Chapter 42

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"Something wrong?" Sasuke turned towards his friend, seeing the slight frown marring his face. Naruto snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Sasuke. 

"Whaa? Oh! No! Nothings wrong." Naruto grinned slightly, not wanting to ruin the happy atmosphere and day they were having. Sasuke raised an eyebrow in doubt but decided not to ponder any further. 

'If the dobe wants to tell, he will eventually tell.' He preached to himself as he didn't want the past to repeat again. They walked in a comfortable silence, randomly striking up a conversation.  During the moments of silence, Naruto turned to face the raven and smiled softly. He felt surges of joy well up inside him. It reminded him of the old days and it felt just like it. Nostalgia swirled through his mind as memories filled his sense of them being together. The good old days. 

It reminded him exactly why he fell for the raven. 

It wasn't because of the gorgeous looks or the cool demeanour Sasuke put up nor was it the popularity and the status he had. It was because no matter what Naruto did, no matter how many times he got into trouble, no matter the problems he had, Sasuke was there. Sasuke was there through it all to burden his pain and misery with him. Sasuke showed how he cared and loved through the little ways that made the blonde realise how truly a good person the raven was. 

Turning his head to ask the blonde a question, his eyes immediately met to the small, nostalgic smile on the blonde's face and the raven felt instantly happy to see Naruto was enjoying himself. 

'Cute...' He thought, seeing the blue eyes sparkle in the afternoon sun. 

"Woah!" Naruto exclaimed, as the two boys entered the high-tech arcade. Random game stations and booths were spread over the arcade floor ranging from different genres from shooter games to DDR. In summary, the arcade had every genre for every type of gamer. The electric blue-black tiles made the place look almost futuristic and the deep plum walls, enhancing that look. 

Naruto skidded into the lobby, grabbing Sasuke's arm and dragging him in. 

"Dobe! Chill! We'll play all the games. Just stop pulling on my arm." Sasuke said sternly, giving a little glare at the blonde. Naruto immediately let go, returning an apologetic look. Sasuke sighed amusedly and gave the blonde, fluffy hair a little ruffle. 

"So what do you want to play first?" Sasuke asked. Naruto's eyes brightened instantly and he pointed at the fancy looking booth that was advertising a multiplayer shooter game. Nodding his head in return, Sasuke got some arcade tickets and made his way over to the booth with Naruto. 

"So same team? Or different teams?" Sasuke asked, smirking at the blonde. Naruto glared back at him and stuck out his tongue.

"Different teams! I want to completely thrash you!" Naruto exclaimed confidently. Sasuke shrugged and the game began. 

"So... what were you saying about completely thrashing me?" Sasuke said, smirking very arrogantly at the huffing blond. The two boys were walking down the busy pavements, after spending so much time in the arcade.

"What? The hell are you talking about teme. Stop making up stuff." Naruto said, pretending it never happened. Sasuke just chuckled amusedly and laughed even louder seeing the death glare being sent his way. 

"It's fine dobe. I never expected you to win anyway." Sasuke said, patronisingly just to piss the blonde off. What he received was a lowly growl and a more intense glare. Shaking his head, the raven grabbed the blonde's arm and entered their next destination. 

A little, quant cafe. 

Sitting in one of the booths next to the window, the two boys sat in silence, looking through the menu placed in front of them. 

"I don't know what to get teme." Naruto whined. 

"Hmm... You want to get what I'm getting?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded. 

The waitress came up to their table after a few minutes, with a sultry smile on her face. Sasuke inwardly groaned as he realised he was going to be dealing with one of 'those' girls. Naruto on the other hand was completely oblivious. 

"Hi! My name is Aya! How can I help you sir?" She said flirtatiously, not even sparing a glance at the clueless blonde. Naruto in turn, cocked his head to the side in confusion towards her behaviour. Sasuke growled a bit before stating their orders in a curt manner. 

Aya was shocked by Sasuke's response but wasn't fazed by it. She continued to smile, this time a bit more seductively in hopes of winning the raven over. 

"Okay! I shall be back in a minute." She winked and walked over to the counter, swaying her hips a little more obviously. Sasuke just face palmed in annoyance. 

"What's up?" Naruto asked, confused by Sasuke's reactions. 

The raven just smiled in response. "Nah, it's nothing." 

Naruto just shrugged in response. They waited in silence until the order came. Sasuke looked over to his blonde and smiled a bit. 

"So how is everything now? You feeling happier?" Sasuke asked seriously, grabbing the tiny, tan hand and giving it a light squeeze. Naruto blushed a rose red but kept his hand still. 

"Yeah I am happier obviously! I have a great family, a new friend and... I have you back." The last part, Naruto whispered very quietly, almost like he was embarrassed to say it. Nevertheless, Sasuke heard it and he smiled very sincerely, his onxy eyes filled with the same fondness he feels every time he is with the blonde.

"Yeah. I'm happy to you know... to have you back." Sasuke said quietly. Retreating his hand, the raven leaned back onto his seat. Naruto felt the warmness leave his hand and he felt colder... sadder almost.  Trying to bring up the mood, the blonde began to chatter animatedly about different things while Sasuke just listened and occasionally put his two cents in. 

Aya walked back, the orders in her hands but she stopped in her steps as she saw the two boys. What made her freeze was the way the black-haired beauty would look at the cute blonde, how lovingly his eyes would melt at the blonde's actions and how equally the blue eyes would shine when the raven would say anything. She smiled at the adorable scene and she couldn't help but think...

'I never had a chance in hell anyway.'

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