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Okay wow. I have to move. Out. I have to move out. Lovely.

Do I know why?

Of course not. Liam just decided he didn't want to live with me anymore. Asshole.


Time to go online and go apartment hunting, because what else do you do when your best friend kicks you out?

I opened the first link I saw and started going through the listings; too expensive, too sketchy, too far away, too empty.

These all suck. Liam sucks. Moving sucks.

Maybe he should move out. I like the apartment I live in now.

I'm calling you Lima Bean for the rest of your life

I texted him, knowing he hates the knick name.

Lima: good thing your moving out and I'm never going to see you again :)))))


You know you're helping me move

I pressed send and threw my phone to the other side of the couch. I heard it buzz, but I was too lazy to move my laptop and check what loser face had said back.

All these places are too shabby or too nice. Where is the middle ground?




Twenty minutes later, I was still at a loss, having not found a suitable and cost-efficient place to live and deciding alcohol was the only alternative.

Just as I was about to twist the cap off the bottle, the door swung open and Niall burst through the kitchen, seeing me struggle with the cap.

"Mate, it's only noon," he slipped the bottle of whiskey out of my grasp and back into the liquor cabinet.

"That five o clock rule is only for middle aged women who drink wine," I rolled my eyes, "and there's nothing else to drink, so shutup,"

"There's water," he turned on the tap to prove his point.

"Gross," I turned off the faucet and decided to give up on trying to get around Niall, just flopping on the couch instead.

"What're you up to?" He sat on my feet, "Y'know, besides drinking,"

"I'm trying to find an apartment because Lima's dumb ass is kicking me out," I handed him my laptop that had all the listings pulled up.

"What about this one?"


"This one?"




"Louis!" He scolded, "You didn't even look,"

"It's pastel," I blinked, "What is the place called?"

"It's called something circle or whatever," he clicked on the link attached to the image, "Summit Circle," he blinked at the various pastel pictures pulled up.

"Is every apartment decorated that way?" I kinda squinted at the room displayed on the website. There was a fucking quilt on the sofa. "Looks like old lady apartments," I groaned.

"No, it actually says that all ages are welcome and under the picture it says 'Not all rooms look this way, this is a representation', " he smiled.

I do like the high ceilings and the carpet.

There were a few pictures of other homes that looked like a small family lived there. The building was no smoking and pets were allowed, so that was good.

"I'll call them tomorrow, just let me read the reviews," I laid back and took my laptop from him, "Why are you here anyways?"

"Waiting on Loam," he got off my feet finally and laid across the only other piece of suitable furniture in the room, a large recliner.

"Loam," I made a face, "Loam has been giving me problems lately,"

"He's just making you move out," Niall rolled his eyes, "Stop being a drama queen,"

"You're a drama queen," I shot back, ignoring him so I could focus on my reviews I was supposedly reading.

Everyone seemed to adore the fourth floor. They absolutely fucking loved it.

"Nigel," I groaned, "There's a fucking cult that lives here,"


"Everyone signed a pact to worship the fourth floor,"

"Then see if there's a spot available for the fourth floor," he shrugged.

"Ugh, fine," I threw my phone at him,
"Call them for me,"

"Who's Ryan?" He looked at my lock screen, "They texted you and said 'You wanna get food later?'" He smiled mockingly.

"It's Zayn, I call him Ryan because that's what his building manager always calls him," I smirked back.

"Why do you have names for everyone?" He unlocked my phone and asked for the number.

"Because I'm too good to call people by their real names," he started talking into the receiver, ignoring me, "Peasants don't deserve that kind of attention,"

I looked over to see him talking into my cell phone, he had been talking over me, who does he think he is?

"That's great, we'll be over to sign the papers tomorrow," he gave me a thumbs up as he hung up, "FOURTH FLOOR BABY!" He shouted and jumped on me.

"Yay! We're part of the cult!" I gripped his shoulders, "Now we can sacrifice children to the fourth floor God and spread goat blood all over the doors!"

"Shut up," Niall rolled his eyes, "The super said they have a really nice room available and you can move in next week,"

"Fine, douchebag," I kicked him off me, "But all of you guys are helping me move,"


Lol. Kinda new idea I guess? No Larry yet, but Harry is introduced next chapter so yay. Hope you like the new story. :)

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