Chapter 10

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A few weeks later...

The sound of faint beeping filled the overly white room. White walls, white tiles and white curtains... Everything was pallid. In the corner of the room was a small white bed. Different machines were hooked onto the small, sleeping figure laying there. Shallow but rhythmic breathing emitted out of the occupant. Bandages covered the figure, wrapping around his whole body, covering the bruises that were painted all over. The heart monitor began pronouncing a louder noise. Pale purple eyelids began to open revealing tired cerulean eyes.

'Where am I?' Naruto thought as his vision was a bit blurry to differentiate things.

The blonde moved his head to the side and saw different machines hooked onto him.

'I'm in the hospital?' Naruto tried to remember what happened.

Suddenly an influx of memories swirled through his head.

The beatings

The blood

The screams

Minato's face in complete hysteria


The sound of the blade squelching through his arm

The scars

He clutched his head with his bony hands and screamed.


He began to shake violently and struggled against the wires that were embedded on him. The door was suddenly opened and a doctor began shouting for help.

"Nurse! I need 50 mg of morphine stat!"

The sound of loud footsteps could be heard. One of nurses handed the doctor in charge the morphine.

"Okay, hold him down!" She shouted.

4 nurses began holding down Naruto's limbs. The blonde kept on struggling and screaming. The needle plunged into his vein and the screaming began to die down. The struggling weakened and Naruto fell into an oblivion of sleep.

The next day

Blue eyes opened and they clashed with honey-brown ones.

"Seems you are awake. You caused a huge commotion last night you know." The doctor said and she looked down at the blonde figure.

Naruto looked at her in guilt and whispered a soft apology.

"No need to apologise. We expected that with your circumstances." She looked at him sadly.

"Anyway my name is Dr. Tsunade and I'm in charge of you. So you feel any pain anywhere?" The pale blonde doctor asked.

"Um... my chest and arm hurts a bit..." Naruto answered softly.

"In a few more days it would stop hurting but your wounds have to be kept bandaged for a month or two." Tsunade said.

A soft knocking interrupted her.

"Ahh it must be your visitors." Tsunade said, smiling at Naruto.

'Visitors? Who could they be?' Naruto was bewildered. There wasn't anyone who cared about him. Why would he have visitors?

"Anyway I'll be off. If you need anything, press the button next to you. It'll alert the nurses." Tsunade then began walking towards the door.

When the door opened, the small blonde tried to see who his 'visitors' were but the door was soon was angled in such a way that it blocked his view. He could hear a familiar voice. The voice of someone he knew a long time ago. Somehow the voice reminded him of the times he and Sasuke were best friends.

"Naruto has to stay here for another week before he can be discharged. Nothing is terribly wrong with him physically, just pains in his arm and chest which would go away in a few days. Mentally though... That's another thing."

The voices softened and Naruto couldn't hear anything. The door began to open, revealing a beautiful raven haired woman.

"Mikoto-san?" Naruto's eyes widened as he saw Sasuke's mom.

'What is she doing here?' Naruto was really confused by the events.

"Hello dear." Mikoto smiled warmly at Naruto. Her eyes then began to overcome in sadness.

"We heard what happened to you. It was such a terrible thing, nothing no child should ever endure." A warm hand brushed against Naruto's thin face.

Naruto was too shocked to answer and just continued to look at her in surprise.

"Anyway I have some good news for you." Mikoto said excitedly. " I went to the adoption agency and got a legal document to take you into my family! They are letting us to adopt you!"

Naruto was finally shaken out of his stupor.

"What? Really?" Naruto asked in astonishment.

"Yes! How great is that dear? Now you can live with Sasuke!"

In that moment, Naruto felt his world crashing down...

'Oh shit...' The blonde thought as he realised what exactly he was going to go through again

"I have to go now and meet with Dr.Tsunade and I'm sure Sasuke would like to see you." Mikoto said as she smiled at Naruto.

"Wa-i-t-t. H-e is he-er-e?" Naruto stuttered.

"Oh yeah, he is outside. I'm going now. Goodbye dear." Mikoto waved and walked out of the room.

From the side, Sasuke began to enter and walked slowly towards Naruto. Silently he grabbed the chair that was for visitors and sat down, just looking at Naruto with hidden guilt and love.

Naruto just looked away from Sasuke and ignored him.

'Just ignore him! Pretend he isn't here! Yeah he isn't here, exact-'

"I'm sorry..."

The deep voice of the raven cut through his thoughts. Naruto eyes widened again in surprise and his mouth opened in absolute shock.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you and what you were going through." Sasuke whispered brokenly.

The gears in Naruto's head began to work and he felt anger rise through him.

"You think two fucking words are enough to clear what you did to me? You think your apologises are enough for me to forgive you you bastard!?" Naruto shouted, finally looking at Sasuke in burning rage and sadness.

Sasuke wasn't shocked by the blonde's reaction. In all honesty he expected that. Before Naruto would shout again, Sasuke said...

"I know Naruto. I know not even the million of apologies are going to be enough for your forgiveness but I'll do everything I can to earn it."

Sasuke then stood up and his hand reached out towards the blonde, brushing away the long bangs out of his eyes.

The raven walked out of the room but before he went he whispered,

"I truly am sorry Naruto. Believe me I am." Sasuke looked at Naruto sadly and went out, leaving Naruto to himself.

The blonde felt the heat rise up in his cheeks when Sasuke's hand brushed against his forehead. He closed his eyes and small tears began to form at the corners.

"I want to, Sasuke. I want to forgive you... But I don't want you to hurt me again." He whispered sadly. Realising that he was crying, the blonde rubbed away his tears.

'Stupid bastard... Making me feel things for him.'

Don't know if this is a good chapter. Writing while being sick is hard but wanted to update this story. So if it isn't good as my earlier ones... Sorry xD

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