Chapter 6

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This will be most probably a filler chapter.

The day continued on like this for the blonde. It was just an endless cycle of pain that continued from the moment he woke up to the last remaining minutes of being awake. Escaping from his father's wrath, coming to school and getting bullied and coming home to a beating, it was nothing new to the blonde and hence he adapted to it. Naruto adapted to his life.

Just because he adapted to it didn't mean though that he was happy about it. He knew he couldn't change it. So he didn't try. The blonde just dealt with it the way he could. By not caring anymore.

The blonde was sitting at his desk, looking at the clear blue skies from the window that was right next to him. Nobody was sitting next to him which was to his relief.

It was the Literature period and surprisingly, Kakashi was there. He was reading on about some Shakespeare play which in all honesty, Naruto could care less about. He just laid his head down on the wooden desk and went back to dreaming.

From the front of the class, the silver haired man could see the blonde. He saw everything. One eye was perched down, looking at his book while he kept a close sight on Naruto. He saw all the changes that happened to Naruto.

Every small detail.

The lilac colouring under his eyes.

The slightly crooked nose.

The protruding collar bones

The bony wrists.

He knew the boy was going through a tough time in school. The hate between Sasuke and Naruto was famous around here. Even with the teachers and they tried to stop it as much as the could but even they couldn't prevent it. Kakashi didn't know why the boys had fallen out. It was just out of the blue. All of sudden Sasuke just turned against the blonde. One thing Kakashi couldn't understand was...

Why does Sasuke keep staring at Naruto?

Especially with those eyes. Those eyes that shone with guilt, sympathy and... love? It confused him so much. Didn't he hate the blonde? If he didn't, why did he beat him up so much? Why is he hurting Naruto so much? Unless...

The bell rang, concluding the class.

"All right class. Make sure to write a summary about chapters 5-7 that we did today. I need approximately 500 words. Get it done by Thursday." Kakashi announced, knowing it would fall on deaf ears.

The scraping of chairs echoed through the class as everyone was getting up.

"Hey Sasuke!" Sakura screeched as she made her way to the raven. Sasuke just ignored her and picked up his bag and tried walking off. Tried. A hand gripped his arm.

"Do you want to go on a date with me?!" Sakura said excitedly, hoping Sasuke would say yes today.

"No." Sasuke replied in a cold voice and shook her off. He took one last look at Naruto before he went with his friends.

Sakura turned in the direction where Sasuke was looking. He was looking at... Naruto?

'Why?' Sakura asked in her mind. 'He hates him! Whatever.'

The blonde waited until everyone left the class. He wasn't ready to submerge himself in the crowd. Especially a crowd that hated his guts. In a few seconds, the class was clear and Naruto was about to walk out until a voice stopped.

"Hey Naruto, can I talk to you for a minute?" Kakashi said with a slight smile in his face.

Naruto just looked at Kakashi confusedly and just nodded. The masked man walked up to him and ruffled his hair.

"You doing fine?" Kakashi asked with concern.

Naruto's eyes widened.

'Somebody cares?' Those words resonated in his mind. Naruto just smiled and nodded his head.

"Well if you have any problem, just call." Kakashi ruffled his sunflower locks and went away and Naruto stood there... dumbfounded.

School was over and luckily, Naruto managed to evaded from the foursome. He walked around the streets of the town before finding a secluded park with a swing set. The blonde sat down and began swaying his legs. The swing began moving, with a soft creaking noise. He kept on swinging, thinking about what happened today.

'This is the first time somebody actually noticed.' Naruto thought. He smiled in happiness. Maybe he wasn't alone in this world. Just maybe... he was cared by someone.


"It was an unexpected love story between the two." Kakashi explained as he began writing on the board after finishing reading a chapter in the novel he was teaching.

A hand raised up

"Yes Hinata?"

"U-mm, it do-esn't mak-e an-ny sense th-o-ugh Ka-kashi-sen-sei." Hinata stuttered. "W-hy woul-d you love so-meone tha-t hurts you?"

Kakashi just smiled and said...

"Because love is the most unexpected thing in this world. Everyone in this world is loved by some entity or the other. Even if you think you are hated in this world, there is someone who loves you and it could be from a totally unexpected person."

*End flashback*

Naruto gave a watery smile.

'Maybe I just have to wait... All I have to do is wait for that person.'

With that thought, Naruto got off the swings and made his way home.

Note: There is nothing between Kakashi and Naruto. Wrote this as foreshadowing. Now that that's out of the way, hope you enjoy this chapter.

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