Chapter Twenty Nine

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I screamed as I saw Harry kicking and fighting against the man who had grabbed him.

It happened so quick.

I was walking towards him, trying to get him to come back.

As soon as he turned around a man who had been walking towards us on the sidewalk grabbed him and dragged him into the alley.

I took off sprinting.

I could hear the lads behind me running just as fast I was.

Without the slightest hesitation I followed them through the alley and tried to catch up the best I could.

They aren't moving nearly as fast as I am and I'm hoping harry is slowing him down enough for me to catch up.

Harry had stopped struggling. His body was limp as he was being taken away and it was such a shocking sight.

I pushed harder and I tried to go faster and I was almost there when he threw open a door and slammed it shut behind them just as fast.

I yanked on the door handle as hard as I could but it wasn't going to budge.

They locked us out.

"What's this building?" I yelled to the lads, "we have to get in, hurry,"

"Why don't we call the police?" Zayn asked, running to where I was standing and pulling on the door himself.

"Is that a joke? As soon as they go searching my dad will just pay them off so they'll leave us alone. If we don't do anything about it We'll find harry in a body bag."

"Let's go," Liam yelled from the end of the alley by the street. He waved us towards him and me and Zayn took off running to meet him.

We followed him after he began running again and into the entrance of a shop.

I've been here before.

The boys stopped and didn't know what to do but I took off running straight behind the counter and past the lady standing there, I just hoped the lads were following me because if I was going where I think I'm going I'm going to need them with me.

If this is the same place I remember, I want to get harry out of here as soon as I possibly fucking can. This is the worst place I remember my father owning.

Harry won't last a week in here.

I didn't notice anyone really trying to stop me, everyone was probably high off their fucking dickholes.

Liam and Zayn were still behind me, I could hear the familiar sound of their shoes and their increased breathing.

I think I know where he would be, but there's so many places he could have gone.

I made my way back to my first guess and I had the boys following still.

My pace slowed to a walk because I knew running would definitely alarm the workers but I could pass it off as 'just looking' if I was walking.

If Harry was where I think he is, this may be an easy way out. It seems too simple though.

I'm so ducking scared for Harry. I don't know what happened or where the fresh fuck he is and I keep kicking myself over and fucking over again because I know this is pretty much all my fault.

Harry felt guilty about dancing so he wanted to quit his job with my dad and now there's a bounty on Harry's head and I'm just the hugest piece of shit.
All I wanted to do was end this and have Harry's safe.

I gave him what he wanted, but I suppose it wasn't enough.

When I went to meet my father he was sitting at his desk with one of his dancers on his lap, to inform me that no one could ever replace Harry. No one would ever be good enough for him to accept. No one brings in the type of cash that Harry did.

He told me that none of the other dancers could get him off like Harry could.

That pissed me off.

I almost fucking hit him when he said that.

I can't trust a word he fucking says.

I can't trust anything he does.

He sent fucking thugs after his own son and now he is purposely trying to ruin my fucking life.

I'm not going to let him. If he wants to drag someone back into this business I will definitely fucking let him. But that person sure as hell is not going to be Harry. There is no way I will let him do that. I'm going to get to Harry.

I have to.

I started walking by the rows of rooms with half naked, drugged up whores all laid in their own cots or if they were lucky they had a mattress on the floor.

The rooms weren't kept up as nicely as the other places I'd seen my father have.

As I walked past the rooms I scanned each of them for Harry, both hoping that he would be in one of the rooms and praying that I don't find him in the same shape as the people I've seen so far.

I was nearing the end of the hallway and I turned my head to give a look to Zayn and Liam.

They both looked terrified.

They've never seen this part of my life because I've put it in a box and shut it away for so long.

I always knew it would come to bite me in the fucking ass one day.


(This chapter has been rewritten as of 10-10-17)


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