Chapter 43

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That eerie feeling stuck with the blonde the whole time, throughout the whole weekend. Scenes of the worst case scenarios happening popped up in his mind. Anxiety and fear filled his body even though Naruto had no idea why. 

Even after Monday came, the feelings on anxiety never left. It just got stronger and stronger. 

"What's wrong dobe? You've been spacing out more that usual?" Sasuke asked, his voice laced with concern. 

Naruto sighed, deciding to open up to the raven. 

"I don't know why... But I feel like today won't be a good day." The blonde said, looking at his friend. Sasuke looked backed, confused out of his mind. 

"Why do you say that?" The raven said, his eyebrow raised. Naruto just shrugged, walking towards the washroom to get ready for school. Sasuke sighed a bit before giving Naruto's head a light pat. 

A comforting gesture. 

As always, a light blush appeared on the blonde's face and he rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door closed. Sasuke just stood there, smirking but that smirk soon morphed into a sweet smile. 

'I should tell him. I really should tell him soon.' Sasuke thought, his doubt disintegrating from his mind. The raven felt elated, happy and free and it was all because of the annoying, blonde dobe that came back into his life. 

'Yeah I decided, I'm never letting him go.' Sasuke thought determinedly. 

At school

Walking up to his locker, the anxiety spiked up again. 

'What if it's like the movies and there is some shit in my locker, like a fuck ton of shaving cream or something?' Naruto thought, his mind drifting to various, ridiculous scenes. The blonde shook his head roughly and scowled at himself for even thinking about that.

'Damn it Uzumaki! Get a fucking grip.' He thought angrily. 

Walking cautiously, he slowly opened is locker to see...

Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. 

"Phew..."Naruto sighed softly. Grabbing his books, he closed his locker, making sure to properly lock it. Double checking again, he made his way to class. 

"Ugh... I don't feel like going to class. Should I bunk?" Naruto said to himself.  Being too invested into his thoughts, he bumped into someone.

"Where are you spacing off too?" A deep voice said. Naruto immediately perked up at the sound of that voice. 

"Hey Gaara!" The blonde grinned happily, showing off his pearly whites. Gaara in return, sent him small smile back. 

"You are bunking?" He asked candidly, knowing exactly how Naruto was going tot react. And as he predicted, the blonde turned into a sputtering mess. Shaking his head in amusement, the red-head grabbed Naruto's arm and they both walked to the small courtyard outside the school. Sitting underneath the tree, they made themselves comfortable and fell into a short conversation. Sensing something was off, Gaara asked...

"What's wrong?" 

"Huh?" Naruto asked, confused by his question. Realising what he meant, Naruto sighed for the millionth time. 

"I don't know, I just feel off today. Feels like some shit is going to go down." Naruto huddled closer to the tree trunk and stretched his legs. The pale boy leaned back as well and looked up into the sky. 

"Don't think about it. It'll just mess with your mind." He said. Giving a comforting pat to Naruto's shoulder, they stayed like that in comfortable silence till the bell rang. 

"Oi dobe! Where the hell were you in the first period?" Sasuke asked. Both the boys were in gymnasium locker rooms, changing as it was the P.E lesson. Everyone was gone so it was the both of them. 

"Oh me? Ahh... I bunked with Gaara?" He said, the sentence slightly fading away. Sasuke slapped the back of the blonde head and looked at the whiskered boy angrily. 

"Dobe! You don't get to bunk your lessons, especially when you have a lot to catch up on." Sasuke reprimanded. Naruto huffed, but a look of guilt came across his face. Sasuke's onxy eyes went soft. 

"It's bugging you still huh?" He asked. Naruto just nodded. Walking towards his locked, he grabbed his gym shirt and changed. 

The blonde just stared as his crush continued to change in front of him. His face went red but his blue eyes were transfixed by the slight rippling of the pale muscles and the soft sheen of Sasuke's pale skin. Turning around, Sasuke smirked seeing Naruto's red face. 

"Dobe it's rude to stare like that. Especially when someone is changing." He said arrogantly, laughing internally, seeing the blonde flustered and embarrassed. 

"Me?! Me staring!? You're just imaging things teme! Like I would stare!" The cute blonde said defensively. Grabbing his water bottle, he made a quick dash to the gym, leaving Sasuke laughing out loud. (Lol) 

"My youthful pupils!" Might Gai exclaimed loudly. Anime sweat drops appeared on everyone's face. Even though it has been like this for years, they could never get use to Gai's 'enthusiasm'. 

"Okay! 20 laps around the gym and then... a competitive game of DODGE BALL!" The green-leotard made exclaimed excitedly. A second of silence filled the gm before loud patters of footsteps resonated around. Naruto decided to run behind everyone so he does't mingle with anyone that doesn't like him. 

Which was basically almost everyone. 

What he didn't know was that brown eyes were trained in on him, watching his every move. Kiba secretly grinned, realising the fear that was swirling in the tanned boy.  Zipping up to the blonde, he managed to trip the poor boy. 

"Wahh!" Naruto exclaimed. The blonde fell face first onto the hard wooden floor. His elbows and knees made a sharp smacking sound and he tumbled down. Everyone stopped to see the commotion and everyone began to erupt in laughter. Almost everyone. 

"Oh Naruto I'm so sorry!" Kiba said, the insincerity clearly evident in his voice. Grabbing Naruto by the arm roughly, he put it over his shoulders and trapped Naruto in a strong grip. 

"I'll take him to the Nurse's Office, Gai-Sensei!" The brunette said, rushing out of the gym before anyone could react. 

"Ahh! Such friendship!" Gai shouted happily. "Everyone! Back to running those laps!" 

Sasuke was immediately struck with fear, seeing Kiba take away his blonde out of the gym. Knowing he wouldn't be able to follow them, he cursed under his breath. Gaara too was feeling the same way, and he gave the raven a quick look, mentally saying...

'How the hell do we get out of here?'

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