Chapter 27

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A deep voice, chanting his name occurred through his subconscious. He tried to will it away, submerge back into the sleeping haven he was in. 


"Oi dobe! Get your lazy ass out of bed!" Sasuke shouted as he smacked the sleeping blonde on the head with a pillow. Naruto sat up instantly, growling at the glaring raven. 

"What the fuck teme!? I was sleeping!" Naruto glared back.

"We have to go to school idiot." Sasuke said bluntly. The blonde looked at him in confusion until he finally realised...

Today was the day, he was finally going back to school.

'Ohhh fuck.' Naruto thought as his mood saddened. He felt a weight on his shoulder and turned his head to see Sasuke's hand was there. 

"It'll be fine dobe. Just try to avoid those 3 okay?" Sasuke advised. "Now get up."

Naruto nodded, getting up and going to the washroom to get ready. 

'30 minutes later'

Walking down the stairs, he saw Mikoto and smiled. She smiled back fondly. 

"Good morning sweetie. Breakfast is on the table." Naruto's smile beamed as he rushed into the dining room. Sasuke was there, nibbling on a piece of toast while scrolling through his phone. Naruto sat down and ate his breakfast. 

"Ehh Sasuke?" The blonde asked. 

"Hn?" Sasuke said, pre-occupied with his phone. 

"Are we going to school together or... shall I go on ahead?" Naruto inquired. 

Sasuke's head jerked up instantly, looking at the blonde in confusion. "Uh.. what?" Naruto sighed in exasperation. 

"If we go to school together, it would be weird." The blonde stated. 

"Oh. Will you be fine going alone?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto looked at Sasuke incredulously. "Of course I can teme! I'm not some girl!" The blonde huffed. Standing up, he went and grabbed his bag. 

"Guess I'll be off."  He said, walking out of the door. Sasuke looked as he walked away, concern wavering in his mind. 

'God I hope he will be okay.'

At school

Looking at the entrance, Naruto winced. 

'This is it. Guess I'll have to enter. Mom told me to go meet Sarutobi-sensie first.' Walking in, he tried to avoid the students that were already present, cowering his head  and covering his blonde hair with a black beanie. He walked fast, trying to get to the principal's office before anyone recognised him. Seeing the frosted-glass door saying 'Head office', the blonde quickly entered and closed the door. 

"Oh hello! How may I hel-" Shizune turned from her desk to look at Naruto and gasped. 

"Naruto!? It has been so long since I've seen you. The head only told me that you had to take 2 months." She said, staring at the blonde in wonder. Naruto smiled back uneasily, hoping she wouldn't ask any questions of his absence. 

"Yeah, there were some problems... But now it's all fine!" Naruto said enthusiastically. Shizune smiled back. 

"Are you going to see Sarutobi-sensei?" She asked. Naruto nodded in affirmation. "Well wait a second, he is talking to another student right now. Feel free to sit down." Shizune said, pointing towards the chairs. Naruto stood by them, arms crossed against his chest, nervously tapping his fingers. A few minutes passed before the door leading to the principal's room opened. He heard a deep voice, a voice that he could recognise anywhere. 


Naruto felt his heart race in fear and he bowed his head down, hoping he wouldn't be known. He heard footsteps getting louder and louder until it reached right in front of him. Praying that Gaara doesn't look at him, he stayed silent. 

"Ah! You may go in now, Naruto." Shizune said brightly. 

Aaaand his prayers were dashed. 

Quickly looking up, his eyes clashed with Gaara's sea-foam ones looking at him in shock. Before anything could happen, the blonde made his way to the office. Unknown to him, Gaara stared at his moving figure, with pity in his eyes. 

"Naruto. You have finally come." An aged voice called out to him. Naruto nodded, taking a seat in front of Sarutobi's desk. The old man looked at him with sympathy. 

"I heard what happened. About the...abuse." He said carefully, trying not to over-whelm his student. Naruto looked up at him, surprise evident across his face. 

"Don't worry, no one knows except for Kakashi-san. I had to inform him to keep an eye on you. Hopefully no harm comes your way from any of the students." Sarutobi said, his eyes staring right through Naruto's ones and into his mind. 

Naruto was speechless, trying to process what Sarutobi was saying to him. 

"I have also become aware of your bullying situation. Please don't hesitate to tell me." 

Naruto shook his head in denial, finally coming to his senses.  He looked at the old man in gratitude, his smile reaching his eyes. 

"Thank you Sensei, but I don't want anymore trouble. I'll deal with them the best I can." With that, the bell rang signally the start of the classes. 

Sarutobi nodded and looked at the blonde carefully. 

"I hope nothing like that ever happens to you again." The aged voice echoed through the room. Naruto stared in shock, a gracious smile made way across his face. He nodded and grinned largely, showing his pearly white teeth. The old man could only smile in return.

"Anyway, get your schedule from Shizune and head to your classes. Have a good day Naruto." He said, going back to some work he had to do. 

Naruto bowed slightly and exited the room. Getting his schedule from Shizune, he looked at the classes he had that day. 

Biology- Yamato Sensei 

Maths- Asuma Sensei

Gym- Guy Sensei

English Language/ Literature- Kakashi Sensei


Physics- Genma Sensei

Art- Kurenai Sensei


'Yes! I have a free period!' Naruto rejoiced in his head. 

He smile at Shizune, waving a little goodbye before he left the office. As he entered the quiet hallways, he shivered a little, clutching onto his bag strap with his thin arm. Sighing to himself, he walked slowly to the first class he had. 

'Wonder how everyone is going to react.' The blonde thought to himself.  His footsteps resonated through the hallways, making him feel eerie. Naruto remembered the brutal thrashings he went through, right in this place. 

'Probably going to be the same as before.' He thought 

'Hm... I wonder how Sasuke's going to react and keep up this act.' Thinking about his plan, his feet took him to the biology lab. He made a stop right in front on the door. His bony hands shivered as he raised it to reach the handle, his heart beating so loudly, he felt it against his chest. Taking a big gulp of air, he opened the door and entered.

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