Chapter 31

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Walking up to his room, he began thinking about the events that happened in school, especially the conversation he had with Gaara. He was shocked when the red-head had revealed that he went through abuse too. Their circumstances were the exact same and it made the blonde feel happy and sad at the same thinking about it. 

'I have a new friend!' Naruto thought as he smiled to himself. Making his way to his room, he entered and heard the faint pitter-patter of running water. 

'Oh, teme is taking a shower.' Naruto thought as he climbed up onto his bunk-bed and began to start on the loads of work he had missed during his absence, trying to will away the thoughts about Sasuke in his head. 

"Okay! Time to finish this shit!" Naruto said enthusiastically, getting himself willed to actually start it. 

'10 minutes later'

'Hmm... Wonder if that crack in the paint was always there?' The whiskered boy thought as he cocked his head to the side. 

'What do you even call that, a paint crackle? Ooooh, speaking of crackle, bacon sounds awesome right now. Shit now I'm hungry. I waaaannnt fooooo-'

"Dobe focus on your work." Sasuke's deep voice sliced through his running thoughts. Snapping back to reality, Naruto turned to glare at Sasuke and immediately regretted it. 

Damp, ebony locks were plastered onto the handsome pale face. A trickle of water dripped down along the pallid column which was the raven's neck. Dressed in a pair of sweat pants and tight T-shirt, Sasuke began ruffling his hair with  fluffy towel, drying it off. The slight bulging muscles of his arms could be seen, contracting under the skin tight sleeves. 

Naruto blushed a cherry red and hid his face away. 

'Not helping. NOT HELPING!' The red-faced kid thought as he looked down at the books strewn across his bed and lap. 

Sasuke turned his head to look at the blonde in confusion when a comeback of 'bastard!' or 'asshole' never came and he smirked instantly, seeing the blonde's red face. 

'So fucking cute.' The raven thought as he placed the towel over his towel rack that was next to the washroom. Walking to his desk, he plopped down on the chair and began to do his work. 

"How was school dobe?" Sasuke asked, as he was doing some math work.

 Naruto stilled for a second.

'Do I tell him about Gaara?' The blonde thought, but immediately thinking of not. 'Maybe after some time, when I'm sure about Gaara.'

"It was good." Naruto said as he sent a smile to Sasuke's direction. Sasuke's eyes caught the sweet smile and his eyes softened in love. 

"Tell me if Kiba tries to mess with you." The raven said back. The blonde nodded and went back to doing his work. Minutes ticked by before the silence was broken. 

"How... did it feel like? You know... going back and seeing everyone?" Sasuke asked, unsure how the blonde would react. Naruto's eyes widened at the question. Blue eyes softened in sadness and he leaned against the headboard, thinking of an answer. 

Coming up with a satisfactory answer, he began to speak. 

"I guess... I was scared you know? Coming back and seeing the same exact... hate in their eyes. It hurt actually. I thought maybe they would get over what ever they had against me, but they didn't."

Naruto's voice trembled a bit. 

"A-am I-I really such a disgusting person? Is that why everyone hates me? Am I r-really that horrible?" Naruto looked towards Sasuke, wanting some reaction, needing him to deny everything he said.

Sasuke's onxy eyes widened and in a flash, he stumbled up to Naruto's bunk bed and enveloped him into his arms. Bringing the blonde boy to his chest, he hushed him soothingly and pressed his cheek onto the sunflower crown. 

"No. No you're not." Sasuke stated. "They are idiots, trying to make their pathetic lives better by trying to bring people like you down. They are the ones that are disgusting." Sasuke's voice softened. Reluctantly letting go of the blonde, he moved away a bit to give Naruto some space. 

Getting off Sasuke, Naruto sat up and looked at the raven, the person he couldn't believe he had fallen in love with and smiled so bright in happiness. Sasuke brushed away the soft, yellow bangs falling in front of his love's forehead and gave him a small smile back.  

Getting off the bunk bed, he went to continue his work but Naruto's voice stopped him. 

"When will you tell me Sasuke?" 

Sasuke turned back to look at the whiskered face in confusion before he realised what the blonde meant. 

Sighing, he looked back into those pretty blue eyes and told him the same words he always told him. 

"I'll tell you when I can dobe. Just... please believe me when I say, it wasn't your fault. That's all I can say." The raven said. 

Naruto's eyebrow's furrowed in anger. 

"Why won't you tell me then if you keep on saying it's not my fault? What could be that bad that you can't tell me?!" Naruto shouted in frustration. Sasuke glared back coldly before he turned his back towards the blonde. 

"You won't get it dobe. It isn't an easy thing to say okay?" He said back slowly, hoping Naruto would just drop it. 

"You made my life a living hell those days, you know! I think I deserve an answer, you bastard!" Naruto fought back.

"Especially since I have forgiven you!" He screamed, panting from all the shouting. After Naruto realised what he had said, his eyes widened and he immediately tried to dash out of the room. 

Keyword being 'tried'

Before he could even get off the bed, Sasuke gripped his wrist and slammed him back onto the mattress. 

Naruto's screaming voice didn't even register in his mind. Only the word...


Seeing the blonde trying to get away from the room, he instantly grabbed his wrist and using much force, the raven brought him back onto the bed.

Looking down at the blonde, he whispered...

"You've forgiven me? Really?" Sasuke asked hopefully. 

Naruto huffed in anger and petulantly turned his head away. 

"Yeah I have... teme." The blonde answered. 

Sasuke couldn't stop the smile growing on his face and he fell on top of the skinny body below him. Naruto gasped at the sudden force and realised the teme had flopped on him. He was going to push the teme off but seeing the happy smile on his face, the blonde brought his arms over the body and hugged him. 

"Of course I have forgiven you, Sasuke... Being with you means so much to me that the pain could easily be forgotten." The blonde confessed. 

"You mean a lot to me... Sasuke." 

A soft whisper answered him back. 

"You are everything to me, Naruto."


Sorry for the late update. Here's a small dose of fluff. 

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