Chapter 7

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I warned you.

Naruto walked under the stars, in the direction of his house. He thought about what Kakashi-sensei said about love and how it comes from an unexpected source.

'Isn't love an obvious thing? If you love someone, wouldn't you treat them like they were everything to you? It wouldn't be unexpected. It would be expectable. Who would ever love me, not even an expected person would, nonetheless an 'unexpected' person.'

Naruto's blue eyes saddened at that realisation.

'I remember someone told, if your parents can't even love you... who can? They brought you into this world. If they can't love you, who really can?'

A lone tear drop rolled down his whiskered face.

'Nothing hurts more than knowing, you mean nothing to this world. That your presence means jackshit to anyone and even if you were gone... everything would be the same. Their lives would continue the same way it did as before.'

"But... atleast Sensei cares!" Naruto laughed through his tears and a small smile appeared.

The walk was short as the blonde boy realised he was in front of his door. He carefully opened the door and walked in. Without even waiting to see if his dad was home, he made a dash up the stairs and went to his room. He closed the door and sighed.

Naruto was at ease knowing he managed to escape his father's wrath today. He looked down his heavily bandaged body and decided to properly clean his wounds. Going into the washroom, he took out his first aid box and took out the equipment.

Half an hour later, he rewrapped his wounds. The blonde changed into his pyjamas and immediately went to sleep, but not without thinking...

'There's something I forgot to do.'

It was the middle of the night as the front door of the Namikaze household opened. An intoxicated figure entered the house.

"Where's that fucker?" Minato slurred, his words smeared into complete mess. Stomping up the stairs, he stormed to Naruto's room and slammed opened the door.

Naruto was sound asleep as his father entered the house. Even in his state of sleep, he felt a twinge of fear. When he heard his door being slammed open, he jolted awake to see his worst fear.

An enraged and clearly drunk Minato.

"There you are! Can't go through my day without knowing I didn't beat the living shit out of you!" Minato screamed as he stumbled into Naruto's room and jumped onto the poor blonde, holding him down.

Naruto was in a complete state of shock. He couldn't move! He felt himself hyperventilating! His hands were shaking. His whole form shaking. All he could think in that moment was...

'Oh fuck...'

Minato completely immobilised Naruto, trapping him underneath him. Naruto's instincts kicked in and he began struggling.

"LET ME GO!" Naruto screamed in total fear.


The sound resonated through the room. A second later, Minato grabbed Naruto's slim neck and began crushing it in-between his large hands. Naruto began suffocating, gasping to get air. He clawed at Minato's face.

"THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR KILLING HER YOU MURDERER!" Minato screamed back, hot tears falling down his face. The older blonde began trembling, adding more pressure before punching Naruto's chest.

Naruto couldn't breathe...

He couldn't move.

He couldn't do anything

And suddenly...

A gleam of silver met his eyes.

It was a blade.

The whiskered boy's eyes widened.

'He is actually going to kill me!' Naruto screamed inside his head. Everything was silent for a few minutes and for a second Naruto thought... he was actually dead. He couldn't see his dad's manic face nor could he see the knife. All he could see was...

That bastard's face.

All there memories began swirling in front of him. All the good times like their playful fights, amusing teases and their rare sentimental moments.

And then he screamed!

The blade plunged through his arm, crimson blood flowing down, staining the sheets below.

"17 years... 17 years of not hearing her voice. 17 years of not waking up to her eyes, her smile, he-r- lau-gh. " Minato cried.

"AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" He screamed before viscously attacking Naruto. He ran his knife down deeply around Naruto's body, leaving 17 scars.

"17 scars. For all the years she was not here. 17 scars for the 17 years you caused me pain." Minato whispered before he finally stabbed the knife through Naruto's side.

"AHHHH!" Naruto screeched in agony, a fiery blaze of pain running through his body. He was left there, in pain, in tears.

Minato walked away, blood all over his body not even sparing a glance at his son. He closed the door in a final slam, like as if this was the last time... The last time they would be together.

Naruto with all his strength, reached out to the phone and dialled 911"

"911. What is your emergency?"

Naruto could only whisper...

"Help... 15/23 Konoha avenue."

Before everything went black.

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