Chapter 45

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The voices coming off from the television was the only thing that could be heard in the living room. It was strange for Sasuke. Usually Naruto would be chattering on about who knows what but it gave the raven a feeling of peace and happiness whenever the blonde would be so happy and cheerful. So seeing Naruto so quiet and down, made Sasuke uneasy and sad himself.

"Hey dobe? What did Kiba say?" Sasuke asked, knowing it must have been something the mutt would have said that bothered his blonde.

"Huh. Oh... It's nothing important." Naruto said softly, looking down at his textbook.

It was 7.00 pm. The boys were sitting cross-legged on the floor, books scattered across the fuzzy carpet as they worked on their homework. The T.V in front of them was on, volume at it's lowest setting and bottles of coke were beside them.

"Really? You think I would honestly believe you?" Sasuke asked rhetorically, his eyes showing concern even though his voice didn't relay it. Naruto looked up, smiling slightly at the teme, his heart thumping with joy at seeing the concerned filled eyes.

"Nah. You're too smart for that." Naruto said. Sasuke scoffed.

"Obviously." The raven said. Naruto just laughed.

"So tell me. What did he say?" Sasuke asked seriously, not wanting to change the subject. Naruto closed his textbooks and leaned against the coffee table behind him. Turning his head to look at Sasuke, he sighed quietly.

'Should I tell him? Would he hate me again?' Naruto thought, fear rising. 'What if Kiba is right? What if Sasuke hates me for having feelings for him?' The thoughts mingled in his mind, various scenarios popping up, each one worse than the one before.

"Oi dobe, you zoned out." Sasuke's deep voice cut through, shaking the blonde out of his stupor.

Naruto laughed awkwardly, his blue eyes not meeting Sasuke's face as he blushed a soft pink. Taking a few seconds to get his words together, Naruto began to talk.

"He-e u-umm found o-out I-I-I w-was-s g-ga-y-y?" Naruto stuttered uncontrollably, his voice getting softer and softer as he went on. The blonde immediately looked down, his shaggy blonde hair covering his face. His face scrunched up in fear, each second of silence stabbed his heart and tears bunched up in the corners of his eyes.

It took the raven awhile to understand what Naruto told him but as soon as it hit him, Sasuke was shocked. He was speechless, with the only thoughts running through his head being,

'Naruto is gay? Does this mean I have a chance?'

Hearing a soft sniffle, Sasuke realised his blonde was crying, and his silence was not helping the matter at all. Shifting closer to Naruto, he brought his arm around the bony shoulders and cuddled him to his side. Naruto gasped out of shock and looked up to see Sasuke was hugging him. Feeling the relief wash over him, Naruto clung onto his raven, his fingers dug into the soft fabric of his cotton shirt.

"Why are you crying?" Sasuke looked down, using his thumb to wipe away the tears staining Naruto's face. Sasuke let go of the blonde, to get a view of him properly. Naruto played with his fingers, admitting very softly to Sasuke,

"I don't know... he c-called me a f-fag and basically went on about how disgusting I-I am... I know I shouldn't give a shit about what he says but it still hurts to hear it."

Sasuke's anger flared up at the homophobic words Kiba had said to his dobe.

"Screw him. What he says doesn't matter. I don't care what your sexuality is, our family wouldn't and the people who truly love you wouldn't and they are the people that matter. Not those homophobic jerks. If he says anything else, tell me. I'll beat the shit out of him." Sasuke said, his protectiveness becoming a bit evident.

Naruto looked at the raven, his eyes wide and mouth agape. Sasuke chuckled at the cute expression and stroked Naruto's cheek. Naruto awoke from his shocked state and smiled happily, holding the pale hand on his cheek with his own tan hand.

Lying down on his bed, Kiba thought about the events that occurred today, mostly his interaction with the whiskered boy. Smirking to himself, he grabbed his phone and called a familiar number.




"Hey Kiba. What's up?" Sakura's said, drowsiness laced in it.

"Ah hey. Were you sleeping? Sorry if you were." Kiba said.

"No. Just tired. Anyway anything you need?" She asked.

"Guess what I managed to get?" Kiba said, grinning evilly. Sakura understood the tone in his voice and her excitement increased.

"Let me guess! Something on the loser?" She screeched excitedly. Kiba laughed, confirming her guess.

"Yeah, I got in audio as well so it's solid proof. Hold on, I'll send it to you." Kiba cut the call and sent an audio clip saved in his phone to Sakura. The brunette had secretly recorded the conversation between him and the blonde boy. It was really on a whim of his that made the brunette decide to record the conversation. Now he had hard-carbon proof to execute his plan with the green-eyed girl.

"Oh my god! He is in love with Sasuke! He's so disgusting! I'm pretty sure Sasuke would be disgusted as well. We have to show this to him!" Sakura screeched again, her voice grating through the receiver of the phone.

"Calm down. We'll do it eventually." Kiba said feeling turned off for some reason, turning his head to look at the time. '12.05' flashed a neon green from his alarm clock.

"Anyway it's getting late. See you tomorrow." Kiba said.

"Bye Kiba." Sakura said, happiness laced in her voice.

Hanging up the phone, he placed it on his bedside table and just laid in his bed, his mind filled with different thoughts.

'It is pretty fucking horrible, to be happy to cause someone else pain. Sadistic really.' The brunette thought and suddenly the plan, didn't seem as appealing as it once was.

'I'm just being an asshole aren't I? I mean, Naruto has never even done anything to me and yet I always beat him, demean him and just fuck around with him. I never even hated the guy. I guess I went on board with what everyone else was doing and maybe I got too into it.' Kiba sat up and sighed.

'Fuck... I made a huge mistake.'

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