Chapter Seventeen

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Okay cool. Yet another lie I've told to my boyfriend to account for a different lie.

I distracted him earlier so he didn't have enough time to think about it, but now that he's gone and I've got to get to work in half an hour, I don't know what's going to happen. He'll have time to process that I'm a complete mess of sketchy lies.

"Harry?" Cara's voice interrupted my thoughts. And by thoughts I mean literally flipping the fuck out.

"Yes, how can I help you?" I blinked at her wildly, hoping to prove a point.

"I asked you if you had told Steve that you were quitting yet or not, but I guess you're in a bitchy mood," she stood up and walked into the kitchen, already in her outfit for the night.

I used to put on my kit before I left, leave the apartment in the silk robe they gave us to cover it, but I don't think it'd be so easy to explain that to Louis.

"I'm not in a bitchy mood, I'm just freaking out,"

"Why are you freaking out?" She called from the kitchen, messing around with the fridge.

"Because Louis was at one of my shows!" I yelled, throwing my head back at the thought.

"Louis was what?!?" Cara yelled back from the doorway to my kitchen, the metal bits from her outfit jangling from how fast she turned.

"He was at one of my sho-," I started to complain more, only to be cut off by the slam of my front door opening, Louis rushing in.

"Hi Harry, I know you're going to work soon, but I forgot my phone here and I need to text Niall back before he comes to my house and chokes me out," he reached between the couch cushions, oblivious to the half naked stripper in the kitchen.

I motioned for her to fucking move, but she just stood there, slightly swaying in her 6 inch heels.

"Okay babe, bye," he kissed my cheek and started to turn around.

If he turned around, he'd see Cara standing there looking like a fucking idiot in her god damn skimpy ass clothes.

Before he could pull away, I gripped the back of his neck and pulled him back down, wrapping my arms around him and bringing our lips together in a kiss.

Not a nice innocent little kiss either.

He made a noise of surprise, but let me pull him down onto the couch beside me anyways, pulling me onto his lap.

I opened one eye to see Cara trying to hold in a laugh, still idly grounded to the door jam of the kitchen.

I raised my arm and motioned for her to fucking move her ass.

Thankfully, she finally got it and sunk down to her hand and knees on the ground, crawling behind the bar that divides the kitchen from the living room.

I pulled away from Louis reluctantly, even though I had initiated the kiss as a distraction, it was nice. Really nice.

"That was uh, that was," he trailed off, looking quite dazed.

"It was nice," I rubbed my nose against his as I leant back away from him.

"Now don't you have to reply to Niall or something?" I smiled, trying to keep the distain out of my voice. Lord I hate that boy. With a passion. I think I might kill him.

"Oh yeah the Irish brat," he rolled his eyes, "He's been freakin out about something from when we went to that club you work it, won't shut up about it," 

"He was probably hallucinating from drugs and saw something crazy," I laughed nervously, hoping that was a decent enough explanation.

"You never know with Niall," he picked up his phone from the couch where he had dropped it, heading for the door, "I'll text you later, baby!" He called as he left the apartment, blowing me a kiss as he shut the door behind him.

"Oooooohhhhh Harry!" Cara yelled as she walked back into my sight, "That was steamy," she lowered her voice, sitting on the couch next to me. "Also, it's almost seven," she blinked at me, "when are we leaving?"

"Uh, those guys should be here soon," I looked at the white clock hanging above the tv.

"What guys?"

"I don't know, two guys. They always pick me up. They don't really talk they just push me around and get me to work,"

"What the fuck Harry?" She scooted closer to me, "Do you know their names?"

"Eh, sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't," I waved it off, it's not like it was important, "Doesn't Steven send people to pick you up?"

"Definitely not," she scoffed, "Maybe it's because you're the most valuable."

"What do you mean?" The most valuable. What kind of bullshit is that? All the dancers pull in a decent amount of money, we all leave with heavy wallets at the end of the night.

"Steven always goes on about how we should all strive to be like you, how if we all brought in the kind of cash you did, the club would be thriving or whatever," she motioned about with her hands as she talked.

I knew that I was good at dancing, but I didn't know that Steven idolized me to the other performers. That was crazy. Im not that good.

"That's ridiculous?" I blinked.

"You're really good at dancing, H," she nodded. "Sometimes, I pretend you're just a really flat-chested girl and it turns me on,"

"What the fuck," I laughed, leaning back. Cara was insane sometimes.

The door opening signaled the end of this conversation. The two guys came in, ignoring Cara seemingly completely.

They didn't acknowledge her at all. The only change in their behavior was that they roughly threw me over one of their shoulders instead of escorting me out.

They haven't done that in a couple weeks.

"What about Cara?" I asked, lifting my head up to look at her sitting on my white leather couch, gripping her silk robe tightly on her fists.

I received no reply, just the slam of a door behind us as I was removed from the building.


IM SO SORRY RHAT TOOK SO LONG good lord I'm horrible.

Happy larentines day

AIMH hit 2M yay

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