Chapter 44

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So I finally updated... Woohoo! 

Disclaimer: Homophobic language 

'Fuck! I think my ankle is actually sprained... Shit!' Naruto internally panicked. He was trapped. Kiba's grip on his arm began to hurt and the blonde knew he was adding more pressure onto it. The events happened so fast that the blonde didn't have time to react and deny that he was injured. 

'Damn it Naruto! Why the fuck didn't you say anything?!' He mentally bashed himself.  He couldn't even get away. The blonde wouldn't get far enough anyway from the brunette.

'Sasuke, save me because I'm sure as hell know mutt-face won't take me to the infirmary.' Naruto prayed. 

The moment the pair was out the gym and far enough away, Kiba removed his arm from Naruto's waist but kept the firm grip on his arm. Naruto, being the forgetful person he was, put his weight on the sprained ankle and immediately shouted in pain. 

"Oww-!" The blonde shouted loudly before a calloused hand clamped his mouth shut harshly. 

"Shut the fuck up idiot!" Kiba whispered loudly, shoving the blonde against the hard wall. From around the corner of the corridor, a heard of voices could faintly be heard. Hearing this, Kiba pulled the blonde and he ran to the supply closet, towing Naruto along, not even acknowledging his injury.

Rushing in through the entrance, Kiba quickly pushed him inside and closed the door behind him. The force of the shove made Naruto trip but he quickly balanced himself, grabbing onto one of the brooms next to him. Turning around sharply, the blonde glared furiously at the smirking brunette. Kiba just scoffed in response. 

"Glare at me all you want, you can't do anything with that sprained ankle of yours." He said confidently, seeing a bit of fear setting into those pretty blue eyes. Smirking internally, he walked closer towards the glaring blonde. Naruto in turn, just stood his ground and didn't move. Didn't waver. Mostly because if he did, his ankle would hurt like a bitch again.

Raising his eyebrow, Kiba stood, his arms crossed against his chest. Deciding to finally stop beating around the bush, he went in straight with the questions. 

"So you're a fag huh?" He asked demeaningly, his voice steeled with disgust.

The moment the blonde heard those words, his heart stopped and fear settled in him. Hearing the derogatory term and that tone in his voice solidified the horror Naruto thought about every day.

Would his sexuality be accepted?

Naruto's silence was all the confirmation he needed. Seeing the whiskered face contort in confusion, bewilderment and anxiousness, the brunette laughed maliciously. 

"Wow... so not only are you a loner who nobody likes, you're a disgusting freak as well." He stated, wanting his words to decimate the blonde. Cerulean eyes flared up and before he could stop himself, the words just began to flow out of his mouth.

"Who I like has nothing to do with you! If you hate it, fuck off you prick! Live your life and leave mine alone. If you hate me so much, just stay away then you hateful bitch." Naruto retorted back in anger. His blue eyes widened as he realised what he had done and he quickly looked towards Kiba, who was seething in anger. 

Surprisingly, Kiba took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Brown eyes looked straight at Naruto. Looking arrogantly at the shaking blonde he asked...

"It's Sasuke huh?" He asked gruffly and at that point, Naruto's mind shattered. 

Sounds of basketballs hitting the ground echoed through the gym as everyone assembled to play dodgeball. The mix of the shouting voices, loud smacks and feet thumping on the floor would have usually annoyed the raven but he shut the noises out, only focusing on one thing.

'How the hell do I get out of here!? I need to know if the dobe is safe.' 

As he stood in the circle, watching the ball move from person to person, he suddenly felt a presence next to him and from the corner of his eye, a bright red filled his vision. 

"You have a plan?" Gaara asked. 

Sasuke shook his head, indicating a no. 

"Hm... Pretend to fake sick?" Gaara suggested. 

"Hn... that might work." Sasuke said, a little pissed that he didn't think of that. 

Walking up to Gai-Sensei, he coughed a bit and made his voice sound rough and scratchy. Getting the attention of the bowl-haired man, he said...

"Excuse me Sensei, I don't feel too well. May I go to the nurse's office?" He asked softly. 

"Oh! My youthful pupil! Of course!" He said enthusiastically.  Sasuke said a soft thank you and quick made his way out of the gym. Once he was outside, he began to rush around the school hallways, trying to find his blonde.  

"I should go to the infirmary. Then I'll know for sure." The raven said to himself and he ran to where he needed to go. Opening the door calmly, his eyes met with the nurse. 

"Oh, can I help you?" She asked, fully turning around to face Sasuke. 

"Um... is Naruto here? A blonde boy? Blue eyes and whisker marks?" The raven asked. She nodded and pointed at the bed that was at the far corner of the room, covered by a white sheet. Saying his thanks, he made his way over to the bed and moved away the sheets to see Naruto lightly massaging his ankle. 

Hearing the scraping of the metal rings against the bar, the blonde jumped and he looked up to see Sasuke, looking at him in concern. 

"Sasuke? What are you doing here?" He asked, confused. 

"Hn... needed to check up on you obviously." The raven grunted, looking at the bony, bandaged ankle. 

"Did Kiba do anything?" Sasuke asked seriously, his anger spiking up. 

Naruto's eyes widened and his thoughts immediately went to what happened earlier. 

'You think Sasuke would fall for a fag like you? He has tons of chicks after him, why the hell would he want you?' Kiba said demeaningly. 

Naruto shuddered. He felt the walls closing in on him. His breaths became shallower and the bony, tan fingers began to shake. 

"What? How do you know?" He asked, terrified of the answer. Kiba just smirked in response, taunting the blonde. 

Naruto couldn't take it anymore and he bolted out of the supply closet, disregarding the pain in his ankle and he quickly rushed to the nurse's office. 

"Nah, he didn't do anything. I managed to escape before he did!" Naruto lied smoothly, bearing a toothy smile at the raven. Sasuke smiled in return and cupped Naruto's soft cheek. They both froze and Sasuke immediately retracted his hand. Blue eyes just stared at Sasuke in silence for a little while before he started erupting in laughter. 

"Dude! You should've seen your face!!" Naruto exclaimed, laughing in happiness. Sasuke scowled in return and brought the blonde head in for a head lock. 

"Going to keep on laughing huh? Not anymore dobe!" He said before pinching the blonde in various places. 

Naruto didn't mind. He kept on laughing, the doubts in his mind washing away in the presence and moments of being with Sasuke.

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