Chapter Ten

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I left Louis' with a smile on my face, waltzing back over to my own apartment to get ready for work.

I stepped through the door, greeted by the usual sweet smell and muted pastels as I made my way through the house.

Sighing, I picked up my duffle bag from next to the fridge and set it on the bar.

Right as I was headed back to my room to grab my extra work clothes, the hard knock of my ride sounded against the door.

The stupid bouncers for the stupid club always came to get me. Like, I have a car.

It would be rude to absolutely refuse them, and I do feel safer with them.

The owner of the club had them start taking me to and from work because apparently everyone is obsessed with me.

This doesn't surprise me, I get comments from men and women all night. One time, someone even followed me home to try to talk to me.

It was weird.

I maced that bitch and called the cops.

Like lol fight me. Oh right, you can't.

I let the two men in and they just looked down at me expectantly.

They aren't much for conversation, but I consider them friends sorta. In a weird fucked up way.

I like to be friends with people, there's nothing wrong with that.

"Uh, hang on guys, I gotta grab some stuff from my room real quick," I turned and rushed down the hallway, not wanting to leave them waiting.

They followed me, of course. I'm not a flight risk at all, I don't understand why they're doing this.

"Excuse me guys," I mumbled as I bumped past them. My shoulder dragged against one of the taller ones, resulting in him pushing back roughly and knocking me to the ground.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?" I glared up at them, "How do you think Steve will feel if I show up with skinned knees," I rolled my eyes and walked back to the kitchen to shove what I had grabbed into my duffel bag. Underwear and stuff. Shampoo. Shoes for tonight.

Steve was our manager, and if anyone of his workers showed up in any sort of damage, there was hell to pay. He's a little over bearing.

They backed off after that, absorbing themselves in a conversation; probably about how repulsive they found me.

But, it's all in good fun probably... Since they're my friends.

"Alright, let's go." I slung my bag over my shoulder and let them hold the door open for me as we headed down to their car.


"Harry!" Cara nearly screamed as I was pushed through the doors as roughly as I could be without falling over. She stood with the other girls and a few guys.

"Alright lads, you can let go now," I tried to struggle against them so u could go greet my friends, who had already started at the gym, but they didn't let go. 

"Steven wants to talk to you," the one on the right practically demanded.

I rolled my eyes and shot Cara a look as they dragged me down a dark corridor towards Steve's office.

I wonder how he'll feel about his goons man handling me.

"Harry!" The friendly man greeted as I was pushed into his office. "Hey, boys be gentle with him, he's everyone's favorites."

I shot a look to the men as if to say 'told you so' as they left, then turning my attention back to Steve.

I was everyone's favorite. I made the most tips. Even when I worked in the back, I made more tips than whoever had the front.

"Harry, Harry, Harry," Steve pulled me away from my thoughts, "I need to to take front-center today,"

"What?" I practically screamed. I hate front center. He knows I do.

"We're going to be busy tonight and John called in," he explained, "He's really horribly sick."

"Can't you have on of the girls do it?" I begged almost.

"We don't have any girls working in the front." He shrugged, "You're the only guy available,"

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


"Fine, I'll take center tonight, but I'm keeping 100% of all my tips," I raised an eyebrow in challenge as I stood up. Like, I dare you to try to fight me on this.

No way was I going to work center and not get what I deserve. I'm fine with them stealing half my tips when I work back, but I'm keeping them if they're going to force me to take the busiest part of the club.

"Fine by me," he put his hands up in a sort of surrender, "You're free to go to the gym with the others now," he nodded me out the door.

I mumbled to myself as I reentered the employee area, heading over to where the girls were all on ellipticals.

"What'd Stev-o say?" Kendall asked, going faster than the other girls on the god-damn exercise machine.

"He wants me to work the front," I rolled my eyes. I'm not even going to join them on the equipment. If I'm working front tonight I can't be worn out.

"At least he didn't put you front-center," Perrie added breathlessly from beside Kendall, trying to match her pace.

"He did," I groaned, resting my head on the back of the control panel of Cara's machine.

These fucking girls. They get to work left section every night. Fuck you all.

"Weren't you complaining about how boring right section was last night?" Gigi rolled her eyes.

"Yes, that's where all the sweaty drunken men are," I groaned as it was announced over the PA to get to our positions.

I could hear people in the club already.

The music hadn't started yet, and the drinks hadn't been mixed yet, but they were there.

I rolled my eyes and made my way to my position in the dimmed lights of the room, already feeling the grabby hands of the customers.

I'd already changed into my uniform for the night, feeling the material cling to my skin as I climbed the stairs to front-center.

I closed my eyes as I waited for the music to start, gripping the pole and trying to find my rhythm.


Harry's a stripper.

All his friends are too.


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