Chapter 16

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Sorry guys for the late update. Been so busy with a lot of work. Anyway on with the story

'NO! No way! I do not like him! God damn it stupid brain!' Naruto internally fought with his mind. His thoughts went to the memories of last night. How Sasuke looked at him with care, the way he silently assured him, the feeling of his arm around his waist, holding him protectively...

It made his heart flutter.

But the recollections of the way Sasuke made him hurt, the many times the raven betrayed him, left him alone to fend for himself, made him cry so many tears...

It made his heart break.

Naruto shook his head vigorously.

'I'm so confused...' Naruto sighed, his mind going in a frenzy to control whatever he was feeling. A knock to the door made him come back to reality.

"Dobe. Get ready quickly. We got to go." The deep voice of the raven's resonated through the door.

Naruto quickly answered an 'okay' and got ready. Exiting out of the door, the blonde saw Sasuke sitting on his bed, wearing a fitted black shirt and some black distressed jeans. Naruto blushed a faint pink and looked away.

"Uh... Teme? I need clothes." Naruto said.

Sasuke just silently got up and walked to his closet, grabbing the smallest clothes he had and gave it to the blonde. He smiled when he saw the faint rose painted on his whiskered cheeks. Naruto took it and mouthed a silent 'thank you' and went to the washroom to change. While the blonde was changing, Sasuke contemplated on last night and how being so close to Naruto made his mind just go blank. The feeling of his body next to him and seeing him sleep, made him wish it could have been like that forever. To the raven, at that moment he knew...

No one could ever compete for the love he had for Naruto.

"Let's go." Naruto said, as he walked out of the washroom, the clothes slightly baggy on him. Sasuke woke up from his stupor.


At the shopping mall

"Oh! This will look good on you Naruto." Mikoto said, inspecting the shirt she was holding. They were at Konoha's main and largest shopping centre. Sasuke and Naruto were just walking behind the young raven haired woman as she chose clothes for the blonde. Naruto was looking around the huge store, staring up at the lights, completely mesmerised by how expensive it looked. Over-priced designer clothes surrounded around him. The blonde suddenly felt insecure, feeling like he didn't deserve the generosity he was getting. Sasuke was looking at his phone, scrolling through his messages and social media but he kept on looking at Naruto from the corner of his eye. 

"You don't need to buy me so much Mikoto-san!" Naruto exclaimed. 

"Oh no! It's okay dear." Mikoto looked at Naruto and smiled. They strolled around the store until Mikoto turned to Naruto and gave him the basket of clothes. 

"Here love. Go to the changing rooms and try these on." The raven-haired woman said. "Sasuke dear, go with Naruto." 

Naruto turned to the raven. Sasuke looked up from his phone and shrugged. He grabbed Naruto's wrist and directed him to the changing room. Naruto silently walked into the room and tried on the clothes. Sasuke just stood there, leaning against the door, trying not to think about the blonde changing. 

After a couple minutes, Naruto walked out of the room. "Let's go find Mikoto-san." They walked around, trying to find her. They found her, looking at the clothes racks. 

"Mikoto-san. The clothes fit! Thank you so much!" Naruto exclaimed smiling brightly as he looked at the woman. She smiled in return and smoothes his blonde hair. 

"Just call me Mikoto dear. Mikoto-san sounds so old." She laughed as she said this. "Anyway I have to go to the adoption agency. If you want you can come or you can wander around the park next to it." 

Walking out of the shopping centre, they walked there separate ways. 

"I'll be back in about 30 minutes." She said, walking to the big building while the blonde and the raven walked to the big, beautiful park. Naruto jogged up to the park swings and began swinging, laughing sweetly as the swing began to rock gently. Sasuke from the side, stared at his secret love, smiling as he saw the blonde so happy. The sun's ray reflected off his golden locks, his blue eyes closed in mirth and his voice laughing, just like that day during the P.E period. The raven just continued to stare at the blonde, until suddenly...

"SASUKE-KUN!" A high-pitched voice screamed. He looked in the direction of the voice in fear. A pink blur came rushing towards him from a distance. Suddenly he felt his arm being grabbed with a clutching force. Naruto also heard the scream and he knew exactly who it was. He stopped swinging and tried to quietly hide from Sakura until she screamed again. Cerulean and green clashed as Sakura stared at the blonde in shock and anger. 

"Oh my god! What is this loser doing here?" She turned to Sasuke for answers. Naruto sighed in hopelessness as he knew Sasuke would turn back to the dickhead he was just to cover his ass. 

"Leave Sakura..." Sasuke said frankly, looking at Naruto in concern. Sakura looked at the raven, and turn to Naruto again in anger until she realised something.

"Are you wearing my Sasuke's jacket!?" She screamed in absolute shock. Sakura ran up to the blonde and was about to punch him when a strong hand gripped her wrist and pulled her away from him. Naruto cowered in fear, knowing exactly how powerful her punches were.

"I said LEAVE!" Sasuke said, glaring at the pink-headed girl. She stared at him, heartbrokenly and walked away, trying to figure out why he was defending the blonde-haired loser. After a few seconds, a  soft murmur of 'thank you' resonated between Sasuke and Naruto. The raven looked at Naruto, hints of adoration in his eyes as he said 'your welcome'. 

"Why are you defending me?" Naruto asked confusedly. Sasuke simply looked at Naruto and walked away. Naruto continued to stare at Sasuke, in confusion and annoyance. 

"Hey! Don't ignore me you bastard!" 

Sasuke turned around and said, "I'm going to buy ice-cream. If you continue to stand there, you aren't going to get any."

Naruto's eyes widened in happiness and he ran towards Sasuke, shouting in joy. He ran in front of him and shouted at Sasuke to walk faster. The raven just continued to smile as the question swam through his mind. 

'It's because I love you dobe.'

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