Chapter 38

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"So what was on your mind?" The red head said, looking at his blonde friend. The two boys sat by the platform of the rooftop, their legs dangling off the edge. A soft breeze passed by, rustling the leaves of their branches. The large, grey clouds covered the sun, giving the surroundings a more dimmer appearance. 

"Huh?" Naruto asked, confused by Gaara's question. Gaara's sea foam eyes looked  at the blonde and he sighed in exasperation. 

"Why did you look so confused back in class?" He said slowly, waiting for Naruto to answer him. Naruto's blue eyes widened and his mouth formed an 'O' shape. Turning to face to Gaara, he looked to see the red head patiently waiting. Forming a proper answer, he responded.

"It's just that, Sasuke looked really confused himself and he mouthed to me that we needed to talk." Gaara nodded in understanding. 

"I presume you are wondering if it's something you have done?" He asked, knowing what was going through the blonde's head. Naruto nodded, his blonde locks bouncing vigorously. 

"Well, did you do something?" Gaara asked. 

Naruto's face scrunched up in confusion, his whiskered cheeks puffed out in concentration. The red head smiled in amusement seeing the blonde like that. A few seconds passed before Naruto's face relaxed. 

"I don't think I did anything." He said, turning back to look down at the school grounds. Gaara just gave a small 'hmm' in reply. 

"So how is living with him?" Gaara suddenly asked. Naruto shrugged his shoulders. 

"It's good. He's been good to me." The blonde said, smiling to himself as he thought about the raven. Gaara noticed the small smile on Naruto's face and his eyes narrowed before an idea lit in his head.

'Hm... So he likes Sasuke Uchiha.'

"That's good. He is not bullying now right?" He asked, concerned for the blonde. Naruto denied it vehemently, shaking his head sideways. 

"He's a nice guy. Deep down I know he is an amazing person." Naruto whispered, looking down at the concrete, not wanting to see Gaara's reaction. The red head looked at him in confusion. 

"How do you know that?" He asked, bewilderment swirling through his head. 

Still looking down, Naruto began to reminisce about his childhood memories, the good ones where he was with Sasuke. He remembered the times where they would hang out, outside in Sasuke's garden and talk about everything from school to the future. He remembered the days when he cried and Sasuke was always there to make it better. He remembered when Sasuke would protect him from the bullies and people who picked on him. It made the blonde's heart beat in happiness.

"We were childhood friends." He whispered, bringing his head up to look at the pale boy. Green eyes widened in surprise as he heard the whispered words.

"Really?" The red- head managed to choke out. 

The blonde nodded. 

Gaara turned to look at the school grounds as he whispered... "Wow." 

The bell rang. Both the boys stood up and grabbed their bags and walked towards the rooftop exit, walking in silence as revelations where revealed.  

As the rooftop door closed, a figure appeared from behind the walls that were previously covering him from the two boys. Sasuke's onxy eyes were filled with shock and happiness. Shock from seeing his secret love hanging out with Gaara and happiness from hearing the blonde's sweet words. 

'So that was what Neji was talking about.' Sasuke thought as the brunette's words rang through his mind.

'Just saying you should watch who your blonde is friends with.' 

Standing alone on the rooftop, his mind was running in a frenzy. Poisonous thoughts filled his head as he began to question Gaara's notions. 

'What the hell is he doing, hanging out with Naruto? What is his plan?' Sasuke thought, concerned for Naruto's wellbeing. Realising he had to go to class, he quickly sprinted out of the rooftop and made his way to his class. Excusing himself, he went to his desk and sat down. Looking forward, he saw that Gaara was in two seats, northwest of him and his eyes immediately went into analysing the said red-head. 

'Is he sincerely friends with the dobe... or is he pulling some shit?' Sasuke thought as he kept his eyes glued on Gaara. A clatter of a pencil awoke him from his staring and their eyes came into contact. The raven gave a quick glare before turning towards the board and concentrating on the lesson. 

Gaara caught the glare sent his way and he shrugged it off, knowing Sasuke would confront him later. Thinking back at the conversation he had with the blonde, a hasty thought popped into his mind. 

'Maybe he knows I'm friends with Naruto. Guess that's the reason.' Gaara smirked a bit and continued to listen to the teacher's ramblings. 

After the lesson 

Students began to get up and grab their bags to head to their last class. As the crowds began to pile out the door, Gaara walked a bit behind them, reluctant to come into contact with the large masses of people. As he waited for everyone to go and as he waited, he heard someone whisper to him...

"You have some explaining to do." A deep voice threatened in his ear. The red-head immediately knew who it was and he turned around to confront Sasuke but saw that no one was there. Turning back in front, he saw the raven walking out. Sighing in frustration, he went to his locker to store his books. From his the side glance of his eyes, he saw Naruto receiving some harsh treatment from his typical bullies and it angered the red-head. Gaara stayed on his ground, knowing Naruto wouldn't appreciate him steeping in. Grabbing the books his needed, he reluctantly moved away from the small commotion and walked towards his class. 

Turning a corner, he saw the raven looking at him with his onxy eyes narrowed. 

"Mind explaining what you were doing with Naruto?" Sasuke growled lowly, waiting for Gaara's answer. 

"Later Uchiha. I have a class right now." Gaara answered back. As he walked past Sasuke, he whispered...

"After school, at the gym grounds."


God damn! 5K guys! Thank you so much for reading and giving this story more success than I ever imagined. <3 Much appreciation.

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