Chapter Twenty

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pulpnonfiction t t hope u get well soon hoe. Ya cunt ass gonna miss more school smh


Harry's a prostitute. He lied to me.

Well I guess I lied to him too. I didn't get money from a law suit when I was little.

I get money from my dad each month for staying out of his business.

I know my dad runs several prostitution rings and is one of the main dealers in this city, I just thought that Harry was something else you know?

How coincidental that the boy I find and fall in love with is a hooker?

How is it fair that out of everything I've done to try to escape my father's reign over this city, that I'm only pulled back in by the last person I would expect to bring this to me.

It's ironic, he seemed so innocent.

I looked over to where he laid on the couch beside me. We couldn't go to the hospital, he would be arrested. Prostitution is illegal.

Let along all the drug trafficking Harry probably does, he's probably been carrying loads every time I see him. I wouldn't be surprised if there were kilos in the cabinets.

He stirred beside me, earning my attention.

My adorable baby, a sinner like me. Worse to a degree.

I used to be involved with that thing, dragged into the environment by my father. I never dealt with the prostitution side of things, but I know that's a nasty business to be in.

Especially with my father, he treats everyone who works with him horrible. Unless they work in the clubs. He adores the dancers he has.

I think it's just because they give him free lap dances.

I watched as Harry's eyes blinked open beside me, he was still in the lacy outfit he was in earlier, but now it's a bit torn from when the two men who had been holding him up dropped him.

I absolutely let my dad have it when I saw what he was doing to my baby, not physically, but I just couldn't stand it.

I know he already blames himself for mom, but now he knows that I blame him too.

But that's not important, it was his fault anyways.

"Lou?" Harry's beautiful lips parted in a rough sound of my name. His throat was probably dry.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, grabbing the glass of water I had set out for him earlier.

"M' alright," he tried to sit up, seeing his attire and falling back down, covering his face with his hands. "Oh my god Lou, I'm sorry," he spoke into his hands.

"Oh him? He's on of the trappers I don't know what it is to ya," my father's words rang through my skull as he waited for my answer. I just couldn't say anything. What was I supposed to say?

"I- I love you," Harry placed his hand over mine, his voice deep with emotion. He sounded as if he were about to cry.

"I love you to," I kissed the back of his hand, wondering just where exactly that hands been.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way, I was going to tell you after I got my new job I just didn't want to make you upset,"

"How was this not going to make me upset, Harry?" I looked away from him, if I looked him in the eyes while I said this I would give in. "You told me you were a virgin, tricked me into believing you were innocent, and you're a fucking hooker?"

"What?" He sat up fully this time, forcing me to look at him, "I am most  certainly not a hooker,"

I just gave him a look in reply, my own father had told me other wise.

"Some of the other guys might do that during the week for extra cash, but I most certainly A. Don't need the money and B. Would never sleep with someone for money!"

"My dad told me you were 'trapping'." 

"Your dad?" He shook his head, "How the hell does your dad know anything about me?"

"He's your boss." I replied blankly.

"Steven?" He stared at me like he didn't believe it. "Oh my god I gave your dad a lap dance, oh my god your dad tried to kill me!"

"Baby," he grabbed my hands as I reached out to him, "I'm here, I'm right here,"

"I'm just a danc- stripper," he mumbled into my shirt, "And I haven't slept with anyone since two weeks before I met you,"

I ran my fingers through his hair as he spoke, trying to avoid any bruises he might have under his hair.

"Last person I slept with was that kick boxer guy down the hall,"

"Isn't he married?"

"Yes," Harry grumbled into my chest, "His wives the nicest woman, she came over and baked a cake with me a couple days after that, she's shit at cooking,"

"Harry!" I laughed, "You can't just sleep with someone's husband then bake with them and insult their cooking!"

"I do what I want," he giggled, "I'm a bad bitch," he stuck his tongue out at me and smiled.

It's so easy to forget about all the bad stuff with him. So easy to just dismiss everything negative and just focus on the absolute wonder in front of me.

"You're beautiful," I brushed his hair out of his face.

"Stop it Lou," he smiled, "I'm a mess, I haven't showered and I've got blood on my face still," he looked down, "and I'm wearing this ridiculous thing,"

"Do you want to go change?"

"I, uhm, I can't reach the closures on this one by myself," he awkwardly moved his arms around to his back as if to prove the point he couldn't do it on his own.

"I'll help you, c'mon," I helped him up, letting him rest some of his weight on me.

"M'sorry about all this," he leaned into me more.

"It's fine baby, it's fine,"


Lol sorry took me so long. Check out pulpnonfiction she writes shit (not Larry)

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