Chapter Twenty Seven

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I haven't seen him in 3 days.

He said he had business to attend to, but I couldn't help but let my mind wander to it might have been my fault.

The last time I saw him was when we had sex, we cuddled after wards and he stayed the night, but I can't help that think it wasn't good enough for him.

I can't help but wonder that maybe I drove Louis off. Maybe all he wanted from me was sex.

I can't imagine that Louis would do that though, he seemed almost reluctant to have sex with me in the first place and we've been together for over two months.

Sighing, I swung my legs out of bed and decided on a shower.

Thinking about Louis was one of the only things I did in the three days that I didn't see him.

I went to work to dance, came home to think about Louis.

Sometimes my mind wonders to Louis when I'm dancing, but those are far different than the ones I have at home.

I've become far too much of an axioms wreck by the time I had stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and drying my hair some before padding to my room.

I have conditioning in an hour and a hair appointment before I see Louis.

I ran my hands down my face, thinking of a way to calm down. Dancing. Dancing is calming.

I quickly shot that idea down, knowing that if I started dancing now I would wear myself out too quickly.

I would lose track of time and miss my appointments.

What to do with an hour, what to do....

I debated just watching television, but that thought was quickly replaced by a far better one.

My vision drifted to the pastel painted kitchen.

I haven't baked in so long. Do I even have proper ingredients?

It seemed like I had the ingredients to make a very very soft cake.

It will need to be chilled before I ice it, which is perfect really. It might take out some of the moisture but that's alright.

I set everything out, I haven't done this since around the beginning of me and Louis' relationship. Between dancing and the girls and Louis I haven't had an extreme amount of down time like I used to. I've actually had to turn down extra shifts at the club so I could get some sleep.

I suppose it's better that Louis has been avoiding me these last couple of days, I've gotten a considerable amount of sleep. In no way was it more sleep than I needed, but it was more than I usually got.

As I mixed, I took a look at my arms, I've gotten skinnier.

There was still muscle definition, of course there was. I looked down at my naked torso, the faint outline of my ribs poked through the toned muscles.

No good. No good at all.

Steven would have noticed and put me on a carb-only diet. I hate those diets.

I pre heated the oven as I added the wet ingredients, leaning against the counter as I did so.

Pour into a pan. Put it in the oven. Set the timer. I was bored.

I'm never bored when I cook. Especially cakes.

What is wrong with me?

I yawned, sitting down at the kitchen table and putting my head down.

I could take a nap. It has to cook for 27-35 minutes anyways. I'll wake up in 15 minutes or so.

Yeah. The timer will wake me up.

I leaned forward more in an effort to get comfortable, bringing my legs up to fold underneath me in the chair.

I couldn't sleep though. It felt like I was teetering on the edge of sleep and something else. Something that wasn't awake and wasn't asleep. It was a confusing feeling.

There was a knock on the door right as the timer went off. I stood up, turning the oven off and making my way towards the door.

I opened the door to a frantic looking Louis, immediately rushing into the apartment and closing the door behind him.

"Harry, love," he anxiously grabbed my shoulders and walked me over to the couch to sit down, "I was thinking maybe you could go visit some family if you wanted to or you know me and you could take a trip?"

"What's wrong?" I stood up, he was acting really strange.

"Listen," he stood up as well and started pacing, "I made a deal with your dad so he would leave you alone, but he withdrew on his part of the deal and he fucking screwed me over," the more Louis talked the more pissed off he became, "He promised me no one would touch you, Harry, he promised me," he looked really angry.

"Louis what do you mean? Who is going to hurt me?" I placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

"He put a fucking bounty on your head," he spoke through gritted teeth.

"Well that's not too bad we can just offer a bigger reward to not kill me?" I suggested, "I have some money saved up,"

"It's a lot of god damn money," he turned around, running his hands down his face, "Will you go pack a bag, babe?" He motioned to the hallway and I did as he asked.

He was starting to scare me. Louis is a pretty fit guy but I doubt if he can fend off any attacks. I definitely feel safer with him around than I do alone though.

Steven put a hit on me.

Thoughts raced through my mind as I placed clothes I would want to take with me in a backpack I had in my closet from years ago. I wish I knew where my duffle bag was.

I've never seen Steven act like this with any of the other dancers. It's insane to me to think of this.

My old boss put a hit on me.

My boyfriends dad has put a hit on me.


Hi. Hello.

Soooo this book will be ending soon. 3-5 chapters. Yay.

I hope you've enjoyed. It's getting to a point where I'm starting to enjoy writing again so hopefully now that schools out I can write more often and get a better plot to my stories. :)

(This chapter and the ones following have been partially rewritten and edited for clarity as of  10-10-17)

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