Chapter 2

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You ask shyly, "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" The black haired boy asked, "Hey Martha, who's she?" Martha responds, "It's alright, Yusei. Her name is Y/N, she's a bit shy around other people but she's a sweetheart once you get to know her." You quietly murmur to Martha, "I'm going to go outside." You quickly walk away, making Martha sigh. She said, "I'm sorry about Y/N, she's never been a social butterfly. Even when I first found her, she seemed to be very shy." The three boys look at her and the black-haired one responded, "I'm sure she just needs to get used to seeing us, that's all."

You sigh, "I'm pretty sure I screwed that up really badly." Dark Magician Girl replied, "It couldn't have been that bad, Y/N." You respond as you did maintenance on your duel runner, "I just walked away from them out of shyness! I mean, they probably think I'm some kind of weirdo or something!" "That's not true, I'm sure they thought that you were having a bad day or something." "I don't know, maybe I should say something to them." "You shouldn't rush yourself, just be yourself Y/N."

Martha spoke worriedly, "She's been gone for a long time now." Yusei responds, "If you want, we can go see if she's okay." Martha said, "Thank you, Yusei."

You heard the automated voice on your runner say, "Disengaging duel disk." You said to yourself, "At least my duel disk isn't damaged." You jumped when you heard someone say, "You're a turbo duellist?" You saw the three boys from before and you breathe out in relief. The black-haired boy said, "I didn't mean to startle you like that. I was just surprised, that's all." The orange-haired boy said, "That's one sweet duel runner." You blush, "I put it together myself." The blonde boy didn't say anything to you, he just watched you as you spoke. The black-haired boy spoke once more, "I'm Yusei by the way. These are my friends Jack and Crow." You give them a small smile, "It's nice to meet you three." The blonde boy (who you assumed was Jack) said, "Why don't we have a duel? I want to see if you deserve to be called a duellist or not." The orange-haired boy asked, "Isn't that a bit harsh to say, Jack?" Jack answers, "This is my decision, Crow. I want to duel her and I'm not backing down on my decision." "Seems like he's serious about this." "No kidding, let's hope my deck has enough power to beat him." "It will with us in it, Y/N." You exhale before answering, "Alright, I'll duel you, Jack."

You both stood opposite to one another. "Don't be nervous, all of us believe in you." "Let's just hope that I can summon it quickly, he'll be surprised by its abilities." "You will, Y/N. You have to be a bit patient about it though." You both said, "Duel!" Jack said, "Since I'm a gentleman, I'll let you have the first move." Here goes. You begin, "I summon Amores of Prophecy in attack mode, next with her special ability I can summon a Level 4 or below Spellcaster from my hand by revealing Spellbook of Secrets, I can summon Magician's Valkyria in attack mode! Also with the effect of Spellbook of Secrets, I can add a Spellbook spell to my hand. Next I place two cards face down to end my turn." Jack remarks, "Alright then! My move!"

Martha said, "What was that sound?" She ran outside to see you duelling Jack. She shakes her head and adds, "Oh Jack."

Jack went on, "Alright then! My move! First I summon Twin-Sword Marauder in attack mode, next I summon Dark Resonator to the field! Now I'm going to bring Dark Tinker to the field and Dark Resonator is going to give my monsters a tune up! I Synchro Summon, the majestic and fiendish, Red Dragon Archfiend! Now go Red Dragon Archfiend, destroy Amores of Prophecy!" You said, "I activate a trap called No Entry! It switches your Red Dragon Archfiend into defense mode!" Jack growls with annoyance as Yusei comments, "That was smart, not only is Jack's monster switched to defense mode, it can't attack any of Y/N's other monsters." Jack said, "Fine, I end my turn with a face down." "Very well played, milady." "Don't praise me yet, this duel is just getting started." "Well be careful, that Red Dragon Archfiend looks vicious." You remark, "Okay, my move! I summon Arcane Apprentice in attack mode." Crow and Yusei both became confused. Yusei said, "Why would she summon a Tuner on her first move?" You continue, "Now I'm going to give her some company by summoning Crystal Seer! Arcane Apprentice, give everyone a major tune up! I Synchro Summon, the Empyrean Rose Dragon!" Empyrean Rose Dragon is a Level 10 Light attribute Dragon-type Synchro Monster with 4000 ATK and DEF points. You said, "Alright Empyrean Rose Dragon, demonstrate one of your special abilities!" A tornado appeared and destroyed Jack's facedown card. Crow's eyes widen, "That's one tough looking dragon." You add, "Not only are your face down cards destroyed, Red Dragon Archfiend's effects are also negated!" Jack exclaimed in shock, "They're what?!?" You continued, "Also with my dragon's other ability, I can special summon a Level 4 or above/below monster from my deck! I summon Dark Magician Girl to the field in attack mode. Also, Red Dragon Archfiend is switched back to Attack position so there's no escaping this assault!" Jack said, "This doesn't look good." You said, "Empyrean Rose Dragon, destroy Red Dragon Archfiend with Psychic Rose Storm! Dark Magician Girl, time to end this with Dark Magic Attack!" "Nice one, Y/N!" Both Yusei's and Crow's jaws drop in shock. "They all look so shocked over what just happened." "I know, I mean it's not like he's never lost a duel before." "I'm pretty sure that he used to be called the Master of Faster or something." "That's a bit extreme." "I know, if he's going to be called something like that, he could at least be called something cooler than that." You giggle silently at Dark Magician Girl's response. Jack looked impressed and you muttered, "I think I went overboard again." Yusei said, "Wow Y/N, you're really good." You turn pink, "I-I wouldn't say that." Crow added to Yusei's reply, "Yeah the way you trapped Jack was so cool." Jack rolled his eyes, "Yes Crow she's amazing, can we move on?" "He doesn't look so happy about that duel." "He's more annoyed that he lost than having a good time." "This is why I don't like it when you duel people like that." "Oh hush, at least I'm not duelling some creepy person or something." "That's true."

Yusei looked around, "Where did Y/N go? She was just here a minute ago." Crow shrugs, "I don't know where she is." Jack was silent, thinking of how you had beat him so easily. Yusei walked towards the house, his friends following behind him.

You stare up at the ceiling again, your mind wandering towards Jack. "You have that look on your face again." "What look?" "The one that says 'I can't help but think of him'. Come on, you're so easy to read." "How can I not think of Jack though? I mean I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me, Dark Magician Girl." "How can you be so sure?" You didn't reply and gave her a "don't ask" look. You heard someone calling your name, "Y/N!" The voice belonged to Blister. You went downstairs to the kitchen where Blister was waiting.

You came into the kitchen and Blister asked, "Do you think you could help me out?" You give him a smile, "Sure, I don't have anything to do anyway." Blister then said, "I heard that you were duelling Jack for some reason." You stop washing the vegetables and sigh, "I don't understand why it's such a big deal, Blister. Jack said that he wanted to duel me, that's all." You add, "I'm pretty sure that he doesn't like me." Blister changed the subject, "How's school going?" You answer, "It's been okay. I mean, nothing major happened and I'm still working on those duel runners back at the turbo duelling area." Blister shakes his head, "You remind me of Yusei. He's always doing things to his duel runner and I wonder how he never gets sick of doing the same thing repeatedly." You shrug, "Maybe he's just used to doing it."

Yusei saw Martha and asked, "Hey Martha, have you seen Y/N?" Martha answers, "I think I saw her in the kitchen with Blister, Yusei." Yusei replies, "Thanks, Martha."

Blister comments, "Your cooking is just as good as Martha's, Y/N." You laugh, "I don't know if it's as good as Martha's but I appreciate the kindness." Blister then said, "Oh hey Yusei." You look up to see Yusei standing with Crow, Jack nowhere to be seen. Yusei said, "Y/N can we talk?" You look at Blister and he responded, "I'll watch it, Y/N." You nod and follow the two boys.

Yusei said, "I don't know what happened but I think Jack just disappeared." You ask, "Why would you say that?" Crow spoke next, "His duel runner is here but he isn't." "Do you feel that?" "Yeah I do and I don't like it." "I hope he's okay." "Y/N? Are you okay?" You jump at the sudden voice, realizing that Yusei was giving you a look of concern. You said, "I'm fine, but I think I know where Jack is."

Crow said, "Remind me why we're doing this again." You reply, "We're doing this so we don't have to worry about anything else that's extremely major."

Jack looked around and said, "Where am I?" He didn't recognize the surrounding that he was in and he began to feel frantic.

"I can sense a human spirit." "I think that we're getting closer." "I think so too, Y/N. Just a little bit further and we'll be there." You said, "Come on, we're almost there." Crow asked, "Are you sure we're going the right way?" You respond while still walking, "I've been here a lot, I walked around here a lot when I was small. Martha always scolded me for leaving without telling her where I was." You saw a glimpse of blond hair and see Jack standing in the middle of the field. You realized that Yusei and Crow had fallen behind as you turned around. You call out, "Jack!" The blond turned around and rolled his eyes. You ask, "Are you okay? You're not—" Jack cut you off, "I'm fine. I don't need you to babysit me, Y/N." You don't look at him, you turned your back and said, "I was worried about you and so were your friends. Don't come to me if you don't like me." You begin to walk away, annoyed with how stubborn Jack was being.

You stared out your bedroom window, ignoring Blister's voice as he called you. "I thought that what he said was a bit mean." "I don't get what his problem is, Dark Magician Girl. Yusei was the one that was worried about Jack himself." "I don't understand him either."  You played with your fingers as you thought of Jack's expression when you found him. Irritated, that's how he felt. You shake your head and sigh to yourself. Maybe Jack Atlas doesn't like me at all.

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