Chapter Five

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Would it be weird if I woke him up?

Shutup Harry it's already weird.

I scolded myself as I leaned against the wall in Louis' bedroom. Wow I'm really fucking drunk.

"Louuuu," I whispered, "Louuuiissss,"

He didn't wake up. Asshole.

"LouisTomlinsossosososn," I crawled on top of him, "Pay attention to me right this minute,"

"Harry?" He blinked at me in the dark, resting his hand on my thigh so he could sit up without knocking me off his lap.

I could start something right now, but I'm nice. Also I'm really drunk.

"Pay attention to me," I repeated, bouncing a little on him.

And yeah. I do know what I'm doing to him.

"You are so fucking drunk," he mumbled, mostly to himself, but I was going to reply to him anyways.

"Do you think I don't know that? Because I do," I rolled off his lap and into bed next to him.

And if I curled into his side a little bit, who can blame me. I'm a cuddly drunk.... And he's hot. So what?

"Are you going to sleep?" Louis asked distractedly.

"No I'm going to lay here and pretend to sleep, but I'm really convincing so watch out," I mumbled against his chest. I know that didn't make an ounce of sense, but it's fine.

"You're really sarcastic when your drunk," he laughed a little, fully awake now, "and touchy," he added as I ran my hands across his bare chest.

Thank you Louis for not wearing a shirt to bed.

"Okay," he gathered my wrists in his hands, "You need to sleep of your hangover and I need to sleep in the guest room," he started to get up after he had placed my hands at my sides, but I gripped his shoulders and stopped him, his body hovering over mine.

"You should stay here," I locked my fingers behind his head for emphasis.

"Alright," he gulped, falling back into bed beside me and letting me curl back into his side and fall asleep.


"Harry," Lou's voice filled my ears, my shoulders shaking, "Harry, you need to get off me.

I opened my eyes and immediately squinted at the sunlight streaming through the blinds, then at Louis.

Louis. Shit.

Last night. And I was drunk and I...

I shoved my hand under the covers, checking to see if I had pants on, then immediately groping Louis, earning a surprised shout from him. Okay, we both had clothes on.

"Oh thank god," I sighed and rolled off him. "Just checking sorry," I managed the best smile I could in my current state.

"Yeah, okay, okay," he mumbled and sat up, "You always end up on top of me when we sleep,"

"Maybe you just have a very inviting chest," I argued back, staying comfortably under Louis' blankets as he pulled on a shirt.

"I'm going to order breakfast, do you want anything?" He stretched a little, slipping on some shoes.

"Where are you going?" I tried to sit up, interested in potential food, but quickly fell back down as my headache spiked at the new position.

"Pizza place," he placed his hand on the handle, "Last call for requests," he smiled.

"Actually, I think I'll pass," I crinkled my nose. With my job, I couldn't, "I'll just go next door and have a salad or something,"

"Whatever," he made a face at my reluctance to eat pizza, "You don't have to come over today, you look like you need sleep, and water.... Lots of water,"

I stuck my tongue out at him as he left the room, laughing at me for being a child.

I did need sleep. And water. And food. And a facial so I didn't look like a hot mess when I went to work today.

Where is my phone?

I had left them in my pants pocket when I crawled into bed with Louis in my drunken haze, and now my pockets are empty. Great.

I sat up, slower this time as not to send a rush of blood to my already throbbing head, and threw the blankets off the bed.


Well, there's my phone.

I stood up best I could without feeling sick and shuffled over to the device, taking it in my hands and scrolling through the million texts. Mostly from my friends complaining that I left early, but whatever. They can fight me.

There were a few snapchats, but I avoided those, honestly afraid of what I might see. No way was I watching everyone's stories until I've had at least four more hours of sleep.

Strolling through Louis' house, and passing a mirror that I made sure to avoid looking in, I had to stop in the living room.

I'm sorry, who is this beautifully attractive man sleeping on Louis' couch?

Wait, he's one of Louis' friends I think.

A smirk found it's way across my features as I observed him, apparently all Louis' friends are gorgeous.

Well, gorgeous people hang around other gorgeous people.

Now I'm really going to have to push him to have them over for cake. Except the one that called me a twink. He can stay at home.

What if Louis thinks my friends are gorgeous?

I mean, I know for a fact that he's attracted to me, but what if he thinks my friends are prettier than me?

Kendall is absolutely stunning, Cara deserves to be a model, Gigi is a fucking model. Shit. Louis is totally into my friends.

And I've been staring at this guy sleeping in his couch for like ten minutes now. Great.

But, he is really attractive.

Nice hair, tattoos, good complexion, nice body.

Okay, Harry, time to go back to your apartment!

I forced myself to take my eyes away from the man and hurried out the door, well as quick as I could without tripping over my tired feet.

As I stumbled through the threshold of my own door, I dreaded going to work tonight.

Seems to happen more often now that I've met Louis, and I don't know if I like it or not.




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