Chapter 8

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You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.


Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words 'for ever.' But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you love because you know they don't like doing it.

-Marian Keyes

You were reeling from what happened with Jack yesterday. You couldn't wipe the small smile off of your face. You were happy that Jack felt the same way as you did. Although, you were afraid. Afraid that someone else would come and sweep him away from you.

You were back at the orphanage, helping Blister out as usual when you both heard something loud outside. You went outside and said, "Jack? What are you doing?" Jack remarks, "I'm here to pick you up, my love." You ask, "Wait, to go where?" Jack answered, "On a date." You blushed at the fact that he was saying it so nonchalantly. "Come on come on!" You giggle, "Would you at least let me change, Jack?" It was his turn to blush, "R-Right." He got off of Phoenix Whirlwind came inside.

Blister became confused when he saw Jack. He said, "I thought that you'd be with Yusei and Crow." Jack remarks, "I'm not always with them you know." Blister replied, "You love her, don't you Jack?" He began to blush, "I-I, fine I do! I love her more than I love Martha!"

You were about to come downstairs when you heard Jack and Blister talking. "You love her, don't you Jack?" You heard Jack's reply, "I-I, fine I do! I love her more than I love Martha!" "That's a big declaration." "Jeez, Amores. Don't scare me like that." "Sorry Y/N, I'm a sucker for cute things." "Well no duh. Your name means love in Italian." "Right, forgot about that." You felt your cheeks turn coral at his confession. You hear the environment quickly become silent as you had come downstairs. You ask them, "Do I look weird?" Blister cleared his throat and Jack glared, "Get that thought out of your head, mate! She's mine and I'm not letting you have her!" "He's so possessive sometimes." "Sometimes? Try all the time." "You don't seem to mind though." "Amores!" "Sorry, not helping am I?" "Not exactly, Amores." "Right." Jack finally spoke, "You look absolutely beautiful, Y/N." He takes your hand, "Shall we?" Blister smiled and said, "Later Y/N." You smile back and Jack drags you outside.

You ask, "Wasn't that a bit much, Jack?" Jack remarks, "I didn't like the way he was looking at you." You roll your eyes, "That's because I never dress up, genius." Jack adds, "You do look stunning, love. I think that anyone would think the exact same thing too." He kisses your hand as he helped you climb on to the back of his duel runner. Jack declares, "Hold on, we're going to go faster than we've ever gone before!" You felt the runner speed up, causing you to squeal in surprise. Jack looked like he was enjoying himself, though. "He looks so happy." "Do you mind, Amores? I'm trying to have a moment with Jack. Just go please." "Fine."

You didn't know where you both were right now. You ask, "Where are we, Jack?" Jack replied, "Just wait, love. We'll be there soon, just wait. It will be worth it." He parks his runner and takes your hand.

He covered your eyes and you ask, "Is this necessary, Jack?" He answers, "Yes this is necessary. What I'm about to show you is our special place, and no one else will know about it except for the two of us." You feel Jack's hands disappear from your eyes and you were surprised. "Jack." You were amazed at the sight. "How did you find this place? It's so beautiful." Jack answered, "I found this place one day after Crow got himself lost after doing chores for Martha after coming home." You giggle, "Sounds like Crow alright." You gasp quietly when you feel your body being held by Jack's broad arms. "Don't run away from me." Jack noticed that you were quiet and asked, "What's wrong, Y/N?" You became silent and you felt a flood of tears fall down your face. "Hey, what's wrong?" You sniff and feel Jack's hand on your cheek. "You were right, I-I shouldn't have duelled him. I was—" "Mmph." Jack cut you off with a kiss and answered, "I overreacted, Y/N. It's not your fault, you were threatened by someone who hated you." He kissed you gently, as his lips slowly moved to your forehead. He gives you a small smile and admits, "I didn't think that I would fall in love with you." I thought the same thing. Your heart was still filled with guilt though. How could you go against your friends' wishes?

You love Jack but you knew that you had to do something about this new obstacle in your way.

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