Chapter Nine

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Two hours after we had woken up, we had the bathroom unpacked.

It had only taken so long because Harry kept stopping and smiling at his own stupid jokes.

He's such a little angel.

"Okay, so this is the last room, yeah? You really need to unpack that one last box in your room because it is driving me crazy," he started rambling, "And the oven needs cleaned and I don't think you're going to be doing that, so I probably have to,"

"Harry," I tried, getting ignored.

"Do you have any, like, cleaners or do you want me to bring my own over?"

"Harry," I tried not to laugh at how God damn endearing he is.

"I have some really good industrial shit that would work really well, it's kinda flammable so you can't turn on the stove for a while after you use it,"

"Harry!" I said louder.

"What? It's only a couple days, you'll be fine. If you really need a stove you can come use mine-"

I cut him off by sealing my mouth over his.
He let go of the basket he had been holding, wrapping his arms around my neck to hold me closer.

He pulled away and tucked his face into my neck afterwards, just holding us together.

It had only lasted about three seconds, but it was longer than last time. I think...

It felt longer than last time.

"Uh, w-what time is it?" He blinked once he had released me

"Almost five thirty,"

Harry groaned and leaned back into me, "I don't want to go to work today,"

"Why not, love?" I laughed, kissing the top of his head.

"It's just stressful sometimes with people yelling at me all night,"

"Who yells at you?" He's a bartender, how hard can it be?

"Everyone," he giggled, wrapping his arms back around my neck and placing a sweet type of kiss to my lips.

"Be my boyfriend," I mumbled against his cheek.

Harry pulled away and looked at me.

"Uh, did I do something wrong?" I widened my eyes, hoping I hadn't fucked this up by asking him.

"N-no," he blinked, "I- uh, just..." He trailed off, leaving his mouth kinda gaping, "I just haven't had anyone just want me since I was sixteen,"

"Well, I do want you," I pressed my face into his fruity-scented hair. "Just you," I hoped that this would sway him, but it may not, sadly.

"O-oh," he mumbled against my chest, "Okay then,"

"Okay, what?"

"Okay, let's be boyfriends,"

I smiled as wide as I possibly could when I heard that, maybe even wider. Harry's own features broke out into a stunning smile, stretching across his face as the most beautiful laugh bubbled from his throat.

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