Chapter 17

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Sorry again for the late update. I'm really sick but I wanted to publish this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy.

"We're back!" Mikoto exclaimed, entering the house, with Sasuke and Naruto following behind her. Mikoto placed the bags on the couch and went to the kitchen to see Itachi and Fugaku talking very seriously. They were so in depth with their conversation that they didn't see Mikoto enter the kitchen.

"What are you both talking about so gravely?" Mikoto asked, her voice cutting right through their conversation. The two men immediately stopped talking and turned to the direction of where the voice originated from.

"Is Naruto in his room?" Itachi quietly asked while Fugaku looked sombrely at the raven woman.

"Yeah. He is probably arranging closet space with Sasuke."

Fugaku nodded. A moment of silence stretched for a few seconds before...

"We caught Minato."

Mikoto's eyes widened at the revelation. 'How will Naruto react to this news?' She felt relieved, Minato was caught and now he can't hurt Naruto anymore.

"Are we going to tell this to Naruto." She asked.

Itachi nodded.

"We're taking him to court next week. The truth will finally be revealed and the jury can decide of a justifiable punishment. Considering the abuse started from the time Naruto was 5, I'm guessing he would be in jail for life."

"Tell it to him after dinner. He seems so happy now. Maybe he's happy he has Sasuke back in his life."

Itachi smiled genuinely.

'Sasuke could never really let go of Naruto. It's so clear that he is in love with that blonde.'

Few hours later

"Hey mum, is dinner ready? Naruto is hungry." Sasuke asked entering the kitchen, while Naruto fumed at Sasuke from behind.

"Yes dear! We're having spaghetti!" Mikoto smiled at the both of them before serving two plates and laying them on the table. Itachi and Fugaku walked in, both still having an anxious look on their face.

"Itachi-san? Fugaku-san? Is something wrong?" Naruto asked worriedly.

Itachi smiled weakly while Fugaku shook his head saying, " Everything's fine Naruto."

Sasuke looked skeptically at both of them, knowing something serious had happened and a irking feeling made him think it was about Naruto.

Silently they sat down to eat dinner. The serious atmosphere made it very awkward for the blonde. Mikoto to break the awkwardness asked...

"So you like your new clothes dear?" She smiled gently at the blonde.

Naruto looked up at Mikoto, feeling slightly relieved from the discomfort. He smiled back and said, "Yeah Mikoto-san. Thank you so much." He said gratefully.

Sasuke from the front saw Naruto's beautiful smile and he secretly smiled in adoration, his eyes softening.

'His smile is coming back.'

After the serious dinner, Mikoto went with Naruto to the washroom to change his bandages and reply the medicine. After that, Mikoto lead Naruto to the living room with her, her face a bit paler than before. Naruto was going to ask what was wrong but before he could, Mikoto told Naruto to sit on the couch and arranged the cushions so Naruto would be comfortable. Fugaku walked in with Itachi by his side. They sat in the couch in front of Naruto.

'We have some good and serious news Naruto." The older raven man told Naruto. Naruto's eyes widened in anxiety his head began jumbling thoughts about what is could be.

"What is it Fugaku-san?" The blonde asked confusedly.

Itachi took a quick breath and told Naruto the news.

"We have caught Minato and he is currently in jail. The problem is that... he wants a fair trail at court. We need to bring you to court... to show the jury the evidence."

Naruto's hands began to tremble and his heart began to pump widely. Mikoto immediately went to his side and stroked his soft blonde locks. The two men looked at Naruto in sympathy.

"If you are scared he will hurt you again somehow, don't worry we will be there to protect you and some of our police officers." Itachi said softly.

"The trail begins next week, Naruto. All you need to do is show the evidence of what he did to you. After that, there is no way he will ever hurt you again." Fugaku said, walking to Naruto and ruffling his hair.

"H-e-e wi-ll fin-a-an-nl-ly b-b-e g-go-ne?" Naruto stammered.

"Yes dear. He will FINALLY be gone." Mikoto said, rubbing his shoulders in comfort. "Go to your room now and sleep. The doctor said you need your rest to heal fast."

Naruto mutely nodded and got up silently to walk to his room. But before he went, he looked at the Uchiha's and graciously said...

"Thank you so much for what you have done for me. I'll always be grateful." With that, he walked slowly up the stair to his room. He entered and saw Sasuke reading a book on his bed. Sasuke looked up and saw slight tears in Naruto's face.

"Hey dobe? What wrong?" Sasuke asked concernedly. Naruto just went to the other side of Sasuke's bed and curled next to him. Sasuke looked at Naruto in concern and confusion. After a minute or two...

"They caught him... They are taking him to court. He'll be gone teme... He'll finally be gone." Naruto's eyes poured tears of relief and happiness. Sasuke curled his arm under Naruto's side and pulled him slightly closer. After a few minutes of crying, Naruto fell asleep. Sasuke saw this and smiled lightly, brushing his bangs off his face. He glided his hand down Naruto's face and rested it on his soft cheek. Softly rubbing the whiskers, he quietly said, "No way am I ever going to let anyone hurt you again." With that, he placed his book on the bedside table and fell asleep next to the blonde.

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