Chapter 28

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Staring at the whiteboard, Sasuke unconsciously copied what was on it, all the while thinking about his blonde. Did he make it to school all right? Is his schedule the same? Did he run into Kiba and them? 

'God... I hope he is alright.' The raven thought as he turned around to see an empty seat at the corner of the room. 

Just then the door opened.

Everyone stopped writing. Their pens were down, heads up, looking at the direction of the door trying to see who had entered. Yamato turned his head to see the late comer and his already large eyes widened considerably to the shock of blonde hair that came into view. The whole room was silent, speechless to see Naruto after a long time. 

The blonde entered the room, his head partially down to hide his face. 

"Excuse me Yamato-Sensei." 

The man was waken up from his stupor. 

"It's alright Naruto. Take a seat." Turning back to the board, he began writing again. 

Naruto saw an empty seat at the back and walked at a fast pace to get to it, un-nerved by the stares and whispers all around him. He could vaguely hear the insults being whispered and it hit him with bad memories. Squashing those thoughts, he made it to his seat and settled down. 

Sasuke's onxy eyes followed the blonde's figure from the moment he entered the room. Looking carefully, he saw no indications of him hurt and was satisfied. Their eyes clashed for a quick second before they both turned away from each other, remembering the plan they established. The raven could hear everything that was being said. 

'He came back?' 

'Hmm... Seems he has some balls to come back.'

'Yo Kiba, your favourite punching bag is here.' 

'Eww... Guess the loser didn't change schools.'

Sasuke's fists trembled in anger, his eyes narrowed in fury at what everybody was saying. 

'These fuckers!' He thought, contemplating on turning around to look at Naruto but decided not to. He faced back down to look at his books, ignoring what everyone was saying. 

After an hour, the bell rang, signalling the end of the lessons. Yamato began to remind everyone of the homework that had to be done. The students walked out of the room, all the while making quick glances at the blonde that was slowly packing his bag. 

Once everyone was gone, Naruto packed his bag and left to the next lessons. 

'Guess everyone is the same as before. Fucking great.' He thought, walking through the hallways. He hated the staring, the whispering and the hate everyone had towards him. 

'Are these guys stupid or something? Are they so fucking bored of their lives that they torments someone else's?' Naruto angrily thought, his face contorted in anger, not realising it was showing on his face. The students around him stared in surprise, not at his presence but at the expression on his face. Walking into his next class, he sighed, hoping he wouldn't run into any trouble. 

An hour passed. Gym class was next and Naruto shivered in bit in fear. He hated gym class because he knew Neji, Gaara and Kiba would be there and also everyone else that hated him. He made his way to the gym and went to the boy's locker room. Seeing that nearly all the guys were there, talking about various things, Naruto blended into the crowd and hid by the corners and from everyone. The voices died down and the door creaked open. Naruto walked around caustiosuly and saw everyone was gone.

At least that was what he thought. 


Naruto tried to shout in pain but felt a callous hand around his mouth. His face was smashed onto the locker door and his hands were caught together in a tight grip. 

"Welcome back loser. We sure missed you." Kiba snickered from behind him. 

Naruto tried to struggle and break away from the dog boy's clutches. He heard multiple laughs from behind him and he  identified  the voices. It were some boys who used to bully him, other than Sasuke and his gang. He felt his hair being tugged sharply and pulled. 

"It has been so long. Time to get acquainted again huh, Naruto?" Kankuro laughed. Before anything could happen, the door slammed open and Sasuke entered. His eyes flashed in anger but his face was impassive. 

"Get to class. Guy- Sensei is pissed." Sasuke's voice was bored, but it contained hints of anger. The boys let go of Naruto. 

"What's up with you Sasuke? Before you would have ecstatic to see the loser get the shit beaten out of him." Kiba stated, his eyes narrowed suspiciously at the raven. 

"I've got better things to do. Now get your asses to the gym." Sasuke said. Kiba turned and shoved Naruto to the lockers and walked away with the gang. After they left, Sasuke quickly made his way to the blonde and helped him up. He gently gabbed his arm and hauled him off the ground. 

"You okay?" He asked softly. Naruto looked up at him and smiled a bit. 

"Yeah... Thanks." He said. 

Sasuke let go of Naruto's arm and stared at him for a while. Naruto cocked his head to the side. 

"What's up?" The blonde asked. Sasuke sighed gently and rubbed his forehead. 

"It hasn't been even a day and acting like I don't care is difficult." He said candidly. "So what if people think we are friends? It's none of their damn business." 

Naruto stood there, shocked by the raven's straight-forwardness. He looked at him sadly.

"But I don't want you to get into any trouble and draw attention to you." Naruto said truthfully. Sasuke sighed and nodded his head. 

"I know..."

"This sucks..." The blonde said and Sasuke smirked. 

"You know, Kiba was suspicious." Naruto said, looking at Sasuke. The raven only shrugged. 

"I don't care. Anyway, we better get back to the lesson. Go change." Sasuke said. 

Naruto stretched his arms and yawned. "Nah... I'll sit this one out. Make up some shit excuse." The blonde grinned. Sasuke looked amusedly at his blonde and shoved his head playfully. 

"Lazy ass." He said, walking towards the exit and to the gym floor. Naruto grinned and stuck out his tongue. Waiting for a few seconds after the bastard left, he exited the locker room and made his way to Guy-Sensei, thinking about an excuse, all the while smiling at the happiness he felt. 

 The happiness Sasuke made him feel throughout his life. 

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