Chapter 33

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Sitting in the loud, noisy cafeteria, Sasuke stayed silent, observing the crowded tables and grunted in annoyance. The noise was getting on his nerves. The raven had been pissed off the whole day. Dealing with annoying fangirls, nosy friends who wanted to know why he stopped harassing Naruto...

And Naruto himself.

The fucking blonde had been missing from his sight since the morning and everyday before and it was getting on Sasuke's nerves. Not knowing where the blonde was, what he was doing and who he comes in contact with was something that caused great anxiety to the ebony-haired boy.

He knew the protocol though.

'Ignore Naruto. Jut ignore him.'

But ignoring the blonde was so difficult for Sasuke. He needed to protect him, to keep him safe from everyone and not knowing where he was, scared the pale boy.

'Ugh... This is difficult. But it's for the dobe. Deal with it for him.' Sasuke  preached as a mantra in his head. Suddenly he heard the screeching of chairs next to him. Turning to glare at who ever it was, he saw Shikamaru and Shino, both situating themselves at 'his' table. Shikamaru in turn began to stare back at him with raised eyebrows. Shino on the other hand, looked expressionless due to the dark-tinted glasses.

"Where's your clique? Aren't you the popular guy?" Shikamaru asked in a bored tone with hints of curiosity. Sasuke snorted back, not even looking at the boy.

"So Naruto's back." Shino drawled. Sasuke looked at the bug-obsessed boy in confusion, his eyebrow raised.

'Why the fuck does he care, unles-'

"So why haven't you been harassing the poor guy and making his life a living hell. Not that I'm telling you to." Shikamaru asked candidly.

'Knew it.' Sasuke thought as he looked at Shikamaru dead in the eyes.

"Just realised how stupid and time-consuming it is to demean someone. I have better things to do." Sasuke said in a bored tone. 

Shikamaru just nodded, accepting that answer even though a part inside him didn't believe what the raven said.

"I always wondered why people hated him. Makes me wonder what the hell he did to piss off an entire student body." Shikamaru drawled on.

The raven stay quiet, just looking down at the table. He growled lowly under his breath.

'Fucking interagation.' He thought as he moved his eyes upwards and inspected Shino and Shikamaru through his long bangs.

Huffing in annoyance, Sasuke began to stand up from his seat, slinging his bag onto his shoulder, not sparing the two boys a glance. From the corner of his eye, he noticed a searing pink blob moving towards him and he growled in anger.

"SASUKE-KUN!" And the screeching began.

Sakura gripped Sasuke's muscled arm in a vice clutch, throwing her body onto him in hopes of seducing the raven, even though her efforts were futile from the beginning.

"Hi Sasuke-kun. You haven't talked to me! I missed you. Did you miss me?" Sakura flirted, sending a wink towards the annoyed boy.

"Let go of me you pyscho." He seethed at the pink slug, tugging his arm away.

Sakura tried to pout in a cute manner which in reality looked disgusting in Sasuke's eyes.

"Why are you pushing me away Sasuke-kun? Is it because of  that blonde loser. Oh god! How dare he show his face back here am I right?" She asked, bashing the blonde in hopes Sasuke would agree with her.

But it all backfired when the heartthrob looked at Sakura's emerald eyes in absolute hate and anger and yanked his arm away from the her.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Is demeaning someone the only good think in your pathetic existence? Grow the fuck up and leave him alone and maybe then you'll get somewhere in life." The raven said, directing it at Sakura before he walked away to find his blonde.

Seeing the retreating back of her crush, she felt her heart constrict in anger.

'That stupid fucking blonde! He turned my Sasuke against me!' Evil thoughts began to run through her mind as she felt a resemblance of hate towards Sasuke as well for humiliating her in front
of the whole cafeteria as she saw other students looking at her and smirking smugly.

Shikamaru turned to look at his friend, his eyes glinting in suspicion. Shino nodded mutedly, understanding what Shikamaru was thinking about.

'Seems he doesn't hate Naruto anymore. Interesting.' Shikamaru thought.

'I wonder what made him change.'

Back at the rooftop

Brown eyes stared back at the cerulean ones in absolute shock. The ring fell from his hand and rolled off to one corner of the rooftop.

Gaara's eyes followed the glinting object and went after it to pick it up. Just as he moved, Kiba's legs took off and he pounced on the poor blonde, hurling him to the ground and began to un-coordinately hitting him.

"AHH!" Naruto screamed in shock.

"What the fuck! You fucking stupid piece of shit!" Kiba screamed back, punching Naruto. The blonde, used to Kiba's ways of fighting, brought his arms up to cover his face. Kiba grabbed a fistful of Naruto's blonde hair and yanked his neck before bringing it back down hard onto the concrete ground.

"Fuck!" Naruto screamed, tiny tears gathering in his eyes.

"What the hell did you do to Gaara you monster?!" Kiba shouted, his anger completely consuming him.

Gaara upon hearing the blonde's screams, dashed towards the pair and hurled Kiba off the blonde, separating the two. Kiba panted, glaring daggers at both Gaara and Naruto.

"I see how it is. You ditch me, for the likes of him!?" Kiba pointed at Naruto, glaring at Gaara in hurt and anger.

Gaara sighed guiltily, looking at the dog-lover in sympathy.

"I'm sorry. I don't want to be who I was before Kiba. It was stupid and unnecessary. I realised the error of my ways. I just wanted to start over." Gaara began to explain himself, looking back at Naruto to see if he was all right.

"Naruto and I... We went through the same things, the same pain and hurt and naturally we have a connection. Something more special than others. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, this shit we have going on with Naruto needs to stop."

Kiba stared at Gaara, his eyes changing to a more softer tone. Moving his eyes away from the red-head, he looked at the cowering blonde and began to notice little things about him. Shaking his head, he whispered.

"Whatever freak. Go fuck with your blonde bitch." And he walked away, bumping shoulders with the emerald-eye boy. The sound of the closing door was the only thing that could be heard as both the boys stood on the rooftop in silence.  Naruto looked at Gaara, guilt evident in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." The blonde whispered.

Gaara turned back to look at his friend and walked towards him and gathered him into his arms.

"Don't be stupid. You did nothing wrong." Gaara whispered back, retreating back from the blonde. Getting his ring, he grabbed Naruto's hand and walked towards the exit and both of them left.

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