Chapter Two

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I've been living here for two weeks. The first of which; I literally sat around doing nothing, procrastinating unpacking until I ran out of paper plates. The second week, Harry came over and basically unpacked everything for me.

Turns out, he's really good at organizing stuff. I don't think my place has ever been this organized in my life.

Not even when I lived with my mum.

"Did you even plan on unpacking?" Harry picked up one of the few boxes left, marked 'Kitchen' in Zayn's messy handwriting.

"Yeah, but I was just going to, like, throw everything in the floor," I walked into the kitchen with him to try to help, then be told I'm doing everything wrong and should stop. It's been happening all week. "I'm really not very organized,"

"Please don't be messy," he gave me a look, "We're neighbor's and I can't sleep knowing that your apartment is potentially a huge mess,"

"Do you have, like, a disease or something?" I tried to not sound judge mental when I said that, but I really, really failed.

"No," he smiled a little, trying to hold in laughter, "Doctor said I'm fine, I just have a knack for organization," he winked and went back to placing the silverware into a drawer.

"You went to the doctor about it?" I raised my eyebrows and started putting plates away.

"Hey, sorry, could you just like, sit down and let me do this? You really suck at unpacking," Harry laughed and placed his hands on my shoulders to push me into a seat at the kitchen table, "and my mother made me when I was younger,"

"Is there a story about this?" A smile played on my lips as I asked, wanting to hear about twelve year old Harry bleaching the walls or something.

"Another time, yeah?" He replied quickly and turned back around, filing the forks into a neat pile that I was sure I would accidentally mess up the moment he leaves.

"Alright," is it bad that a little part of me hopes he's gay? I mean, it's likely because he's living in a literal purple apartment that has little flowers all over it and is currently standing at the counter with what I'm pretty sure is a woman's shirt. But, hey, ya never know.

"Sorry, I'm in a little bit of a rush, I don't want to be here when I have to go to work," he leaned back a little bit so he could look at me while he talked, but turned back around to focus on the pots and pans he had began placing on hooks he had put up yesterday.

Harry's really done a lot for my apartment. I should thank him later.

"Does my place smell weird or...?"

"No! No, it's just they send people to come get me and they're kinda rude, I didn't want to subject you to that," he turned around, leaning against the counter.

"Oh, that sounds.... Nice" I smiled at him as he turned back around and moved on to the lazy Susan.

"It's not that bad, they're just my ride so I don't see them that often,"

"Is it tiring to work at night?" I watched as he sat down at the table across from me, having put away everything from the last kitchen box.

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