Chapter Twenty Four

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Just wanted to put that picture up there Bc damn daddy looks good 😛😛😛 I'm writing a bottom Louis fic next I think.



"Harry's been acting a bit strange lately, don't you think?" Liam asked me as he looked out the window at the cafe.

"Yeah, because he doesn't like you," I commented back, "no one likes you,"

I actually did notice that Harry had been a little strange recently. He's really jumpy and almost... cautious.... around me.

"Then why are you out in public with me?" He threw a raisin at me from off his muffin, "Aren't you concerned about ruining your flawless reputation?"

"Oh honey," I picked up the raisin and threw it back, "I'm dating a stripper there's nothing flawless about my reputation,"

"That's not very nice to Harry," Liam stopped joking around.

"Well he is a stripper, correct?"

"Yes, and he's proud of that, but you said it like it were a bad thing,"

"It's not really the ideal job I would imagine for someone I love," I would definitely prefer Harry work somewhere else. McDonald's even would be better.

"Do you support him with the choice for working that way?"

"Of course I do. He's my boyfriend, I would support any thing he wanted me to," I thought about that. Maybe I didn't mean that. I mean, anything? That's a wide variety of things. Would I support his choice to start snorting cocaine? Not really.

Would I let him start actively participating in a prostitution ring? Of course not.

"Have you guys fucked?" Liam took a casual drink of his whatever the fuck he ordered.

That made me think.

I know he's probably slept with quite a number of people, considering his job.

He's probably had better than me.

He might even be sleeping with other people now.

The last time he suggested doing anything sexual was when he was drunk.

"No we haven't," I answered Liam's question, leaning back in my chair and watching people enter and leave the store across the street, hustling down the street and to other places. So busy.

"Why not? That's crazy,"

"Well for a while, I thought he was a virgin. I didn't want to suggest anything, you know? But now that I know that he most definitely is not a virgin, it's just that he hasn't made any type of move,"

"Maybe you should make a move, be a man," Liam suggested, swiveling his chair absentmindedly.

"Maybe," I replied, thinking about it.

Harry knows how to turn someone on, and he's only ever really tried to turn me on once or twice. Maybe he's not into me that way?

I looked up and Liam has my phone, pressing it to his ear like he was making a phone call.

"What are you doing?"

He shushed me, sitting up when whoever was on the other line picked up.

"Hi Harry, it's Liam!"

"Liam no," I stood up to take my phone back from Liam, he fought me off easily by standing up and putting his fire arm out. 

"Fuck you,"

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