Chapter Four

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Harry didn't come over yesterday. I haven't seen him since he basically used his hot body to seduce me into getting up and finding him a screwdriver and some fucking screws.

And of course he's a virgin so he probably doesn't even know what he's doing to me. Which is unfair.

But on the bright side, my dresser is fully assembled and all my clothes are neatly folded in drawers; organized by intended use and color.

"Louuuuuuiiiiiieeeeeee" I heard through the apartment as I looked at the last box that had been left unpacked, I didn't want Harry to look in that box. Has stuff in it his little virgin eyes shouldn't see.

"Bedroom!" I called back, knowing it was Harry. "Glad you finally showed up," I smirked when he finally entered my room.

"You're always in here," he crinkled his nose before he sat at the end of my bed, "Don't you have a job?"

"Uh, no?" I locked my phone and put it beside me, "I don't need one,"

"Why not," he bounced a little bit as he said it, sliding down into a laying position and throwing his feet up against the wall, long and lean.

"Lawsuit when I was younger I don't know, something to do with my parents," I waved it off. I was like, two and something happened that gave us a lot of money and I never really asked. "Don't tell Liam or he'll be mad that I never paid my half of the rent,"

"Did you ever ask them if they wanted to have cake sometime?" He turned his head to make eye contact, "I can just drop one off at your house and they can have it,"

"Don't you want to meet them?" I raised an eyebrow, "Properly?"

He just mumbled something underneath his breath as a reply, grumbling a bit before turning his head to face the ceiling again.

"What was that?" I raised an eyebrow amusedly.

"I don't like being called a twink," he frowned, a little crease forming between his eyebrows.

"Harry," I smiled widely at his grumbling, "You're not a twink. Promise. He was just joking,"

"Alright," he let out a short breath, stretching out on the bed next to me.

Maybe I'm just really horny from not getting laid lately, but Harry looks really good on my bed. Would look even better naked.

"Stop staring at me," he teased, throwing a pillow at me.

"Can't help it really," I threw the pillow back at him, knocking him off the bed.

"That was mean!" He popped up over the edge of my bed again, "I was going to unpack your bathroom stuff today, but if you're going to be like that, I think I'll just leave," Harry stuck his tongue out at me, but stayed next to me on the bed.

"Eh, the bathroom can stay packed," I closed my eyes and folded my arms behind my head, smiling and waiting for Harry's reply.

"Okay," he responded, surprising me with his agreeing, "We can do it tomorrow,"

I opened my eyes and looks over at him, not believing he was just going to leave the boxes unpacked. "What?" The entire week he'd been forcing me to unpack and now he doesn't want to? Like, you feeling alright?

"I'm tired and it's my day off," he closed his eyes and shuffled around a bit, getting comfortable, "and you should be a doll and let me sleep before my friends come get me,"

"What are you and your friends doing?" I asked, only to keep him up since he said he wants to sleep.

"We're going clubbing," he stuck his tongue out and made a noise after he said it.

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