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine," I replied, my voice sounding grounded and firm even though my face was dusted pink with anxiety and tears threatened to plunge off my eyelashes.


"Did Niall hurt you?" He asked again.

Hahahahahaha go away.

"No, I'm fine," I tried to keep any type of frustration out of my tone, keep from biting back at him.

It's not his fault.

He's just concerned. His boyfriend injured one of his best friends then pathetically retreated to the bathroom like a kicked puppy.

Giving a final blink of my eyes to rid them of the red rims they'd acquired, I brushed my hair out of my face and prepared myself to see him.

I opened the door and gave him a practiced smile.

My stripper smile.


"Do you want to talk about it?" He blinked, his eyes flashing with concern. A concern for his boyfriend who shouldn't lie to him.

"No, there's nothing to talk about really," I grabbed his hand and led it around my waist, moving closer so our bodies pressed together, "I'm fine, you're fine, Niall's probably still going to be able to have children,"



"Never mind, I don't want to know," he shook his head and pulled my closer, "I'm just worried about you sometimes."

"Why would you do that, that's silly," I smiled, this time genuinely.

"Because you are my boyfriend, silly," he placed a kiss to my lips. "And you are perfect," another kiss, "and amazing," another, "and-" he didn't give me another description, catching his lips on mine instead.

I threaded my hand through the hair on the back of his head as he deepened the kiss, leaning us against the wall behind him and drawing me closer.

"Shit, sorry," he pulled away, "I forgot you've probably- never," he fumbled over his words, gripping my hands and pulling our bodies apart a little.

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