Chapter 40

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Chapter 40! New milestone <3 

Waiting patiently for Sasuke to come down, Naruto sat anxiously on the sofa, the textbook long forgotten as his mind drifted to other thoughts. 

'Sasuke looked a bit pissed but I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything... right?' Naruto doubted in his head. He turned his head to see if the raven was finished and coming down the stairs but saw no one. Turning forward, Naruto tried to come up with many answers. His whole body was jittery and nervous and he had a feeling things were not going to be good.

Hearing footsteps from behind him, Naruto breathed in as he looked up to see Sasuke walking into the room. Looking closely at him, the blonde could see Sasuke was a bit angry and he gulped. 

"Soooo... What do you want to talk about?" Naruto asked slowly. Sasuke turned his body and stood directly in front of the cross-legged boy. He stared right into Naruto's cerulean eyes as his own narrowed a bit. 

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" Sasuke asked, waiting for Naruto to be honest with him. Naruto looked at him quizzically, confused by what Sasuke was asking him. 

"What? Um, there is nothing to tell. School is fine!" Naruto exclaimed happily, trying to reassure Sasuke and stop the glare being sent his way. Sasuke in turn growled lowly, unhappy by the fact that his blonde lied to him. 

'He's supposed to trust me and tell me these things! Worst part is I know he's lying to me.' Sasuke angrily thought as his previous feelings of jealousy swirled in him. Sighing, Sasuke crossed his arms across his chest. 

"Really? There is nothing to tell?" Sasuke asked again, giving the whiskered boy another chance to come clean. 

The blonde felt fear surge in him. Thinking hard, he tried to come up with conclusions and answers as to why the raven was pissed at him and he clearly knew Sasuke was angry at him by the way he was glaring at the poor blonde.

"Uhh... I don't think so." Naruto said after a few seconds. The blonde felt scared by Sasuke's dominating nature and presence. He knew his words weren't going to help the situation but nothing could prepare him from the Sasuke's reaction. 

The raven brought his hands into a fist, his muscles clenching in anger as he glared daggers at the blonde. Naruto was taken aback. It had been a long tim since Sasuke looked at him like that and it really frightened the blonde. Suddenly the clenched fists slammed onto the coffee table as Sasuke shouted. 

"Don't fucking lie to me Naruto! I know you are hanging out with Gaara!" The insane amounts of jealousy filled his head and he couldn't control his reactions. Not realising he was scaring Naruto, he continued. 

"I know you're friends with him and you couldn't tell me? Why didn't you?" Sasuke ranted on. Naruto looked back at Sasuke in anger and felt the courage to argue right back at him. 

"What the hell is your problem?! I can be friends with whoever I want and not tell you! He's my first friend that isn't you. And why are you so pissed off by it?!" He screamed, standing up from his position. Glaring back at Sasuke with his electric blue eyes, he was too blind to see the emotions that Sasuke was truly feeling. 

Scowling back at Naruto, Sasuke's fist shook in anger, something the raven didn't realise but Naruto clearly saw and all the anger drained away from his face as fear took it's place. Knowing not to anger Sasuke anymore, Naruto carefully side stepped from the couch and took a few-steps back, trying to increase the distance between himself and the angry boy. Sasuke realising this, took a few steps forward as Naruto backtracked. 

Seeing that Sasuke was coming closer to him, his heart hammered into his chest and Naruto felt his breaths becoming shallower and shallower. His eye began to visualise the past Sasuke, the Sasuke that used to beat him and bully him. Blue eyes began to turn glassy and his body began to tremble a bit. 

Even through all the anger, the raven realised the changes that were happening to Naruto and immediately, concern replaced the angry expression. Sasuke raised his arms to reach for the blonde and calm him down. 

"Oi dobe... are you okay?" Sasuke asked but as he raised his pale arms, Naruto screamed and began to run from Sasuke. 

Naruto, seeing the arms raising, immediately screamed as his mind began to fuck with his visions and made him remember the times Sasuke would physically hurt him. 

"DON'T! STOP!" Naruto screamed, as he ran up the stairs, trying to get away from the raven but Sasuke was fast and managed to catch up with the blonde and bring him into a comforting embrace. 

"Dobe! Naruto! What's wrong?" Sasuke asked frantically, completely scared by Naruto's reaction. The blonde struggled in Sasuke's hold and tried to get away, screaming and crying in fear. Sasuke just held him more tightly, swaying the blonde a little in hopes of calming him down. 

After a few minutes of trying to clam down the hysterical blonde, Sasuke was successful and the blonde stayed limply in the embrace. Sasuke carefully brought his hands up to Naruto's head and stroked the soft hair until Naruto began to speak.

"M' sorry. I thought you were going to hit me." He whispered. Sasuke's eyes widened in confusion. 

"Hit you? Why would you think that?" He asked, completely confused by Naruto's words

Shrugging, Naruto answered. "I just saw a vision of the past where... you used to hate me and hit me and I thought you were going to do it. Especially when you raised your arms." Hearing those words, made Sasuke's heart break and he brought the blonde even closer to his body and kept on whispering, 'no' repeatedly. Naruto laughed a little and hugged the raven back. 

"I'm okay. It's fine." Naruto said, smiling at Sasuke. Sasuke looked down and smiled back at the blonde before letting go of him. The boys stayed silent for a few seconds before Naruto broke it. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you. I didn't want to tell you until I completely trusted Gaara and know if he was a sincere friend... But why did you get so pissed at it?" Naruto asked. Sasuke looked down, embarrassed to tell Naruto the real reason why he was pissed. The raven decided to come clean and be honest with the blonde.

"I just got jealous that... you trusted and forgave Gaara really easily. I guess I just wanted to be the person who you trust." Sasuke explained, turning his head away as there was evidently a pink blush on his face. Naruto's blinked owlishly at Sasuke explanation and grinned a little. 

"I do trust you Sasuke, obviously. I trust you more than anyone else you know..." Naruto said, feeling happy that Sasuke saw him as an important person in his life. Sasuke turned to look at his love and he smiled slightly and ruffled the blonde hair. 

"Thank you for trusting me... even after all the things I have done."

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