Chapter Eleven

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"Hey Lou," Harry smiled at me and flopped down onto my bed.

"Hello Hershel," I smiled back at the boy, letting him lay across my chest. He's so tiny and adorable. He's taller than me, but he's still tiny. And adorable.

"I'm tired," he shoved his face into my shoulder, dragging out the last syllable.

"How tiring can giving away drinks all night be?" I laughed, wrapping my arms around the small boy.

"Yeah," he gave a small laugh, "I guess you're right, I'm acting silly,"

"Harry, I was joking," I softened my voice and placed my hand on the back of his head, "You've worked all night you do deserve some rest,"

Harry just nodded, but looked as if he didn't believe me.

"Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend," I shook my head, gripping onto his hair playfully.

"Yes, that's me," I felt him smile against my chest as he said it, "How may I help you?"

"I'm going to stop keeping you up now," I kissed the top of head, "I'm going to make some breakfast, maybe invite the lads over," I sent him a beaming smile, "We'll be quiet so you can rest,"

"Thanks Lou," the boy smiled back, wrapping himself tightly in the blankets. And fluttering his captivating eyes slightly before blinking them shut altogether, already relaxing into sleep.

"So cute," I whispered before closing the door with a soft click and stepping out into the hallway.

Harry really is a gift from god.

He's an absolute angel from heaven.

Such a pure child.

And I'm a horrible horrible horrible person that wants to take that away from him.

I can't help it, he's hot.

I grabbed the one of the many takeout menus I had collated over my years of being a sad, pathetic excuse of a bachelor, "well, well, well, what do we have today?"

"Pizza it is," I shrugged, seeing as I had grabbed the menu for a small joint about 7 miles from here. They have decent pizza, good sauce.

"Really? Pizza?" Niall's annoying voice came from my couch, making me jump and drop my menu.

"Why the fuck are you here Nigel?" I made a face and bent down to pick up the fallen lamented paper.

"Harry gave me a ride last night," he took a bite of the breadstick he had found. Probably got it from between the couch cushions honestly.

"Why were you with Harry?" I raised my eyebrow at the idiot.

"Was at the club he works at, he's got a really nice car,"

"He works in a gay club," I had to stop and blink at Niall. "Are you telling me, that you; Mr. Straight, were at a gay club.

"They have a girls section," he stuck his tongue out at me.

"Okay whatever," I rolled my eyes. Girls section. Is that even a thing? Sounds like a strip club. "Are you just going to invite yourself over to my apartment all the time now?"

"I didn't invite myself over," he folded his arms across his chest, "Harry let me in,"

"I didn't give him a key,"

"I don't know how he got in then," He stood up and took the menu from me, "Because he used a key,"

"You're an idiot," I rolled my eyes and took the menu back from him, grabbing my phone out of my pocket. "Now be quiet the poor lad is sleeping,"

"No, I'm awake now," Harry wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind me, "and please don't order pizza, I'll be sick,"

"Well what do you think we should have for breakfast?" I turned around and let him cuddle into my neck.

"I could make something, and it wouldn't be breakfast, it's almost one,"

"Alright," I quirked an eyebrow at him, "do I get to know what you're making?"

"Absolutely not, now get out," he smiled, trying to hold in a laugh.

"Can I help?" Niall asked cheerily.

The motherfucker was annoying as hell, but he enjoyed cooking. Surprisingly for how lazy he is.

"Uh, no, I'm fine," Harry gave Niall the fakest smile I've ever seen him produce.

Oh shit.

Oh shit.

I've never seen Harry act that way.

"Yeahhhh, I'm helping," Niall nodded, "We need to have a chat,"

"No, really it's fine you don't-" I didn't hear what the rest of what Harry said, Niall had already pushed him out of the room.

Alrighhhhhttyyyy then.

I'm just going to let Niall do his thing, because most of the time (never) he uses common sense to dictate his actions.


I threw open the door to the kitchen and quirked an eyebrow at the scene.

Harry leaned against the counter, Niall on the ground holding his crotch in one hand and his cheek in the other.

"God damn, mate you can hit hard," he groaned from his position on the ground.

"What happened?" I looked at Harry, seeing him looking kinda scared almost.

"Nothing," he laughed, sounding rather forced, "We were just playing a game and Niall got hurt, isn't that right Niall?" He smiled down at the lad, still in the floor.

"Yeah," Niall groaned as he stood up, "a game,"

"C'mon Harry, don't lie to me," I blinked at him as Niall stood behind me. Is he trying to hide from Harry?

"Yeah, Harry don't lie to the lad," Niall added from where he had curled into my back.

"Mind your own business, Niall," Harry practically spat. I've never heard Harry be anything but happy. Now he glared at Niall like he wanted to rip his head off.

"What are you lying about?"

"I'm not lying about anything, Niall just doesn't understand what he's talking about," Harry answered, letting me wrap my arms around his waist, "He keeps accusing me of things," the boy blinked up at me, placing his hands on my shoulders.

Niall groaned from behind us, cursing at nothing; or maybe at Harry.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" I placed my hands on his hips.

"No," he smiled, placing a small kiss on my lips, "It's fine, you don't need to talk to him," he leaned into my neck and mumbled something.

"What was that love?"

"Oh nothing," he kissed my cheek and went back to the stove, turning it on.

Niall groaned once more, followed by the span of the front door.

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