Chapter 21

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Okay so this chapter basically is what I intended to write in the last chapter. So kinnokitsune this is for you, since you wanted another chapter dedicated to you.

'I really love him... Don't I?' Naruto thought as he laid on the couch, cuddling into a ball on his side. Naruto nuzzled his blonde head into the cushion and silently began crying.

'Good job idiot. You fall in love with the one person who you shouldn't be in love with. Great fucking job.' The blonde internally bashed himself. He let himself cry louder, sobbing out all the pain he felt in his heart. He clutched the cushion tighter and wept. He felt his heart constrict.

Constrict at the thought of Sasuke.

Everything memory of them together. When they were friends,when they were enemies... and now. It made his heart hurt. Every single thought about the raven made him want to breakdown.

His sobs began to cease and the tears began to stop until the blonde was just a ruffled, sniffling ball.

'Stupid Sasuke. Making my head hurt.' Naruto grumbled. He grabbed the blanket that was on the other end of the couch and tucked himself in. Getting himself comfortable, Naruto began to dreamlessly sleep.

At school

"Ugh... When will this day end?"

Looking at the sea of students walking through the hallways, all the noise and commotion made Sasuke's already crappy mood even worse. All he wanted to do was to go home and be with Naruto.

'Wonder what he's doing? Being the dobe he is, probably stuffing on ramen and sleeping.' Sasuke laughed to himself. He made his way over to the men's washroom. Opening the doors, he entered and made his way over to the sinks to wash his hands and face. The sound of the running water covered his ears. His mind could faintly register the door opening.


Sasuke raised his head to look into the mirror. There, standing behind him was Neji. Sasuke just tiredly sighed.

"Is there something you want?" Sasuke grimly asked.

"You love that loser don't you?" Neji asked, eyes narrowing at Sasuke's back.

Sasuke stood there quietly, not reacting. There was no use denying it really. Neji looked convinced. Lying about it would just... spiral out of control again.

"Yeah I do. What's it to you?" The raven said in a monotone voice. From the mirror, he could see Neji's eyes widening.

"So all that bullshit you did... That was all an act?"

Sasuke closed his eyes and dropped his head down.

"Yeah. It was all an act. Something I'm not proud of. It's something I regret. If I could, I would take everything back but I can't."

Neji stayed silent, taking in all what Sasuke was saying.

"Do you think he could ever love you? After what you did? Believe me Sasuke, you don't have a chance in hell." The pale-eyed boy said arrogantly.

Sasuke sadly looked up again into the mirror, looking at himself. His hands trembled a little, his eyes reflecting all the pain he felt keeping in the love he felt for Naruto in his heart for years. Those onxy eyes dulled with sadness.

Sadness knowing, his angel could never love him.

"I know Neji." Sasuke whispered brokenly, walking away from the mirror, back into the hallways.

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