Chapter 12

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The journey to the Uchiha household was in the very least... awkward. The blonde was stuck with Sasuke at the backseat while Mikoto was in the passenger seat while Itachi was driving. 

Naruto, as usual was looking away from the raven boy beside him and kept himself entertained by looking outside. Sasuke also turned to his side window and pretended to look outside when in reality he was looking at the image of the blonde reflected on the glass. He noticed something different in Naruto. 

He looked calmer...

More relieved and dare he say... happier? 

'He won't get abused again. Not at home and not at school. Never again.' Sasuke thought and he kept staring at the reflection of Naruto. His mind wandered off to the past. Memories of him and Naruto. The times they laughed, fought, cried... It made Sasuke smile.


"Hey bastard!" Naruto shouted and he bounced his way over to his best friend. He slung his arm over the raven's shoulder which was a bit difficult as Sasuke was taller than him. 

"Dobe... Get off." Sasuke said half-heartedly. 

"Wanna skip gym class?" Naruto asked, ignoring Sasuke's request and giving Sasuke his famous puppy eyes. 

Sasuke looked at Naruto, amused and said... "Okay. Just so you know I also want to skip gym class. Not that your stupid innocent eyes convinced me." 

"Ohhh yeah. Suuuure  Sasuke. Whaatever that makes you sleep at night." Naruto dragged, teasing the usually serious Sasuke.

"Shut up dobe!" Sasuke glared at the blonde and Naruto in a striking display of maturity, stuck his tongue out at him in return. 

"Let's go to the rooftop!" Naruto suggested as he proceeded to run up the stairs. 

"Wait up idiot!" Sasuke chased after him...

Laying down, the two boys looked up at the clouds. No words were spoken. Only peace and quiet. 

"Hey Sasuke?" A soft voice asked.

Hearing Naruto talk softly and seriously, took Sasuke by surprise. 

"Hn?" Sasuke grunted

Naruto smiled at Sasuke's signature response and then proceeded to ask...

"We will be friends forever right?" He turned onto his side to look at Sasuke. 

Sasuke just turned his head to look over at the blonde and returned to looking back at the sky.

"Tch... Don't ask stupid questions dobe." He replied.

Naruto understood what Sasuke really meant and smiled. 



'End flashback'

Sasuke's eyes saddened. He had broken that promise. He knew Naruto took his promises seriously, never vowing to break any of the ones he made and what Sasuke did must have felt like a stab to the chest for Naruto. His thoughts were suddenly disputed by a soft snoring sound and a thud against his shoulder.

Sasuke turned towards the source of the noise to see Naruto has fallen asleep against him. His soft golden hair splayed across his forehead ,soft sounds of breathing rhythmically resonated from his slightly open mouth, a peaceful look painted over the whiskered face. Sasuke smiled and shifted Naruto so he was in a more comfortable position and returned to looking at the window. 

'Cute...' Sasuke thought. 

From the front mirror, Itachi could see everything and he smirked. Sasuke looked at Itachi and their eyes clashed from the mirror. Sasuke just glared and mouthed the words...

'Say anything and I'll kill you' 

Itachi just shrugged and gave him the innocent eyes acting as if he didn't know what he was doing wrong. The younger raven just rolled his eyes and scowled. 

Mikoto looked at Itachi and raised her eyebrow. She turned around to see what was the commotion and couldn't help but giggle at the scene she was presented with. 

"Aww! How adorable!" She squealed. 

Sasuke blushed and whispered loudly, "Quieten down mom! He might wake up."

"Oh sorry dear but this is too cute for words. Wish I had a camera." She chuckled humorously and turned back to the front. 

Sasuke eyes widened in horror. 'Oh god...'

The car entered the garage and parked. 

"We're home." Itachi stated and got out of the car. 

"Wake Naruto up." Mikoto told Sasuke as she went to the boot of the car to get all the supplies

"Or maybe Sasuke can carry Naruto, you know like how princes do it in Disney movies." Itachi teased 

"Shut up moron!" Sasuke retorted.

"Hmmm..." A soft voice broke through as the sleeping blonde began to wake up. 

'This pillow is comfy. It is kinda bony an- wait! A bony pillow?' Naruto opened his eyes and turned to immediately come face to face with Sasuke. 

A few seconds of silence passed before...

"AHH!" Naruto screamed in surprise and blushed a heavy red. "Why the hell was I on your shoulder?!" He exclaimed. 

"You fell asleep on me, idiot." Sasuke answered flatly but smirked inside to see the blonde blushing.

"Huh? O-hh-h." Naruto stuttered. 

"We're home sweetie." Mikoto came to Naruto's side and smiled. "Come on so we can get you settled into your new room and go to sleep."

Naruto gave a small smile and got out of the car, shakily. Sasuke was already out and by his side, ready to support him. Naruto walked a few steps before tripping a bit but before he could fall, Sasuke grabbed Naruto's arm and slung it over his shoulder, the height difference making it awkward as it did 6 years ago. 

Naruto blushed again and felt a sense of nostalgia as he remember he always used to do this to Sasuke when they were kids. His eyes became downcast. Sasuke looked down at the blonde and circled his other arm around Naruto's waist and they both moved slowly towards the entrance of the house. Naruto was blushing the whole time.

"Oh by the way Naruto." Itachi said looking at the two entwined with each other. 

"Yeah Itachi-san?" Naruto asked, curious as to what Itachi would say. 

"You will be sharing Sasuke's room. Don't worry he has a bunk bed." Itachi smiled innocently at Naruto. 






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