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"Lou?" I poked his cheek where he lied beside me.

"Harry?" He smacked my hand lazily, not wanting to be woken up.

"I'm going to make breakfast," I kissed his cheek, sitting up and stretching.

"No, you stay right here. I'll do it," he blinked his eyes open and stretched.

"Louis it's been 2 years I'm perfectly capable of making breakfast."

"Last time you tried to make breakfast you spilt the flour all over the stove and it caught on fire," he gave me a look, pulling the covers away from me and helping me up.

I'm still not used to being so unbalanced.

"Here, babe," he pulled the chair over so I could sit.

They had to amputate my leg.

I didn't even know we had gone to the hospital. I just woke up with no leg and no Louis.

He thought I was going to die so he left. He left the hospital and went back to my dads club.

Whatever he did to piss him off must have been really bad because Louis came back in an ambulance. We got to share a room though, so that was fun.

Louis made plane noises as he pushed me into the living room, making me laugh.

"Slow down!" I giggled, "You're going to kill me,"

"That's the last thing I want," he leaned down and placed a quick kiss on my lips.

After we left the hospital and I was taken off the drugs, I fell into a depression of sorts.

I couldn't dance. One of the only things that I love, and I could never do it again.

Dancing was second only to Louis on my list of favorite things.

Personally I've never heard of amputee dancers. At least not pole dancers.

I'm over it now. Now me and Lpuis do all sorts of fun things, neither of us have a job since Louis is still getting money from his father (who now thinks I am dead).

I don't agree with the source of money and it rubs me the wrong way to think about it.

Lately Louis has been putting half in an account every week to save up for a baby.

Louis rolled me right up to the kitchen table and I stood up on my good leg to lean against the counter while he cooked.

"Hey hot stuff," I grabbed his hand, interfering with the cooking situation.

"Hop up here," he patted the counter next to me.

After I was situated on my new seat, Louis put out hands together, just pressed together.

Our wedding rings lined up, our tattoos matched.

I'm happy. I thought I was happy before, but I never really knew what happiness was until recently. Louis makes everything seem dull in comparison because all the time all it is, it's Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis Louis.

I can't think about anything else half the time, not that I would want to.

"What are you making?" I stuck my finger in the bowl, not having been paying attention while he was getting it together.

"Don't you dare put that in your mouth it has raw eggs in it," he handed me a paper towel to wipe my hand off with, "I'm making French toast."

Louis made the best French toast.

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