Chapter 48

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The sounds of the teachers calling his name didn't even register in the blonde's mind as he ran out of the school, faster than he had ever ran before. His heart was hammering in his chest and tears pricked his eyes as the echoing of that audio clip resonated through his mind. 

'Oh god... Sasuke will hate me now. Everything... would just go back to what they were' Naruto thought, his mind not registering where he was going, his legs just working on their own to take him far away from the hate and embarrassment. 

Gradually his legs began to wear out and he fell onto the ground, the grass clutching onto his jeans, small smudges of dirt clung onto his sleeves and wet patches of tears stuck onto the back of his tan hands as the blonde furiously tried to rub them away from his eyes. A shuddering breath racked over his body as he kneeled on the grassy ground in silence. Looking up, Naruto realised he was at a park, a park he would always pass by whenever he was sad and a small smile emerged on his face before a loud sob broke through. 

'Why? Why does this shit have to happen to me?! Why the fuck can't I live a normal life without everyone hating me?!' Naruto angrily thought as he slowly made his way to the swings. Dejectedly, Naruto slumped onto the seat and swung back and forth while tears just ran down his face. The blonde didn't bother to wipe it away. He was done. Done with everything. Done with the hate, the bullying, the unrequited love. 

'Guess the teme knows now. That I love him. Maybe he'll forget about it and we could go back to normal... Yeah right, considering my luck, he'll hate me for the rest of his life.' 

"I mean, who wants to be friends with a fag." Naruto silently whispered. "It doesn't matter now." 

Nothing mattered now. 

At school

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?" Sasuke seethed, his eyes narrowed and filled with rage towards the pinkette who stopped laughing immediately. 

"S-Sasuke?" She said nervously, her green eyes filled with shock, seeing how angry the raven was. Everyone went quiet. The laughing abruptly stopped and fearful eyes watched Sasuke as he walked towards Sakura, his fists clenched and shaking. Kiba sighed regretfully, feeling almost sorry for the girl, knowing she was going to get her heart crushed by Sasuke. 

"You think it's fucking funny humiliating Naruto like that? You think it's a fucking joke?!" Sasuke's voiced raised with every word he said. The pinkette backed up in fear, confusion still evident in her eyes. 

'What's going on? Isn't Sasuke supposed to be laughing as well? Isn't he supposed to be disgusted?' These thoughts swirled through Sakura's head, her earlier feelings of triumph quickly dissipating.

"How sick are you?" Sasuke still ranted.

"B-but Sas-"

"Shut up! Get this into your thick skull, I will never love you because I only love Naruto." The raven stated firmly, his voice finally died down to it's deep, cold timbre. The whole room gasped in surprise, completely shocked by Sasuke's revelation. 

The tension was thick in the room. No one dared to say a word but their eyes were trained on Sakura to see her reaction. Everyone undoubtedly knew she would be heartbroken and it didn't come as a surprise when tears began to fall down her face. Sasuke just merely scoffed, not giving two shits about hurting her feelings. 

"W-why S-Sasuke?! W-why him?!" She screamed freakishly at the dead-panned raven, her heart broken from his cruel, uncaring words. The raven just stayed quiet, refusing to answer her questions. He turned his head towards Kiba and growled lowly. He walked towards the brunette's table and was mildly surprised to see that the dog-boy wasn't moving or cowering in fear, he just looked straight at him with eyes filled with regret and guilt. 

"So it was you huh? In that clip?" Sasuke asked, his voice gruff. Kiba just nodded, not saying anything that could fuse the already angry raven. 

Sasuke growled lowly, placing his hands on Kiba's desk. Kiba just sighed and began to speak before the raven could. 

"Look, no matter how much I apologise, it's not going to be enough. I know what I did was wrong and I really do regret it. I really do. So kick my ass, I know you will because I deserve it. Just... tell Naruto that I am sorry." His voice was soft, with sincerity laced in it. The raven's glared dimmed a bit but his anger was still evident. 

"Yeah you're correct. No matter how much you apologise it will never be enough." The raven said. He looked at the clock and realised 15 minutes had passed by. 

'Fuck! I need to find Naruto! Who knows where he would have disappeared to. God I hope he is okay.' Sasuke beelined towards the door and Kiba stared in confusion. 

"Aren't you going to beat the shit out of me?" He asked, confused by Sasuke's actions. The raven in question just turned around and scowled. 

"I have some more important to tend to." And he exited the room. 


Sasuke felt a rush of adrenaline as fear surged through his body when he realised Naruto could have run off to anywhere. Being the dobe he was, there was a huge possibility of him getting lost. 

'Oh god. What if he got lost? Or ran into some thugs? Can he even defend himself?!' All these thoughts rushed into Sasuke's head, making him more paranoid by the second. Suddenly he ran into something hard. He looked up to see Kakashi looking at him in confusion. 

"Sasuke? What are you doing? Get back to class." The silver-haired man said. 

'Says the guy who comes late to every class he teaches.' Sasuke sarcastically thought. 

"I need to find Naruto. Something happened and he bolted off, Kakashi-Sensei." Sasuke said, manoeuvring his way to pass Kakashi. Kakashi's eyes widened. 

"What happened?" He inquired. Sasuke relayed the past events, his heart breaking as he remembered Naruto's crying face. 

"Go find him. I'll inform the Sarutobi-Sensei. Most probably he would be by the park that's nearby here. Usually I would see him there, sitting by the swings." Kakashi said, his concern for the blonde-haired boy surprising the raven. 

"Okay. Thank you, Kakashi-Sensei." Sasuke bowed and turned around to run after his blonde. 

'I won't let anyone hurt you again like that dobe.' He thought determinedly as he rushed out the entrance towards the afternoon light.

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